
Impact Factor:Online

Wayumba Gordon*.

*Department of Land Administration and Information

The Pastoralist’s Parcel: Towards Better Land Tenure Recognition and Climate

Change Response in Kenya’s Dry Lands. (2013).
Journal of Environment for Sustainability. pp, 1 – 11
See more at: http://www.fig.net/resources/proceedings/fig_proceedings/fig2013/papers/ts03d/



Impact Factor: 1.823

Musungu Patrick Chamula, Lalah Joseph O*, J Ondiko Isaac O and Ongeri David MK.

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

The Impact of Nitrogenous and Phosphorous Nutrients from Selected Point

Sources in Kisumu City on River Kisat and Nyalenda Wigwa Stream before

Their Discharge into Winam Gulf, Lake Victoria. (2013).
Journal of Environmental Earth Sciences. Vol. 71 pp, 5121 – 5127
See more at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12665-013-2915-9


Impact Factor: 1.325

Ogur E.O.* and Mburu J.K.

*Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering

Failure Analysis of a Bar Soap Extrusion Machine. (2013).
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications. Vol. 3, pp 624 – 629
See more at: http://www.ijera.com/papers/Vol3_issue6/DC36624629.pdf


Impact Factor: 5.51

Waiganjo Naomi*1, Ochanda Horace and Yole Dorcas*2.

*1Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

*2Department of Applied and Technical Biology 

Phytochemical Analysis of The Selected Five Plant Extracts. (2013).
IORS Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research. Vol. 3 pp, 12 – 17
See more at: http://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/CMR/article/view/7036/7186


Impact Factor:Online

S Njoroge, AWT Muigai, PN Njiruh* and S Kariuki.

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Molecular Characterization and Antimicrobial Resistance Patterns of

Escherichia coli Isolates from Goats Slaughtered in Parts of Kenya. (2013).
Journal of East African Medical. Vol. 90 pp, 72 – 83
See more at: http://www.ajol.info/index.php/eamj/article/viewFile/103233/93447


Impact Factor:Online

Susan S Imbahale*, Aduogo OP, Abonyo OK, Richard Mukabana and Githure J. I.

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Conflict Between The Need for Income and The Necessity of Controlling

Endemic Malaria. (2013).
Journal of Ecosystem & Echography. Vol. 3 pp, 1 – 5
See more at: http://www.omicsonline.org/conflict-between-the-need-for-



Impact Factor:Online

Thiago Rodrigues de Castroa, Vitalis Wafula Wekesa*, Rafael de Andrade Morald,

Clarice Garcia Borges Demétriod, Italo Delalibera Jr. and Ingeborg Klingen.

*The Technical University of Kenya

The Effects of Photoperiod and Light Intensity on The Sporulation of Brazilian

and Norwegian Isolates of Neozygites Floridana. (2013).
IORS Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. Vol.114 pp, 230 – 233
See more at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24007762?report=abstract


Impact Factor: 1.445

G K Nyambati*, ZO Lagat, RO Maranga, M Samuel and H Ozwara.

*Department of Biomedical Sciences & Technology

In vitro Anti-plasmodial Activity of Rubia Cordifolia, Harrizonia Abyssinica,

Leucas Calostachys Olive and Sanchus Schweinfurthii Medicinal Plants. (2013).
IORS Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. Vol. 3 pp, 057 – 062
See more at: 



Impact Factor: 1.890

Ogur E.O* and Ogola W.O*.

*Department of Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering

The Role of Computer Technology in Mechanical Engineering Education

in Kenyan Universities. (2013).
International Journal of Engineering and Science. Vol. 2 pp, 077 – 081
See more at: http://www.theijes.com/papers/v2-i11/Part.2/K021102077081.pdf


Impact Factor: 1.890

Ogur E.O.* and Mbatia S.

*Department of Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering

Conversion of Kitchen Waste into Biogas. (2013).
International Journal of Engineering and Science. Vol. 2 pp, 077 – 081
See more at: http://www.theijes.com/papers/v2-i11/Part.2/J021102070076.pdf


Impact Factor:Online

Kenneth Odhiambo, Claris Kasamba Kavulani and Peter Maina Matu*.

*Department of Language & Communication Studies

Court Interpreters View of Language Use in Subordinate Courts in

Nyanza Province, Kenya. (2013).
Theory and Practice in Language Studies. Vol. 3: pp, 910 – 918
See more at: http://www.academypublication.com/issues/past/tpls/vol03/06/06.pdf


Impact Factor: 1.607

Claris Kasamba, Kenneth Odhiambo and Peter M. Matu*.

*Department of Language & Communication Studies

Language Use in Adverts as a Tool of Construction of Perception on

Alcohol Use among Secondary School Students in Eldoret Municipality. (2013).
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. Vol. 3 pp, 130 – 138
See more at: http://www.ijhssnet.com/journals/Vol_3_No_14_Special_Issue_July_2013/16.pdf


Impact Factor: 1.607

Kenneth Odhiambo, Eunice Nthenya Musyoka and Peter M. Matu*.

*Department of Language & Communication Studies

The Impact of Consecutive Interpreting on Church Sermons: A Study of

English to Kamba Interpretation in Machakos Town, Kenya.(2013).
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. Vol. 3 pp, 189 – 204
See more at: http://hrmars.com/hrmars_papers/The_Impact_of_Consecutive_Interpreting_



 Impact Factor:Online

Paul Mwangi Maringa and Maina Maringa*.

*Department of Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering

Quality of TVET in Rwanda in Relation to Age, Ownership, Location and Specialization Factors of Access and Equal Opportunity In Ecole Technique Officials (ETOs) and Agroveternaires (EAVEs). (2013).
Global Journal of Engineering Education.Vol. 15 pp, 118 – 125
See more at: http://www.wiete.com.au/journals/GJEE/Publish/vol15no2/07-Maringa-M.pdf


Impact Factor:Online

Atieno A. Ndede–Amadi*.

*Department of Management Science & Technology

Information Systems Education in Kenya: Students’ Specialization Choice Trends (A Case Study of Kenya Polytechnic University College). (2013).
International Journal of Education and Development Using Information and Communication Technology.Vol. 9 pp, 137- 161
See more at: http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1071338.pdf


                                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: 0.74.

Nyagowa Hesbon O*, Ocholla Dennis N. and Mutula Stephen M.

*Department of Management Science and Technology

Service Quality, User Satisfaction and Net-Benefits’ Effect on e-School Success: The Case of NEPAD’s e-School Pilot in Kenya.(2013)
Education for Information, Vol. 30, pp. 93-115. (2013)
See more at: http://content.iospress.com/articles/education-for-information/efi00934


Impact Factor:1.823

Wanyonyi WC, Onyari JM, Shiundu PM* and Mulaa FJ.

*Department of Chemical Sciences and Technology

Enzymatic Decolonization of Malachite Green Dye by a Newly Isolated Bacillus

Cereus Strain wwcp1. (2014).
IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT).

Vol. 8 pp, 58 – 64
See more at: http://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jestft/papers/vol8-issue12/Version-3/K081235864.pdf


Impact Factor:Online

Nyariki James Nyabuga, Thuita John Kibuthu, Nyambati Grace Kemunto*1 and 

Isaac Alfred Orina*2.

*1 Department of Biomedical Sciences & Technology

*2 Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Coenzyme Q10 Prevented Full Blown Splenomegaly and Decreased Melarsoprol-

Induced Reactive Encephalopathy in Mice Infected with Trypanosome Bruce Rhodesians(2014).
Journal of Coastal Life Medicine Vol. 2 pp, 230 – 238
See more at: http://www.jclmm.com/qk/20143/11.pdf


Impact Factor: 0.42

Adero Awuor Ochieng, Baki Paul*, Kotze Peter and Mito Collins.

*Department of Physics and Space Sciences

Features of the Night-Time F-Region Currents Over Equatorial Africa (2014).
International Journal of Fundamental Physical Sciences (IJFPS)IJFPS. Vol. 4 pp, 101 – 104
See more at: http://dx.doi.org/10.14331/ijfps.2014.33007


Impact Factor: 0.80

Omwoma Solomon, Owuor Philip O, Ongeri David MK, Umani Moses, Lalah Joseph O* 

and Schramm Karl-Werner.

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

Declining Commercial Fish Catches in Lake Victoria’s Winam Gulf: The Importance

of Restructuring Kenya’s Aquaculture Programme. (2014).
Journal of Lakes & Reservoirs: Research & Management. Vol. 19 pp, 206 – 210
See more at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com12068t=1&purchase_referrer=onlinelibrary.



Impact Factor: 1.765

Omwoma Solomon, Lalah Joseph O*, Ongeri David MK and Schramm Karl-Werner.

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

The Impact of Agronomic Inputs on Selected Physicochemical Features and

Their Relationships with Heavy Metals Levels in Surface Sediment and Water in

Sugarcane Farms in Nzoia, Kenya. (2014).
Journal of Environmental Earth Sciences. Vol. 71 pp, 4297 – 4308
See more at: http://agris.fao.org/agris-search/search.do?recordID=US201400105638


Impact Factor: 1.519

Waiganjo Naomi*1, Yole Dorcas*2 and Ochanda Horace.

*1 Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

*2 Department of Applied and Technology Biology

Anti-Schistosomal Activity of Five Plant Extracts on Swiss White Mice Infected

with Schistosoma Mansoni. (2014).
IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences. Vol. 9 pp, 49 – 53
See more at: http://iosrjournals.org/iosr-jpbs/papers/Vol9-issue1/Version-6/J09164953.pdf


Impact Factor: 3.798

Patrick W. Okanya*, Kathrin I. Mohr, Klaus Gerth, Wolfgang Kessle, Rolf Jansen,

Marc Stadler and Rolf Müller.

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Hyafurones, Hyapyrrolines, and Hyapyrones: Polyketides from Hyalangium minutum. (2014).
IORS Journal of Natural Products. Vol. 77 pp, 1420 – 1429
See more at: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/np500145f


Impact Factor:Online

Khalid Rashida, Francis N. WachiraJames N. Nyarikia and Alfred O. Isaac*.

*Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Technology

Kenyan Purple Tea Anthocyanins and Coenzyme-Q10 Ameliorate Post Treatment

Reactive Encephalopathy Associated with Cerebral Human African Trypanosomiasis

in Murine Model. (2014).
Journal of Parasitology International. Vol. 63 pp, 417-26
See more at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24440762/


Impact Factor: 1.486

Waiganjo Naomi*1, Yole Dorcas*2 and Ochanda Horace.

*1 Department of Biochemistry & Biotechnology 

*2 Department of Applied & Technical Biology 

Immunological Responses of Mice After Treatment with Ocimum Americanum

Hexane and Bridelia Micrantha Water Plant Extracts. (2014).
IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. Vol. 13 pp, 09 – 12
See more at: http://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jdms/papers/Vol13-issue3/



Impact Factor: 2.228

Omondi George, Ndinya Boniface and Baki Paul*.

*Department of Physics and Space Sciences

A Study of the Equatorial Ionosphere over Nairobi during Selected Magnetically

Disturbed and Quiet Times for the Year 2009 Using Co-Located Instruments(2014).
International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science (IJARPS). Vol. 1 pp, 18 – 26
See more at: https://www.arcjournals.org/pdfs/ijarps/v1-i6/3.pdf


Impact Factor: 2.486

Khalid Rashid, Francis N. WachiraJames N. Nyarikia and Alfred O. Isaac*.

*Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Technology

Kenyan Purple Tea Anthocyanins Ability to Cross the Blood Brain Barrier and

Reinforce Brain Antioxidant Capacity in Mice. (2014).
Journal of African Crop Science. Vol. 22 pp, 819 – 828
See more at: http://www.bioline.org.br/pdf?cs14035


Impact Factor:Online

E. Ogur*1 and BN Mbatia*2.

*1 Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering

*2 Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Performance Evaluation of Waste Vegetable Cooking Oil as Biodiesel. (2014).
International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology. Vol. 3 pp, 1 – 4
See more at: http://www.ijrdet.com/files/Volume3Issue3/IJRDET_0914_01.pdf


Impact Factor:Online

Ogonda Lydia Awuor, Muge Edward Kirwa, Mulaa Francis Jackim and Mbatia Betty Nyambura*.

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Proximate Composition of Rastrineobola Argentea (Dagaa) of Lake Victoria – Kenya. (2014).
African Journal of Biochemistry Research. Vol. 8, pp 1 – 6
See more at: http://www.academicjournals.org/journal/AJBR/article-full-text-pdf/9F4148542736


Impact Factor: 2.42

Mbatia Betty*, Ogonda Lydia Awuor, Muge Edward Kirwa and Mulaa Francis Jackim.

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Antioxidative and Functional Properties of Rastrineobola Argentea (Dagaa) Fish Protein 

Hydrolysate. (2014).
Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences.Vol. 2. pp, 180 – 189
See more at: http://www.resjournals.org/JAFS/PDF/2014/Jun/Betty_et_al.pdf


Impact Factor: 5.51

Joseph M. Moilo, Joseph M. Keriko, Dorcas S. Yole* and Gerald M. Mkoji.

*Department of Applied and Technology Biology

Determination of Anti-schistosomal Finger Profiles of Chenopodium Ambrosoide 

Crude Extracts in BALB/c Mice Using Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC). (2014).
Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research. Vol. 6 pp, 48 – 51
See more at: http://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/CMR/article/viewFile/13455/13778


Impact Factor:Online

Joseph M. Moilo, Dorcas S. Yole*, Joseph M. Keriko and Gerald M. Mkoji. 

*Department of Applied and Technology Biology

Anti-Schistosomal Activity of Chenopodium Ambrosoides Extracts in Adult

Worms In Vivo and in Vitro(2014).
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare. Vol. 4 pp, 75 – 80
See more at: www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JBAH/article/download/13979/14052


Impact Factor:Online

Joyce Oloo Asuke*, Marion Mutugi and Yeri Kombe.

*Department of Public Policy & Education

Utilization, Perception and Sources of Knowledge on VCT Services among

Youth in Public Diploma Colleges in Nairobi, Kenya. (2014).
International Journal of Environmental and Health Sciences.Vol. 1: pp, 1 – 7
See more at: http://writersbureau.net/journals/ijehs/utilization-perception-and-sources-



Impact Factor: 1.78

Maina Maringa*.

*Department of Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering

Proposed Interventions for the Technical Industrial and Vocational Enterprise Training

(TIVET) Sector in Kenya. (2014).
Journal of Technical Education and Training.Vol. 6 pp, 089 – 120
See more at: http://penerbit.uthm.edu.my/ojs/index.php/JTET/article/download/888/585


Impact Factor: 4.383

Wesley Nyaigoti Omwoyo, Bernhards Ogutu, Florence Oloo*, Hulda Swai, Lonji Kalombo,

Paula Melariri, Geoffrey Maroa Mahanga and Jeremiah Waweru Gathirwa. 

*Department of Chemical Sciences & Technology

Preparation, characterization, and optimization of primaquine-loaded solid lipid

nanoparticles. (2014).
International Journal of Nanomedicine. Vol. 9 pp, 3865-3874
See more: https://www.dovepress.com/preparation-characterization-and-optimization-of-



                                                                                                                           Impact Factor: 0.70

Hesbon A. Nyagowa*, Dennis N. Ocholla and Stephen M. Mutula.

*Department of Management Science and Technology

The Influence of Infrastructure, Training, Content and Communication n the Success

of NEPAD’S Pilot E-Schools In Kenya.(2014)
Information Development Vol. 30(3):pp 235-246.(2014)
See more at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/270528103_The_influence_of_infrastructure_



Impact Factor: 3.854

Solomon Omwoma, Joseph O. Lalah*, Munir Virani, Karl-Werner Schramm and Bernhard Henkelmann.

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

Dioxin-like PCBs and PCDD/Fs in surface sediments near the shore of Winam Gulf, Lake Victoria.(2015).
Chemosphere. Vol .118pp,143–147. (2015).
See more at:  http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0045653514009254


Impact Factor: 4.5

Janet Kajuju Malla*, Judith Waudo and Ciriaka T Kithinji (Late).

*Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics

Obesity and Factors that Contribute to Obesity among Pre- Adolescents Attending Day Private Primary Schools in Nairobi, Kenya. (2015).
Food Science and Quality Management. Vol. 39 pp, 9-15. (2015).
See more at: http://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/FSQM/article/view/22257


Impact Factor:  Online

Fred Gochi Gichora and Tom Kwanya*.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

The Impact Of Web 2.0 Tools on Academic Libraries in Kenya. (2015).
International Journal of Library and Information Science. Vol. 7(2): pp 21 – 26. (2015).
See more at: http://www.academicjournals.org/journal/IJLIS/article-abstract/443C0A650952


Impact Factor:  3.843

Ondulo J.D, G.O. Wayumba* and F.W.O. Aduol*.

*Department Surveying Science and Technology

Accuracy Assessment of Preliminary Index Diagrams (PIDS) From High Resolution Orthoimages In Kenya. (2015).
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Studies (IJSRES). Vol.2 pp 38-44 (2015).
See more at: http://ww1.ijsres.com/


Impact Factor:   1.002

B.G. Mukabane, G Thiongo, B.B. Gathitu*, H. Murage and W. O. Owino.

* Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering

Bioethanol Production from Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Rio Sweet Sorghum Bagasse Grown in Kenya. (2015).
International Journal of Science and Technology. Vol. 3, pp 174-180.(2015).
See more at: http://www.theijst.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/28.-ST1412-035-updated.pdf


Impact Factor: 0.69

John K. Tarus, David Gichoya and Alex Muumbo*. 

*Department of Mechanical Engineering

Challenges of Implementing E-Learning in Kenya: A Case of Kenyan Public Universities. (2015).
The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning Vol.2 (16) 1:pp 120-131.(2015)
See more at: http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/1816/3196


Impact Factor: 2.912

John B. Unsworth, Jeanette M. Van Emon, Annemieke Farenhorst, Denis J. Hamilton, Cody J. Howard, Robert Hunter, Jeffrey J. Jenkins, Gijs A. Kleter, Rai S. Kookana, Joseph O. Lalah*,  Michael Leggett, Karina S. B. Miglioranza, Hisashi Miyagawa, Natalia Peranginangin,  Baruch Rubin, Bipul Saha and Najam A. Shakil.

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

Developing Global Leaders for Research, Regulation, and Stewardship of Crop Protection Chemistry in the 21st Century. (2015).
J Agric Food Chem. [Epub ahead of print] (2015).
See more at: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/jf5060744


Impact Factor: 2.324

Mwatelah RS, Lwembe RM, Osman S, Ogutu BR, Aman R, Kitawi RC, Wangai LN, Oloo FA*, Kokwaro GO and Ochieng W.

*Department of Chemical Sciences and Technology

Co-Infection Burden of Hepatitis C Virus and Human Immunodeficiency Virus among Injecting Heroin Users at the Kenyan Coast. (2015).
PLoS One. ; 10(7):e0132287. doi: 10. Vol .137 pp 1-13 (2015).
See more at:  http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article/file?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0132287&type=printable


Impact Factor: 2.36

Imbahale SS* and Mukabana WR.

*Department of  Applied and Technical Biology

Efficacy of Neem Chippings for Mosquito Larval Control Under Field Conditions. (2015).
BMC Ecol.15:8. doi: 10.1186/s12898-015-0041-0.pp 1-8 (2015).
See more athttps://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/cde9/583f5d033836453fd167460d52fefdd5d7d4.pdf?_ga=1.49639205.2066189471.1484834302


Impact Factor: 0.760

Dora N.A. Orony, Joseph O. Lalah* and Isaac O. Jondiko.

*Department of Chemical Sciences and Technology

Determination of Carcinogenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), Aflatoxins, and Nitrosamines in Processed Fish from the Winam Gulf Area of Kenya and Estimated Potential Exposure in Human. (2015).
Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds. Vol. 36 pp 1-23 (2015).
See more at:  http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/10406638.2014.980433


Impact Factor: 4.566

Ochieng W, Kitawi RC, Nzomo TJ, Mwatelah RS, Kimulwo MJ, Ochieng DJ, Kinyua J, Lagat N, Onyango KO, Lwembe RM, Mwamburi M, Ogutu BR, Oloo FA* and Aman R.

*Department of Chemical Sciences and Technology

Implementation and Operational Research: Correlates of Adherence and Treatment Failure Among Kenyan Patients on Long-term Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy.(2015).
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. Vol.69 pp 49-56. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000000580.(2015).
See more at: http://journals.lww.com/jaids/pages/articleviewer.aspx?year=2015&issue=06010&article=00019&type=abstract


Impact Factor:Online

Sagwa E.V*, PK Obonyo and Ogutu M.

*Department of Business Administration

Moderating effect of competitive strategy on the relationship between employee outcomes and performance of firms listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange. (2015).
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) Vol.22 No. 1 pp 211-224 (2015).
See more at:http://gssrr.org/index.php?journal=JournalOfBasicAndApplied


Impact Factor:Online

Sagwa E.V*, Obonyo PK and Ogutu M.

*Department of Business Administration

Mediation Effect of Employee Outcomes in the Relationship between Human Resource Management Practices and Performance of Firms Listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange. (2015).
Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences (JETEMS) Vol. 6(4): pp, 237‑244 (2015).
See more at: http://jetems.scholarlinkresearch.com/articles/Mediation%20Effect%20of%20



Impact Factor:Online

Victor O. Owino*, Jutta Skau, Selina Omollo, Silvenus Konyole, John Kinyuru,  Benson Estambale, Bethwel Owuor, Roos Nanna and Henrik Friis.

*Department of Nutrition and Dietetics

Winfood Data from Kenya and Cambodia: Constraints on Field Procedures. (2015).
Food and Nutrition Bulletin, Vol. 36, pp 41-46 (2015).
See more at:http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/15648265150361S107


Impact Factor:Online

E Okonjo*, D Yole*, E Korir, E Nguu, B Anyango and D Ogoyi.

*Department Of Applied and Technical Biology

Detection of Proteins Induced In the Haemolymph of Biomphalaria Pfeifferi Infected with Schistosoma Mansoni. (2015).
Journal of Applied Biosciences Vol. 88 pp 8211– 8222 (2015).
See more at: http://www.ajol.info/index.php/jab/article/view/117646/


Impact Factor:Online

Okonjo Edward*, Achieng George, Adundo Jack, Ojowi Daniel and Bayo John.

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Evaluation of the Beneficial Nematode Phasmarhabditis Hermaphrodita in the Control of Biomphalaria Pfeifferi.(2015).
African Journal of Health Sciences, Vol. 28(1): pp 168-170 (2015).
See more at: http://www.ajhsjournal.or.ke/?p=2837


Impact Factor:Online

Enock Amudavi and Headmound Okari*.

*Department of Business Administration

The Role of Critical Thinking in Management and Decision Making. (2015).
Prime Journal of Business Administration and Management Vol. 5 pp 1897-1903 (2015).
See more at:  http://primejournal.org/BAM/pdf/2015/aug/Amudavi%20and%20Okari.pdf


Impact Factor: 0.654

Victor Nyarangi Keraro and Headmound Okari*.

*Department of Business Administration

Good Governance and the Enhancement of Effective Service Delivery for Accelerated Economic Development of Counties in Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Social Sciences and Humanities Research. (2015).
International Journal of Innovative Social Sciences & Humanities Research Vol. 3: pp 18-32 (2015).
See more at:  http://seahipaj.org/journals-ci/sept-2015/IJISSHR/full/IJISSHR-S-3-2015.pdf


Impact Factor: 0.458

Emily Achieng’ Akuno*.

*Department of Music And Performing Arts

The Singing Teacher’s Role in Educating Children’s Abilities, Sensibilities and Sensitivities. (2015).
British Journal of Music Education Vol.32 pp. 299-313 (2015).
See more at:  https://doi.org/10.1017/S0265051715000364


Impact Factor: 3.7

Kennedy Muna Kuria, Dorcas Syokui Yole* and Mbaruk Abdalla Suleiman.

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Brine Shrimp Lethality Test of Soluble Proteins from Biomphalaria pfeifferi Snail as Preliminary for Vaccine Development for Schistosoma mansoni. (2015).
American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, Vol.11 (2), pp. 104-107 (2015).
See more at:  http://iasir.net/AIJRSTEMpapers/AIJRSTEM15-530.pdf


Impact Factor:Online

Clifford Maina Mutero, Charles Mbogo, Joseph Mwangangi, Susan Imbahale*, Lydia Kibe, Benedict Orindi, Melaku Girma, Annah Njui, Wilber Lwande, Hippolyte Affognon, Charity Gichuki and Wolfgang Richard Mukabana.

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

An Assessment of Participatory Integrated Vector Management for Malaria Control in Kenya (2015).
Environmental Health Perspectives. Vol. 123 pp1145-1151 (2015).
Read more at: https://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/wp-content/uploads/123/11/ehp.1408748.alt.pdf


Impact Factor: 5.313

Esther Kathure Mwiti*.

*Department of Entrepreneurship and Management Technology

Firm-resources as Entrepreneurial Determinant and Performance of Manufacturing Small and Medium (SMES) Foreign Firms Investing in Kenya. (2015).
International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences Vol.4 pp 1-14 (2015).
see more at: http://www.garph.co.uk/IJARMSS/June2015/1.pdf


Impact Factor:Online

Odoch Pido*.

*Department of Design and Creative Media

Jaber: Reflections on a Luo Aesthetic Expression. (2015).
Thought and Practice: A Journal of the Philosophical Association of Kenya (PAK), New Series,

Vol.7, pp, 103-122. (2015).
See more at: http://www.ajol.info/index.php/tp/article/view/141668/131405


Impact Factor: 3.95

Mutero CM, Mbogo C, Mwangangi J, Imbahale S*, Kibe L*, Orindi B, Girma M, Njui A, Lwande W,

Affognon H, Gichuki C and Mukabana WR.

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

An Assessment of Participatory Integrated Vector Management for Malaria Control in Kenya. (2015).
Environ Health Perspect.Vol.123 (11) pp, 1145-1151. (2015).
See more at: https://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/wp-content/uploads/123/11/ehp.1408748.alt.pdf


Impact Factor: 1.256

Ivan Mwase, Antonina Mutoro, Victor Owino*, Ada L. Garcia and Charlotte M. Wright.

*Department of Nutrition and Dietetics

Poor Infant Feeding Practices and High Prevalence of Malnutrition in Urban Slum Child Care

Centres in Nairobi: A Pilot Study. (2015).
Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, Vol.62 pp, 46–54. (2015).
See more at: https://academic.oup.com/tropej/article/62/1/46/2363023/Poor-Infant-Feeding-Practices-



Impact Factor: 0.59

Ngure P. K, Kasili S, Anjili C.O, Karanja R.M, Kaburi J, Mwangi M, GKinuthia G, Kiarie M, Nzau A*,

Kepha S, Maniania N.K, Ndegwa P.N, Irungu L and Ngumbi M.P

*Department of Nutrition and Dietetics

Effects of Metarhizium Anisopliae on Sand Fly Populations in their Natural Habitats in Kenya. (2015).
African Journal Health Science. Vol.28 (5) pp, 398-407. (2015).
See more at: http://www.ajhsjournal.or.ke/?p=3313


Impact Factor: 0.76

Francis Omondi Oloo, Luke Olangand Josef Strobl.

*Department of Biosytems and Environmental Engineering

Spatial Modelling of Solar Energy Potential in Kenya (2015)
International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol.6 pp, 17-30. (2015).
See more at: https://journals.aau.dk/index.php/sepm/article/view/1042/0


Impact Factor:Online

Sichangi Kasili, Peter K Ngure, Christopher O Anjili, Robert M Karanja, Josyline Kaburi, Milka Muthoni,

Geoffrey Kinuthia, Martha Kiarie, Anastasia Nzau*, Stella Kepha, Nguya K Maniania, Lucy W Irungu

and Philip M Ngumbi.

*Department of Technical and Applied Biology

Effects of Metarhizium Anisopliae on Sand Fly Populations in their Natural Habitats In Marigat

Sub-County, Baringo County, Kenya.(2015).
African Journal Health Science. Vol. 28(5) pp, 398-407. (2015).
See more at: http://www.daystar.ac.ke/downloads/researchpublications/dr%20martha%20kiarie-publications/Effects%20of%20Metarhizium%20anisopliae%20on%20sand%20fly%20populations %20in%20their%20natural%20habitats%20in%20Marigat%20sub.pdf


Impact Factor: 0.675

Kodak Benard, Omondi Oketch* and Peter M Matu*.

*Department of Language and Communication Studies

Innovation in the Language of Coca Cola Television Advertisements. (2015).
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Vol.6 pp, 375-382. (2015).
See more at: http://www.mcser.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/view/7089/6792


Impact Factor: 0.567

Evans Vidija Sagwa*, Peter K’Obonyo* and Martin Ogutu.

*Department of Business Administration and Management

The Effect of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Outcomes:

A Study of Firms Listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange. (2015).
European Journal of Business and Management Vol.7 pp, 89-97. (2015).
See more at: http://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/EJBM/article/view/22485


Impact Factor:Online

Evans Vidija Sagwa*, Peter K’Obonyo* and Martin Ogutu.

*Department of Business Administration and Management

Joint and Individual Effects of Human Resource Management Practices, Organizational

Learning, Employee Outcomes and Competitive Strategy on Performance of Firms

Listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange. (2015).
DBA-Africa Management Review International Conference Vol.1 pp, 156-169. (2015).
See more at:



                                                                                                                      Impact Factor:Online

Evans Vidija Sagwa*Peter K’Obonyo* and Martin Ogutu.

*Department of Business Administration and Management

Human Resource Management Practices and Performance of Firms Listed on the

Nairobi Securities Exchange. (2015).
DBA Africa Management Review, Vol.5 pp, 124-136. (2015).
See more at: https://www.iprjb.org/journals/index.php/JHRL/article/view/88/127


Impact Factor:Online

Rainsford. K. Njoroge*, Dominic. B.O. Konditi and Stephen Musyoki.

*Department of Telecommunication and Information Engineering

The Effects of a Human Hand on a Wireless Mouse Antenna. (2015).
Innovative Systems Design and Engineering Vol.6 pp, 26-34. (2015).
See more at: http://iiste.org/Journals/index.php/ISDE/article/view/20599


Impact Factor:Online

Rainsford. K. Njoroge*, Dominic. B.O.Konditi and Stephen Musyoki.

*Department of Telecommunication and Information Engineering

Efficiency Dynamics Of Wireless Mouse Antenna Influenced By Position Of

User’s Index Finger. (2015).
International Journal on “Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering” (IJTPE),

Vol.7 pp, 16-22. (2015).
See more at: 




Impact Factor: 6.433

Kimeu B Mwonga, Njagi ENM waniki, Yole S Dorcas* and Ngugi M Piero.

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Molluscicidal Effects of Aqueous Extracts of Selected Medicinal Plants from

Makueni County, Kenya. (2015).
Mwonga et al.,Pharm Anal Acta ,pp,6-11.(2015).
See more at: https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/molluscicidal-effects-of-aqueous-



Impact Factor:Online

Mbenge T Ndiku* and Naomi W Mwai*.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Equalizing Utilization of Information Among Rural Schools In Kenya

Through Satellite Technology. (2015).
Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol. 3 pp, 1476 -1484. (2015).
See more at: http://repository.tukenya.ac.ke/bitstream/handle/123456789/1665/Utilization

%20of%20Information%20Among%20 Rural%20Schools%20in%20Kenya%20Through%



Impact Factor:Online

Mbenge T Ndiku* and Naomi W Mwai*.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

The mediating role of Information professionals in Environment scanning for the

Intelligent Corporate Financial competitive edge in Kenya. (2015).
Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol. 3 pp, 1287-129. (2015).
See more at: http://repository.tukenya.ac.ke/bitstream/handle/123456789/1664/The%20Mediating%20

Role%20of%20Information%20Professionals%20in% 20%20Environment%20Scanning%20for%20the%20Intelligent%20Corporate%20Financial



Impact Factor:Online

Mbenge T Ndiku*.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

An Investigation of Information Needs of School Children in Kibera Informal 

Settlements in Nairobi County, Kenya. (2015).
Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol. 3 pp, 1429-1436. (2015).
See more at: http://repository.tukenya.ac.ke/bitstream/handle/123456789/1663/An%20

Investigation%20of%20%20Information%2 0Needs%20of%20School%20Children%




Impact Factor: 3.07

Micheni, Elyjoy Muthoni*.

*Department of Management Science and Technology

Diffusion of Big Data and Analytics in Developing Countries. (2015).
The International Journal Of Engineering and Science.Vol.4 pp, 44-50. (2015).
See more at: http://repository.tukenya.ac.ke/bitstream/handle/123456789/1448/

H048044050%2 0Big%20Data%20Paper%20IJES.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y


                                                                                                                               Impact Factor:Online

Micheni, Elyjoy Muthoni*.

*Department of Management Science and Technology

Using the Technology Organization Environment Framework for Adoption and

Implementation of Cloud Computing in Institutions of Higher Learning in Kenya. (2015).
The International Journal of Engineering and Science (IJES).Vol.4pp, 37-43. (2015).
See more at: http://theijes.com/papers/v4-i9/H049037043.pdf


Impact Factor: 1.540.

Ruth K Kimaiga, Bonface O Kihima* and Anthony W Pepela.

*Department of Tourism and Travel

The Role of Homestay Operators’ Knowledge and Skills in Enhancing their Busines. (2015).
Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality  Vol. 4 .(2015)
See more at: http://www.scitechnol.com/the-role-of-homestay-operators-knowledge-



Impact Factor: 0.42.

 Joan J. Kiptarus*Alex M. Muumbo*, Augustine B. Makokha and Stephen K. Kimutai.

*Department of Mechanical Engineering

Characterization of Selected Mineral Ores in the Eastern Zone of Kenya: Case Study

of Mwingi North Constituency in Kitui County. (2015).
International Journal of Mining Engineering and Mineral Processing Vol. 4(1)pp 8-17 (2015).
See more at: http://article.sapub.org/10.5923.j.mining.20150401.02.html


                                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: 1.54.

Olwendo Ouko Joseph, Yosuke Yamazak, Pierre Cilliers, Paul Baki*, Chigomezyo M

Ngwira and Collins Mito.

*Department of Physics

A Study on the Response of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly Over the East Africa

Sector During the Geomagnetic Storm of November 13, 2012.(2015).
Advances in Space Research Vol. 55, pp. 2863–2872.(2015).
See more at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Chigomezyo_Ngwira/publication/

273705460_A_study_on_the_response_of_the_Equatorial_ Ionization_Anomaly_over_the_East_Africa_sector_during_the_geomagnetic_storm_of_



Impact Factor: 1.54.

Olwendo Ouko Joseph, Yosuke Yamazak, Pierre Cilliers, Paul Baki*, Chigomezyo M Ngwira and Collins Mito.

*Department of Physics

Climatology of GPS Amplitude Scintillations Over Equatorial Africa During the Minimum and Ascending Phases of Solar Cycle 24. (2015).
Advances in Space Research Vol. 359, pp.1-9 (2015).
See more at:



Impact Factor: 1.02.

P Otieno, P Okinda Owuor, J O Lalah*, G P fister and K-W Schramm.

*Department of Chemical Science And Technology

Monitoring The Occurrence And Distribution Of Selected Organophosphates And Carbamate Pesticide Residues In The Ecosystem of Lake Naivasha, Kenya. (2015).
Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry Vol.97 pp51-61(2015)
See more at: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02772248.2014.942309


Impact Factor: 0.968

Michael O Atambo, N W Makau, G O Amolo* and Ryo Maezono.

*Department of Physics and Space Science

QMC and phonon study of super-hard cubic boron carbon nitride.(2015)
Materials Research Express, Vol.2, pp 10. (2015)
See more at: http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/2053-1591/2/10/105902/pdf


Impact Factor: 4.99.

Benjamin M Kraemer, Orlane Anneville, Sudeep Chandra, Margaret Dix, Esko Kuusisto, David M Livingstone, Alon Rimmer, S Geoffrey Schladow, Eugene Silow, Lewis M Sitoki*, Rashid Tamatamah, Yvonne Vadeboncoeur and Peter B McIntyre.

*Department of Earth, Environmental Science and Technology

Morphometry and average temperature affect lake stratification responses to climate change.(2015)
Geophysical Research Letters Vol. 42 (12) pp 4981–4988. (2015).
See more at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2015GL064097/full


Impact Factor: 0.54.

Athanasio S Mbonde, Lewis Sitoki* and Rainer Kurmayer.

*Department of Earth, Environmental Science and Technology

Phytoplankton composition and microcystin concentrations in open and closed bays of Lake Victoria, Tanzania. (2015).
Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management Vol 18(2):pp 212–220.(2015).
See more at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5221727/pdf/emss-70959.pdf


Impact Factor:Online

Tabitha W. Waithaka*.

*Department of Marketing and Management

A survey of student satisfaction levels with educational services offered by Kenya polytechnic. (2015).
Prime Journal of Business Administration and Management.Vol. 5 (3) pp. 1807-1814. (2015).
See more at: https://www.primejournal.org/BAM/pdf/2015/mar/Waithaka%20.pdf


Impact Factor: 0.617

Bonface Odiara Kihima*.

*Department of Tourism and Travel

Limits and Paradoxes in the Development of Ecotourim in Kenya:

Implications on the Sustainability of the Natural Environment. (2016).
Tourism Recreation Research Vol. 41 pp, 80-88. (2016).
See more at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02508281.2016.1122305


Impact Factor: 0.38

Headmound Okari*, Benoit Katula and Philip Nyanumba.

*Department of Business Administration

Contemporary Strategic Approaches towards Sustainable Competitiveness

in the Kenya Banking Industry. (2016).
International Journal of Innovative Finance and Economics Research Vol. 4(1): pp, 19-24. (2016)
See more at: http://seahipaj.org/journals-ci/mar-2016/IJIFER/full/IJIFER-M-3-2016.pdf


Impact Factor: 3.157

George Okwadha* and P.W. Nyingi.

*Department of Civil & Construction Engineering

Effectiveness of Rice Husk Ash in Stabilizing Kenyan Red Coffee Soil for Road

Subgrades Construction. (2016).
International journal of Environmental Science and Technology Vol. 13 pp, 2731–2734. (2016).
See more at:http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13762-016-1092-2


Impact Factor:Online

George Okwadha* and Ngengi KJ*.

*Department of Civil & Construction Engineering

Partial Replacement of River Sand With Volcanic Pyroclastic as Fine

Aggregates in Concrete Production. (2016).
OSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) Vol. 13 pp, 41-45. (2016).
See more at:http://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jmce/papers/vol13-issue5/



Impact Factor:Online

George Okwadha*.

*Department of Civil & Construction Engineering

Partial replacement of cement by plant solid waste ash in concrete

Production. (2016).
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)

Vol.13 pp, 35-40. (2016).
See more at: http://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jmce/papers/vol13-issue5/



Impact Factor: 0.43

Ambayo Jackson Alunga* and Ismail Ateya Lukandu.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

A Conceptual Data Mining Model (DMM) Used in Selective Dissemination

of Information (SDI): A Case Study of Strathmore University Library. (2016).
Regional Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, Vol.1 pp 12-21. (2016).
See more at: https://www.rjikm.org/index.php/archives/17-vol-1-no-2-2016


Impact Factor: 0.83

Oando S.O, Ogola W.O.and Parsitau D.S.

*Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering

The Relationship between Family Income Levels on Sexual Violence

against Children and the Implication on Education Attainment. (2016).
Africa Journal of Technical &Vocational Education & Training, Vol.1 pp 206-216. (2016).
See more at: http://afritvet.org/index.php/Afritvet/article/view/28/pdf


Impact Factor: 0.83

Evans Vidija Sagwa*.

*Department of Business Administration

Role of Industry in Employee Training and Education for Performance

Improvement in Kenya –Prospects and Priorities. (2016).
Africa Journal of Technical & Vocational Education & Training, Vol.1 pp, 149-155. (2016).
See more at: http://afritvet.org/index.php/Afritvet/article/view/21/pdf


Impact Factor:Online

Julius N. Nguku*1 Elizabeth W. Mwaniki*1 and Fiona Mbai*2.

*1 Department of Community and Public Health
*2 Department of Biomedical Sciences and Technology

Impact of an Integrated HIV/STI Prevention Project in Reducing Behavioral

Risks for Out-of-school, 15-24-year-old girls in Mukuru Slums, Nairobi. (2016).
Interlink Continental Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences (ICJMMS)

Vol. 2(3): pp, 10-16. (2016).
See more at: http://transconpublishers.org/icjmms/10/2016/2/3/impact-of-an-




Impact Factor: 1.463

O.J. Olwendo, P. Baki*, P.J. Cilliers, P. Doherty and S. Radicella.

*Department of Physics and Space Science

Low Latitude Ionospheric Scintillation and Zonal Plasma Irregularity Drifts Climatology

Around the Equatorial Anomaly Crest Over Kenya Original Research Article. (2016).
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Vol.138–139 pp, 9-22. (2016).
See more at: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016JASTP.138….9O


Impact Factor: 1.527

Daniel Ochieng Orwenjo* and Cellyne A. Anudo.

*Department of Language and Communication Studies

A Cognitive Linguistic Approach to Dholuo Sexual Euphemisms and Dysphemisms. (2016).
Cognitive Linguistic Studies Vol. 3 (2): pp, 316–346. (2016.)
See more at: https://benjamins.com/#catalog/journals/cogls.3.2.07och/details


Impact Factor: 1.74

Teresia Ngonjo, Collins Okoyo, Julius Andove, Elses Simiyu, Agola Eric Lelo*

Ephantus Kabiru, Jimmy Kihara and Charles Mwandawiro.

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Current Status of Soil-Transmitted Helminths among School Children in

Kakamega County, Western Kenya.(2016).
Journal of Parasitology Research Vol. 2016 pp. 1-9 .(2016)
See more at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/7680124


Impact Factor: 3.318

Paul Omonge, Mathew Herrnegger, Josef Fürst and Luke Olang*.

*Department of Biosystems and Environmental Engineering

Modeling the Impact of Development and Management Options on Future

Water Resource Use in the Nyangores Sub-Catchment of the Mara Basin In Kenya. (2016).
Geophysical Research Vol. 18, EGU2016-7360, (2016).
See more at: http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2016/EGU2016-7360.pdf


Impact Factor:Online

Atieno A. Ndede-Amadi*.

*Department of Management Science and Technology

Student Interest in the IS Specialization as Predictor of the Success Potential of

New Information Systems Programmes within the Schools of Business in Kenyan

Public Universities. (2016).
International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change (IJISSC)

Vol. 7(2) pp, 1- 17. (2016).
See more at: http://www.igiglobal.com/viewtitlesample.aspx?id=148639&ptid=

131752&t=student+interest+in+the+is+specialization +as+predictor+of+the+success+




Impact Factor:Online

Martha W. Kiarie, Anastasia M Nzau*, Philip M. Ngumbi, Abraham Waithima,

Michael K. Bowen, Rosemary M. Nzunza, Johnston M. Ingonga and Peter K. Ngure.

*Department of Technical and Applied Biology

A Descriptive Survey on Knowledge, Attitude, Practices and Beliefs (KAPBs) on

Kala-azar among the Residents of Marigat Sub-County, Baringo County. (2016).
International Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health Vol. 6 pp.1-5. (2016).
See more at: http://www.scopemed.org/fulltextpdf.php?mno=209302


Impact Factor: 1.43

Raymond Kemei and Julius Nyerere*.

*Department of Management Science and Technology

Occupational Accident Patterns and Prevention Measures in Construction Sites

in Nairobi County Kenya .(2016).
American Journal of Civil Engineering Vol.4 pp, 254-263. (2016).
See more at: http://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/pdf/10.11648.j.ajce.20160405.17.pdf


Impact Factor 5.53

Edison Omollo Oduor*1, Lucy Ciera*1, Vijay Adolkar*2 and Odoch Pido*3.

*1 Department of Fashion and Textile Technology

*2 Department of Applied and Technical Biology

*3 Department of Design and Creative Media

Eri silkworm rearing practices in Kenya. (2016).
Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Vol. 4(5) pp, 197-201.(2016).
See more at: 



Impact Factor:Online

Judith J.E.J. Ogal, N. B. Okelo, Roy Kiogora and Thomas Onyango*.

*Department of Industrial and Engineering Mathematics

Construction and Qualitative Analysis of Mathematical Model for Biological

Control on Cereal Aphid Population Dynamics. (2016).
International Journal of Modern Science and Technology, Vol.1 (5), pp, 150-158. (2016).
See more at: http://www.ijmst.co/vol.-1.-issue-5—aug-2016—paper-1.html


Impact Factor6.21

W. Nyaigoti Omwoyo, Paula Melariri, Bernhards Ogutu, Florence Oloo*

Lonji Kalombo, Geoffrey Maroa Mahanga and Hulda Swai.

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

The Development, Characterization and Anti-Malaria Efficacy of

Dihydroartemisinin Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles. (2016).
Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine; 2015 DOI: JN201461ORI
See more at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26724538


Impact Factor:Online

Martha W Kiarie, Anastasia M Nzau*, Philip M Ngumbi, Abraham Waithima,

Michael K Bowen, Rosemary M Nzunza, Johnstone M Ingonga and Peter K Ngure.

*Department of Technical and Applied Biology

A Descriptive Survey on Knowledge, Attitude, Practices and Beliefs (KAPBs) on

Kala-azar among the Residents of Marigat Sub-County, Baringo County. (2016).
International Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Vol. 6(2) pp, 1-5. (2016).
See more at: http://www.scopemed.org/fulltextpdf.php?mno=209302


Impact Factor:Online

Tom Kwanya* and Joseph Kiplang’at.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Indigenous Knowledge Research in Kenya: A Bibliometric Analysis. (2016).
The ACM Digital Library (2016)
See more at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/296059001_Indigenous_



Impact Factor:Online

Naomi W. Mwai*.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Towards the Attainment of User Centred Quality Services at the

Libraries of The University of Nairobi. (2016).
Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Vol.4 pp.87-93. (2016).
See more at: http://repository.tukenya.ac.ke/bitstream/handle/123456789/1487/



Impact Factor: 0.519

Micheni Elyjoy Muthoni*, Muchiri Michael Njoki and Wabwoba Franklin.

*Department of Management Science and Technology

ICT Definition Implication on ICT Career Choice and Exclusion Among Women. (2016).
I.J. Information Technology and Computer Science, Vol.5. pp, 62-71. (2016).
See more at: http://www.mecs-press.org/ijitcs/ijitcs-v8-n5/IJITCS-V8-N5-7.pdf


Impact Factor:Online

Asiru Hameed Tunde and Daniel Ochieng Orwenjo*.

*Department of Language and Communication studies

On The Threshold of Democratic Fragility: A Macrospeech Act Explication of

Media Representation of the Nigerian 2011 Post-Presidential Election News Reports. (2016).
Political Discourse in Emergent, Fragile, and Failed Democracies pp, 21. (2016).
See more at: http://www.igi-global.com/viewtitlesample.aspx?id=150140&ptid=

142126&t=on+the+threshold+of+democratic+fragility%3a+a +macrospeech+act+



Impact Factor: 3.7

Awuor E. Quin* and Anudo N. Cellyne.

*Department of Language and Communication

Metaphors Used To Portray Masculinity And Feminity In Dholuo Benga Music:

A Cognitive Linguistic Approach. (2016).
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol.2, pp .1051-1060 .(2016)
See more at: http://www.onlinejournal.in/IJIRV2I9/164.pdf


Impact Factor: 3.7

Awuor E. Quin* and Anudo N. Cellyne.

*Department of Language and Communication

Misogynistic Discourse: A Case Study of Fish Trade in Homabay County. (2016).
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol.2, pp .435 – 444 (2016)
See more at: http://www.onlinejournal.in/IJIRV2I9/064.pdf


Impact Factor: 3.7

Awuor, E. Quinand Nyamasyo Eunice.

*Department of Language and Communication

Cross Linguistic Effects of the Passive Construction: A Case Study of Dholuo

and English Language. (2016).
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol.2, pp .581- 590. (2016)
See more at: http://www.onlinejournal.in/IJIRV2I11/104.pdf


Impact Factor: 3.7

Awuor, E. Quin*.

*Department of Language and Communication

The English Passive Construction Acquisition Processes: A Case Study Of

Dholuo Speaking Pupils. (2016).
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol.2, pp .18- 27. (2016)
See more at: http://www.ijsk.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/3-Languages-and-Communication.pdf


Impact Factor: 8.444

Yanjie Liu, A.M.O Oduor*, Zhen Zhang, Anthony Manea, M. Ifeanna Tooth, R.

Michelle Leishman, Xingliang Xu and Mark van Kleunen.

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Do invasive alien plants benefit more from global environmental change than native plant.(2016)
Journal of Global Change Biology. (2016)

See more at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/310902903_Do_invasive_alien_plants_



Impact Factor: 6.18

Ayub MO Oduor*, Roosa Leimu and Mark Kleunen.

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Invasive plant species are locally adapted just as frequently and at least as strongly

as native plant species. (2016).
Journal of Ecology Vol 104.pp. 957-968 (2016)
See more at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1365-2745.12578/full


Impact Factor: 0.69

Luchivya R.O, Matu P.M* and Juma A.S.

*Department of Language and Communication

Level of Communicative Competence of Class Seven Learners with Hearing

Impairment in English Composition Writing in Nyanza Province, Kenya. (2016).

International Journal of Arts and Entrepreneurship. Vol 5 (5).pp. 1-12.(2016).
See more at: http://www.ijsse.org/index.php?view=article&id=749%3Aogada-



Impact Factor:Online

Anudo N. Cellyne and Awuor E. Quin*.

*Department of Language and Communication

The Portrayal of Masculinity in Dholuo Ohangla Music.(2016)

Journal of Language, Technology & Entrepreneurship in Africa.Vol.7
See more at: http://www.ajol.info/index.php/jolte/article/view/149953


Impact Factor: 0.34

Janet Obiero*.

*Department of Human and Social Development

The Relationship between Achievement Motivation and Mathematic Performance

amongst Female Learners and Mathematic Performance in Selected Urban Girls’

Secondary Schools in Kenya. (2016).
Abstract of Business Strategy and Social Sciences Vol.6 (2016).
See more at: http://www.pakinsight.com/pdf-files/pro/soc/23/ICBSSS6-2016-5.pdf


Impact Factor:Online

Tom Kwanya*.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Information Seeking Behaviour in Digital Library Context. (2016)
Information Seeking Behavior and Challenges in Digital Libraries pp1-25.(2016)
See more at: http://www.igiglobal.com/viewtitlesample.aspx?id=159590&ptid=145469&t=information+seeking+behaviour+in+digital+library+contexts


                                                                                                                                Impact Factor:Online

Tom Kwanya*.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Knowledge Marketplaces: Enhancing Knowledge Creation and Diffusion

Amongst National Civil Society Organisations in Developing Countries. (2016).
ACM Digital Library 2016
See more at: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=2925995.2926017


Impact Factor:Online

Naomi Mwai*Joseph Kiplang’at* and David Gichoya.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Outsourcing Information Communication Technology Services In Selected Public

University Libraries In Kenya. (2016).
Inkanyiso: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, pp.44-56 (2016).
See more at: http://www.ajol.info/index.php/ijhss/article/viewFile/140002/129718


Impact Factor:Online

Tom Osebe, James Mbaria, Dorcas Yole*, David Odongo, Joseph Nderitu and Horace Ochanda.

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Bioactivity and Toxicity of Bridelia Micrantha, Chenopodium Ambrosoides

and Ocimum Americanum Plant Extracts. (2016).
International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, Vol .6 pp.5-11.(2016).
See more at: http://www.ijbcp.com/index.php/ijbcp/article/view/97


 Impact Factor:Online

Nixon Muganda Ochara, Tendani Mawela and Julius Nyerere Odhiambo*.

*Department of Business Administration

Citizen Resistance to E-Government Adoption. (2016).
ECEG2016-Proceedings of 16th European Conference on e-Government ECEG pp. 122 (2016)
See more at: https://books.google.co.ke/books?hl=en&lr=&id=9jWeDAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=




 Impact Factor:Online

John B Unsworth and Joseph O Lalah*.

*Department of Chemical Science And Technology

Ecological Risk Assessment Workshop.(2016)
Chemistry International Vol. 38. pp 32-32 (2016).
See more at: https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/ci.2016.38.issue-5/ci-2016-0523/ci-2016-0523.xml


Impact Factor: 8.444

Benjamin M Kraemer, Orlane Anneville, Sudeep Chandra, Margaret Dix, Esko Kuusisto,

David M Livingstone, Alon Rimmer, S Geoffrey Schladow, Eugene Silow, Lewis M Sitoki*,

Rashid Tamatamah, Yvonne Vadeboncoeur and Peter B McIntyre.

*Department of Earth, Environmental Science and Technology

Global Patterns in Lake Ecosystem Responses to Warming Based on the

Temperature Dependence of Metabolism. (2016).
Global Change Biology Vol.1 pp 1-10. (2016).
See more at: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/541825b4e4b0128725f88650/t/57



Impact Factor: 3.54

Chrispine Nyamweya, Christopher Desjardins, Sven Sigurdsson, Tumi Tomasson, Anthony Taabu-Munyaho, Lewis Sitokiand Gunnar Stefansson.

*Department of Earth, Environmental Science and Technology

Simulation of Lake Victoria circulation patterns using the Regional Ocean modeling system (ROMS). (2016).
PLoS One. Vol. 11(3): pp e0151272.(2016)
See more at: http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0151272


                                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Benter A.Obare*, Dorcas Yole*, James Nonoh and Wilber Lwande.

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Evaluation of Cercaricidal and Miracicidal Activity of Selected Plant Extracts Against Larval Stages of Schistosoma Mansoni . (2016)
Journal of Natural Sciences Research Vol.6 (22) pp 24-31. (2016)
See more at: http://iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JNSR/article/view/34332


Impact Factor: Online

Jacob Koech*Edison Omollo*, Fredrick Nzioka and Josphat Mwasiagi.

*Department of Fashion and Textile Technology

Thermal Analysis of Polyamide-66/POSS Nanocomposite Fiber.
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research

(IJETR) Vol.7 (4) pp 35-40 (2017).
See more at: 



 Impact Factor: 4.59

Janet Kajuju Malla*, Judith Waudo and Ciriaka T. Kithinji (Late).

*Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics

Dietary Patterns and Obesity among Pre- Adolescents in Nairobi, Kenya.
IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science Vol.6 (2) pp 70-78 (2017).
See more at: 



                                                                                                                               Impact Factor: 1.98

Nicholas Nkamwesiga, Dominic B.O. Konditi* and Heywood A. Ouma.

*Department of Telecommunication and Information Engineering

Mobility Prediction Optimization of Mobile Hosts in Smart Antennas Systems

using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System.
Journal of Sustainable Research in Engineering Vol. 3 (3) 63-73 (2017).
See more at: http://sri.jkuat.ac.ke/ojs/index.php/sri/article/view/511


                                                                                                                           Impact Factor: 1.98

Eva Kwizera, Elijah Mwangi and Dominic B.O. Konditi*.

*Department of Telecommunication and Information Engineering

Performance Evaluation of Direction of Arrival Estimation using Uniform and

Non-uniform Linear Arrays.
Journal of Sustainable Research in Engineering Vol. 3 (2) 29-36 (2017)
See more at: http://sri.jkuat.ac.ke/ojs/index.php/sri/article/view/494


                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: Online

Solomon Omwoma, Silah C. Lagat, Joseph O. Lalah*, Philip O. Owuor and Karl-Werner Schramm.

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

Recent Advances on Mercury Speciation in Aquatic Ecosystems, Health Effects and Analytical
British Journal of Applied Science & Technology Vol.19 (1) pp 1-37 (2017).
See more at: http://www.journalrepository.org/media/journals/BJAST_5/2017/



                                                                                                                              Impact Factor: Online

Omwoha Joyce*.

*Department of Journalism and Media Studies

Formation of Citizenship Through Radio Talk Participation in Kenya.
Journal of African Media Studies, Vol. 9(14) pp181-194 (2017).
See more at: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/intellect/jams/2017/



                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: 8.444

Benjamin M. Kraemer, Sudeep Chandra, Anthonyi Dell, Margaret Dix, Esko

Kuusisto, David M. Livingstone, S.Geoffrey Schladow, Eugene Silow, Lewis M. Sitoki*

Rashid Tamatamah and Peter B. Mcintyre.

*Department of Environmental Science

Global Patterns in Lake Ecosystem Responses to Warming Based on the

Temperature Dependence of Metabolism.
Global Change Biology, Vol. 23 (5) pp1881-1890 (2017).
See more at:https://static1.squarespace.com/static/541825b4e4b0128725f88650/t/



                                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

S. Zawaira, N Hastings, Nyakoe. George and M. Muriithi Christopher*.

*Department of Electrical and Power Engineering

Development of a Fault Location and Identification System for Underground

Transmission Cables Based on Wavelet-ANFIS Method.
Journal of Sustainable Research In Engineering, Vol.3(3)pp 74-81 (2017).
See more at:http://sri.jkuat.ac.ke/ojs/index.php/sri/article/view/512


                                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Madjissembaye Nanghoguina, M. Muriithi Christopher* and Wekesa C.W.

*Department of Electrical and Power Engineering

Load Flow Analysis for Radial Distribution Networks Using Backward/

Forward Sweep Method.
Journal of Sustainable Research In Engineering, Vol 3 (3) pp. 82-87 (2017).
See more at: http://sri.jkuat.ac.ke/ojs/index.php/sri/article/view/513


                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

George Okwadha* and Ahmed A. A.

*Department of Civil and Construction Engineering

Determination of Effectiveness of Traditional Drinking Water Treatment Methods.
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Applications

(IJA-ERA) Vol. 2(10) pp 592-604 (2017).
See more at:



                                                                                                                                Impact Factor: 4.07

Awuor Elizabeth Quin* and Anudo N. Cellyne.

*Department of Language and Communication Studies

Benga Meets Ohangla: An Analysis of Animal Metaphors Used In Selected Dholuo Political Songs.
International Journal of Science Arts and Commerce Vol. 1(12) pp 13-33 (2017).
See more at:http://www.ijsac.net/sites/default/files/2017-03/1.12.02_0.pdf


                                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: 0.875

Ayub M.O. Oduor*, Mark van Kleunen and Marc Stift.

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

In The Presence of Specialist Root and Shoot Herbivory, Invasive-Range

Brassica Nigra Populations Have Stronger Competitive Effects Than Native-Range Populations.
Journal of Ecology (2017).
See more at:http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1365-2745.12779/abstract


                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: 3.234

Jackson M Muema, Joel L Bargul, Sospeter N Njeru, Joab O Onyango and Susan S Imbahale*.

*Department of  Applied and Technical Biology

Prospects for Malaria Control Through Manipulation of Mosquito Larval Habitats And Olfactory-Mediated Behavioural Responses Using Plant-Derived Compounds.
Parasites & Vectors Vol.10 (1) pp184 -194 (2017).
See more at: https://parasitesandvectors.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s13071-017-2122-8?site=parasitesandvectors.biomedcentral.com


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Elyjoy Muthoni Micheni*.

*Department of Management Science and Technology

Adoption of Code Restructuring to Enhance Full Cycle End-to-End Integrated

Financial Management Information System in the Public Sector in Kenya.
American Journal of Networks and Communications Vol. 5(6) pp139-145 (2017).
See more at:http://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/html/10.11648.j.ajnc.20160506.13.html


                                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Omuya Odhiambo Erick and Julius Murumba*.

*Department of Management Science and Technology

Review of Software Engineering in the Context of Embedded and Cyber Physical Systems.
American Journal of Operations Management and Information Systems Vol. 2(2) pp 72-75 (2017).
See more at:http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=104&doi=10.11648/j.ajomis.20170202.11


                                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: 1.178

Raphael M. Kieti* and O.A. K’Akumu.

*Department of Real Estate and Property Management

Critical Factors Affecting Affordability of Mortgage Housing In Kenya
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment Vol.1 pp 1–21 (2017).
See more at:https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10901-017-9547-4


                                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: 2.344

Julius Murumba* and Elyjoy Micheni*.

*Department of Management Science and Technology

Grid Computing For Collaborative Research Systems In Kenyan Universities.
The International Journal of Engineering and Science (IJES)Vol.6 (4) pp 24-31 (2017)
See more at:http://www.theijes.com/papers/vol6-issue4/Version-2/D0604022431.pdf


                                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: 1.746

Nyamongo Onkoba, Valeria Bosire* and Victor Mwangi.

*Department of Biomedical Sciences and Technology

Malaria Laboratory Diagnostic Capacity in Kisii County Level 5 Hospital, Kenya.
Journal of Infectious Diseases & Epidemiology Vol.8 (1) pp 8-11 (2017)
See more at:http://scientificsynergy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/JIDE-2017-102-RW.pdf


                                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Omondi George Erick, Baki Paul* and Ndinya Boniface.

*Department of Physics and Space Science

Quiet Time Correlation Between Geomagnetic Field Variations and the

Dynamics of the East African Equatorial Ionosphere.
International Journal of Astrophysics and Space Science Vol.5 (1) pp 6-18 (2017).
See more at: http://sciencepg.org/journal/paperinfo?journalid=302&doi=10.



                                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: 1.438

Shadrack Oiye, Walter Mwanda, Mary Mugambi*, Suzanne Filteau and Victor Owino.

*Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics

Exclusive Breastfeeding Is More Common Among HIV-Infected Than HIV-Uninfected Kenyan Mothers at 6 Weeks and 6 Months Postpartum.
Breastfeeding Medicine Vol.12 (10) pp 283 – 289 (2017).
See more at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/28467097/


                                                                                                                              Impact Factor: Online

Jeremiah O. Masime*1, Eric Ogur*2, Betty Mbatia, Austin O. Aluoch*1 and Geoffrey Otieno*1.

1*Department of Chemical Sciences and Technology  

2*Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering

Optimization and Thermodynamics of the Extraction of Yellow Oleander Seed Oil Using Soxhlet Extractor.
Journal of Scientific Achievements Vol. 2(1) pp 43 –50 (2017).
See more at: http://jsciachv.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/3-J.-Sci.-Achv.-Jan-2017.pdf


                                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: 0.635

Geoffrey K.K, Ngure N.V, Kamau L, Bet Di, Lugali Ra, Wangila A, Ngari W.F*, Mburu W.F and Kiarie W.M.

*Department of  Applied and Technical Biology

Survey of Urban Mosquitoes Species (Diptera: Culicidae) with Focus on Waste Water Channels as Larval Habitats in Nairobi Industrial Area, Kenya.
African Journal of Health Science Vol.30 (2) pp 120-138 (2017).
See more at: http://www.ajhsjournal.or.ke/?p=3643


                                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: 8. 557

Mwangi J Mukundi, Njagi EN Mwaniki, Ngugi M Piero, Njagi J Murugi, Juma K Kelvin, Abdirahman A Yusuf, Mwonjoria K John, Ngetich K Alex*, Agyirifo S Daniel, Gathumbi K Peter and Muchugi N Alice.

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Potential Anti-diabetic Effects and Safety of Aqueous Extracts of Urticadioica Collected from Narok County, Kenya.(2017)
Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta. Vol.8(5) pp 1-8 (2017).
See more at: https://www.omicsonline.org/peer-reviewed/potential-antidiabetic-effects-and-safety-of-aqueous-extracts-of-urtica-dioicarncollected-from-narok-county-kenya-89864.html


                                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: 0.296

Stephen Karanja, Johana Sigey, Francis Gatheri* and Eustace Kirima.

*Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Turbulent Natural Convection in an Enclosure at Varying Rayleigh Number
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research – IJSBAR Vol. 34(2) pp 78-110 (2017).
See more at:


                                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: 3.2

David M. Kahando*, Tirus Muya Maina and Charity Mweru Maina.

*Department of Business Administration and Management Studies

An Appraisal of Financial Management Practices on the Growth of Micro Enterprise in Kenya
Journal of Business and Economic Development Vol. 2(1)pp 63-70 (2017).
See more at: http://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/pdf/10.11648.j.jbed.20170201.18.pdf


                                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: 4.2

Robert Wayumba*, Patricia Mwangi and Patrick Chege.

*Department of Surveying Science and Technology

Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Improving Land Registration in Kenya
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science (IJRES) Vol. 5 pp 5-11 (2017).
See more at: http://www.ijres.org/papers/Volume%205/Vol5-Iss5/Version-2/B5520511.pdf


                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

T. Gerrits, F. Van Rooij, T. Esho*, W. Ndegwa, J. Goossens, A. Bilajbegovic, A. Jansen, B. Kioko, L. Koppen, S. K. Migiro, S. Mwenda and H. Bos.

*Department of Community and Public Health

Infertility in the Global South: Raising Awareness and Generating Insights For Policy And Practice.
Facts, Views &Vision Issues In Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Health Vol.9 pp 39 -44 (2017).
See more at: http://www.fvvo.be/assets/658/06-Gerrits.pdf


                                                                                                                               Impact Factor: 2.327

Hacene Lazri, Erick Ogam,  Boudour Amar, ZEA Fellah, Andrew O Oduor and Paul Baki*.

*Department of Physics and Space Science

Identification of the Mechanical Moduli of Flexible Thermoplastic Thin Films Using Reflected Ultrasonic Waves: Inverse Problem.
Ultrasonics Vol. 81 pp 10–22 (2017).
See more at:



                                                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Ben Obiero* and Damian Maingi.

*Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics

On the Minimal Resolution Conjecture for the Ideal of General Points in P4.
Pure Mathematical Sciences Vol. 6 pp 67–85 (2017).
See more at: 



                                                                                                                               Impact Factor: 2.682

Julius N. Nguku*1Fiona N. Mbai*2 and Elizabeth W. Mwaniki*1.

*1 Department of Community and Public Health
*2 Department of Biomedical Sciences and Technology

Predictors of Factors Sustaining HIV/STI Protection Behaviours among Adolescent Girls And Young Women In Mukuru Slums, Nairobi. A Retrospective Cohort Study.
Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research 22(9) pp 1-12 (2017)
See more at: http://www.journalrepository.org/media/journals/JAMMR_64/2017/Jul/Nguku2292017JAMMR34552.pdf


                                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online

Elyjoy Muthoni Micheni*.

*Department of Management Science and Technology

Analysis of the Critical Success Factors of Integrated Financial Management Information Systems in Selected Kenyan Counties.
American Journal of Education and Information Technologies Vol.1 (4) pp 56-63 (2017).
See more at: http://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/pdf/10.11648.j.ajeit.20170104.12.pdf


                                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: 7.15

Vitalis Omondi Othuon* and Millicent Akinyi Oyugi.

*Department of Economics and Resource Management

Smallholder Accelerated Market Access for Inclusive Growth, Food Security and Poverty Reduction in Kenya; Institutional and Macroeconomic Perspective: Lessons fromNetherlands.
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Vol.8 (14) 204-225 (2017).
See more at: http://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JEDS/article/viewFile/37995/39085


                                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: 4.90

Florence A. Opondo, Were L.L. Munyendo, Patrick M. Shem* and Raphael O. Nyayieka.

*Department of Chemical Sciences and Technology

Different Approaches for Quantification of the Bioactive Metastable

Thiosulfinates in Garlic Using a Validated High Performance Liquid Chromatography Method.
International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review Vol.18 (2)1-9 (2017).
See more at: http://www.journalrepository.org/media/journals/IJBCRR_3/2017/Jul/



                                                                                                                              Impact Factor: 2.17

Gilbert O.Ouma, Amadou M. Dieye, Laban O. Ogallo and Luke O. Olang*.

*Department of Biosystems and Environmental Engineering

Institutional Challenges in Scaling-Up Climate Change Adaptation Actions:

Experiences From Rural Communities in Senegal and Kenya.
Climate and Development Vol. 9 (7) pp 1-10 (2017).
See more at: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17565529.2017.1372261


                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: 4.216

Julius Murumba and Elyjoy Micheni*.

*Department of Management Science and Technology

Big Data Analytics in Higher Education.
The International Journal of Engineering and Science (IJES) Vol.6 (6) pp 14-21 (2017).
See more at:



                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: 2.506

Julius Murumba* and Erick Odhiambo Omuya.

*Department of Management Science and Technology.

Societal Implications of IT in Religion for Developing Countries
Science Journal of Education Vol.5 (4) pp 144-149 (2017).
See more at: 



                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: 4.123

Cecil N.M. Ouma, Sobhit Singh, Kingsley O. Obodo, George O. Amolo* and Aldo H. Romero.

*Department of Physics and Space Science

Controlling The Magnetic and Optical Responses of A Mos2 Monolayer

By Lanthanide Substitution Doping: A First-Principles Study.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Vol.19 pp 25555—25563 (2017).
See more at: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2017/cp/c7cp03160b#!divAbstract


                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: 2.625

Denis Magero, Mark E. Casida, George Amolo*, Nicholas Makau and Lusweti Kituyi.

*Department of Physics and Space Science

Partial Density of States Ligand Field Theory (PDOS-LFT):

Recovering A LFT-Like Picture and Application to Photo Properties of

Ruthenium (II) Polypyridine Complexes.
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry Vol.348 pp 305–325 (2017).
See more at: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1707.03665.pdf


                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: 4.621

Naomi Kuria and Rhoydah Nyambane*.

*Department of Journalism and Media studies

An Examination of How political Factors Have Influenced the Effective Participation of Men in  HIV/AIDS Prevention Campaigns in Kenya: A Case Study of Selected Government Ministries in Nairobi Kenya.
IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Vol.22 (7) pp 59-70 (2017).
See more at: http://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jhss/papers/Vol.%2022%20



                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Lynda A. Allan*1, Dorcas S. Yole*2 and Fiona N. Mbai*1.

1*Department of Biomedical Laboratory Sciences and Technology
2*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Immunological Responses to Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine and

Intestinal Nematodes Infestation in Children.
International Journal of Tropical Disease & Health Vol. 26 (4) pp 1-12 (2017).
See more at: http://www.journalrepository.org/media/journals/IJTDH_19/2017/



                                                                                                                              Impact Factor: Online

Fredrick M. Musila*, Joseph M. Nguta, Catherine W. Lukhoba and Saifuddin F. Dossaji.

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Antibacterial and antifungal activities of 10 Kenyan Plectranthus

species in the Coleusclade
Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol.11(8)pp.1003-1014 (2017)

See more at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Fredrick_Musila /publication/321182613_Antibacterial_and_antifungal_activities_of_10_

Kenyan_Plectranthus_specie s_in_the_Coleus_clade/links/5a13aaf74585




                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: 1.442

Fredrick M. Musila*, Joseph M. Nguta, Catherine W. Lukhoba and Saifuddin F. Dossaji.

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology 

Phylogeny of Ten Kenyan Plectranthus Species in the Coleus Clade Inferred from Leaf Micromorphology, Rbcl and MatK Genes
Journal of Botany Vol. 2017

See more at: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jb/2017/4369029/ 


                                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Adeyinka Tella and Tom Kwanya*.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Social Bookmarking in Digital Libraries: Intellectual Property Rights Implications

Handbook of Research on Managing Intellectual Property in Digital Libraries
See more at: https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/social-bookmarking-in-digital-libraries/188540 


                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online

Florence N. Weng’ua*, Daniel Chebutuk Rotich and Emily J. Kogos.

*Department of Printing and  Media and Technology

The Role of Kenyan Universities In Promoting Research and Scholarly Publishing
South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science Vol 83, No 2 pp 23-29  (2017)
See more at: http://sajlis.journals.ac.za/pub/article/view/1705/1480 


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: 2.209

Tom Ichibha, Kenta Hongo, I. Motochi, N.W. Makau, G.O. Amolo* and Ryo Maezono.

*Department of Physics and Space Science

Adhesion of the electrodes on diamond device surfaces
Diamond and Related Materials Vol. 81 pp. 168-175 (2018).
See more at:  https://export.arxiv.org/pdf/1709.03200 


                                                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

Victor Meng’wa, Nicholas Makau, George Amolo* Sandro Scandolo and Nicola Seriani.

*Department of Physics and Space Science

Ab Initio Simulations of Copper Oxide Nanowires and Clusters on TiO2 (101) Anatase Surface
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C Vol.121 (37) pp. 20359–20365.(2017).
See more at: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b06681 


                                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: 2.940

Pius Nderitu Kihara*.

*Department of Statistics and Actuarial Sciences

Robust Nonparametric and Semiparametric Model Calibration Estimators by Panelyu Function Method.
Mathematical Theory and Modeling Vol.7(8) pp. 2224-5804 (2017)
See more at: http://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/MTM/article/view/38486/39564 


                                                                                                                              Impact Factor: 2.940  

 Pius Nderitu Kihara*.

*Department of Statistics and Actuarial Sciences

Calibration Estimators by Penalty Function Method
Mathematical Theory and Modeling Vol.7(6) pp.22-32 (2017 )
See more at: http://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/MTM/article/view/37686/38771 


                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: Online

Philip Nyanumba, Gladys Rotich, Mouni Gekara, Victor Keraro and Headmound Okari*.

*Department of Business Administration

Influence of Revenue Diversification on Performance of Counties in Kenya
International Journal of Innovative Finance and Economics Research Vol. 5(2) pp. 11-20 (2017)
See more at: http://seahipaj.org/journals-ci/june-2017/IJIFER/full/IJIFER-J-2-2017.pdf 


                                                                                                                                Impact Factor: 3.544

Benoit Katula, Headmound Okari* and Samuel Onjolo.

*Department of  Business Administration

Analysis of Human Resource Development as a Source of Competitive Advantage Among Leading Telecommunication Companies in Kenya
International Journal of Management and Business Studies Vol.7(2) pp.58-62 (2017)
See more at: http://www.ijmbs.com/Vol7/vol7.2/9-dr-headmound-okari.pdf 


                                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: 1.138

Benson A. Ateng*, Kenneth W. Aduda and Florence Nelima*.

*Department of Economics and Resource Management

Foreign Direct Investment Destination In Kenya: Benchmarking The Causal Factors
International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 5(9)pp20-34 (2017.)
See more at: http://www.ijern.com/journal/2017/September-2017/03.pdf 


                                                                                                                                Impact Factor: 1.138

Benson A. Ateng* and Robert Arunga.

*Department of Economics and Resource Management

Constraints to Foreign Direct Investment Inflows to Kenya: Stakeholders’ Perspective
International Journal of Education and Research Vol.5 pp.1-10 (2017).
See more at: http://www.ijern.com/journal/2017/October-2017/01.pdf 


                                                                                                                               Impact Factor: 1.138

Benson A. Ateng* and Florence Nelima*.

*Department of Economics and Resource Management

Economic Performance In East Africa: Perceived Impact On Subjective Wellbeing
International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 5(9)pp.7-18 (2017).
See more at: http://www.ijern.com/journal/2017/September-2017/02.pdf 


                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: 1.138

Esther Were Shisia, Benson A. Ateng* and Florence Nelima*.

*Department of Economics and Resource Management

Resilient Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge System: The Case of Ramogi Hill, Kenya
International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 5(9) pp.35-18 (2017).
See more at: http://www.ijern.com/journal/2017/September-2017/04.pdf 


                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

Tabitha MwangiFlorence Nelima Simiyu* and Albert Onderi.

*Department of Economics and Resource Management

The Effects of Minimum Wages on the Labor Market and Income Distribution in Kenya: A CGE Analysis
Partnership for Economic Policy working paper series Vol.1 pp.1-25 (2017).

See more at: https://poseidon01.ssrn.com/delivery.php


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: 3.914

Naftaly Gisore Mose*.

*Department of Economics and Resource Management

Does Availability of Credit Advance Private Investment?
American Journal of Research Communication Vol. 5(8) pp.26-46 (2017)
See more at: http://www.usa-journals.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Mose_Vol58.pdf 


                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

Vitalis Omondi Othuon* and Millicent Akinyi Oyugi.

*Department of Economics and Resource Management

The Impact of Key Macroeconomic Variables on Agricultural Infrastructure Investment and Output in Kenya (2005 to 2016)
Journal of economics and sustainable development, Vol.8 (22)pp.1-10 (2017)
See more at: http://iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JEDS/article/view/39797 


                                                                                                                             Impact Factor: 3.047

James Jorum Owuor*, Florence Oloo*, Daniel Ouma*, Wesley Nyaigoti Omwoyo

and Jeremiah Waweru Gathirwa.

*Department of Chemical Sciences and Technology

Optimization and Characterization of Primaquine Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles

(SLN) For Liver Schinonticide Targeting By Freeze Drying
MOJ Drug Des Develop Ther.Vol.1(4)pp.104‒112(2017)
See more at: http://medcraveonline.com/MOJDDT/MOJDDT-01-00021.pdf 


                                                                                                                              Impact Factor: 1.505

Peter M. Ndangili*, Milua Masikini, Usisipho Feleni, Samantha Douman, Oluwakemi

Tovide, Avril Williams ,Priscilla Baker and Emmanuel I. Iwuoha.

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

Gallium‐Induced Perturbation of Zinc Selenide Quantum Dots Electronics
Chemistry Select Vol.2(24) pp.7054-7062(2017)
See more at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/slct.201700748 


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: 0.617

Solomon Omwoma, Joseph O. Lalah*, Stephan Kueppers, Yawei Wang, Dieter Lenoire and

Karl-Werner Schramme.

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

Technological Tools for Sustainable Development in Developing Countries:

The Example of Africa, A Review
Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy Vol. 6 pp.67-81(2017)
See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352554117300517#!


                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

Rodrick Kundu, Christopher M. Aura, Chrispine Nyamweya, Simon Agembe, 

Lewis Sitoki*, Henry B.O. Lung’ayia, Collins Ongore, Zachary Ogari and Kenneth Werimo.

*Department of Geosciences and the Environment

Changes in pollution indicators in Lake Victoria, Kenya and their implications

for lake and catchment management
Lake and reservoirs sciences , policy and management for sustainable use Vol.22(3) pp. 199-214 (2017)

See more at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/lre.12187 


                                                                                                                                   Impact Factor: 5.58

Okonjo Edward*1, Yole Dorcas*1 and Ogoyi Dorington*2.

*1 Department of Applied and Technical Biology
*2 Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Prevalence and Intensity of Schistosoma Mansoni Before and after

Chemotherapy in School Aged Children
Journal of Natural Sciences Research Vol.7(22)pp.29-36( 2017)
See more at: http://iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JNSR/article/view/39937/41054 


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Bernard Mutuku Nzimbi, Beth Nyambura Kiratuand Stephen Wanyonyi Luketero.

*Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics

On Some n-Involution and k-Potent Operators on Hilbert Spaces
Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 2(6)pp. 79-88 (2017)
See more at: http://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/pdf/10.11648.j.mcs.20170206.11.pdf


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Edwin Kamalha, Jovan Kiberu Ildephonse Nibikora, Josphat Igadwa Mwasiagi and Edison Omollo*.

*Department of Fashion and Textiles

Clustering and Classification of Cotton Lint Using Principle Component Analysis,

Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering, and K-Means Clustering
Journal of Natural Fibers Vol.15 (3)pp. 425-435 (2017)
See more at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15440478.2017.



                                                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Khasoa Carolyne Wasike*, Erick V.O. Fwaya and Dorcus Mbithe D. Kigaru.

*Department of Hospitality and Institutional Management

The Relationship between Healthy Eating Products on Offer in Restaurants and Customer Needs
International Journal of Scientific Progress and Research (Ijspr) Vol.35 (100)pp. 1-9 (2017)
See more at: http://www.academia.edu/34302885/The_Relationship_Between_Healthy_



                                                                                                                             Impact Factor: 4.427

Khasoa Carolyne Wasike*, Erick V.O. Fwaya* and Dorcus Mbithe D. Kigaru.

*Department of Hospitality and Institutional Management

Factors Influencing Customer Needs For Healthy Eating Products In Selected Restaurants Of Nairobi  City, Kenya
International Journal of Scientific Progress And Research (Ijspr)Vol. 36 (104) pp.75-79 (2017)
See more at: http://www.ijspr.com/citations/v36n2/IJSPR_3602_1932.pdf


                                                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Weru Joshua Ngacha and Fwaya Erick Victor Onyango*.

*Department of Hospitality and Institutional Management

The role of a Customer-Oriented Service Culture in influencing Customer Retention in the  Hotel Industry

African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Vol.6(4) pp1-19(2017)
See more at: https://www.ajhtl.com/uploads/7/1/6/3/7163688/article_36_vol_6__4__2017.pdf


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Naftaly Gisore Mose*.

*Department of Economics and Resource Management

Renewable Energy and Nonrenewable Energy Consumption , Co 2 Emissions and Economic Expansion Nexus : Further Evidence from Kenya
Energy Economics Letters Vol. 4(4)pp.36-48 (2017)
See more at: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/fce0/de554f6d8af 5cd6d13f203b1afb984891176.pdf?_ ga=2.6526513.287382375.1532501428-1878131701.1522059483


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Naom Nyarigoti, Quin E. Awuor* and Eunice Nyamasyo*.

*Department of English and Linguistics

The Role of Culture in Managing the Cancer Crisis in Kenya
International Journal of Innovative Research & DevelopmentVol.6(6) pp.39-44 (2017)
See more at: http://www.ijird.com/index.php/ijird/article/view/116313/80622 


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Anne Adhiambo Obinju, Peter Maina Matu* and Pamela Anyango Oloo.

*Department of Language  and Communication Studies

A Genre Analysis of Linguistic Vocabularies, Word Choices and Dictions in Job Interviews by the Judicial Service Commission Kenya in 2011
International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology  Vol. 4 pp,19-24 (2017)
See more at: http://www.ijsrit.com/uploaded_all_files/2671089371_g3.pdf 


                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Ogutu Tobias Adera, Kochung Edwards, Joash Adoyo, Peter Oracha and Matu Peter Maina*.

*Department of Language  and Communication Studies

Assessment of English Grammar Functioning Level of Class Three Prelingually Deaf Learners in Kenya
Journal of Educational and Social Research Vol.7 (1) pp.49-59 (2017)
See more at: http://www.mcser.org/journal/index.php/jesr/article/view/9726/9364 


                                                                                                                Impact Factor: 1.339

Daniel Ochieng Orwenjo*.

*Department of Language and Communication Studies

“We are the People”: Pronominal Selection and the Construction of Collective Identities in Kenyan Political Discourse
Language, Discourse & Society Vol. 5,2(10),pp.13-39 (2017)
See more at: http://www.language-and-society.org/journal/5-2/1_Orwenjo.pdf 


                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Teresa Atieno Otieno*.

*Department of Language and communication studies.

Incorporating Digital Technology In The Teaching And Learning Of French As A Foreign Language (FFL) In Technical University Of Kenya
Journal of Language, Technology & Entrepreneurship in Africa Vol .8(2) pp.1-15.(2017)
See more at: https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jolte/article/view/162202 


                                                                                                                              Impact Factor: Online

Rachel Kirito Kirima, Richard Makopondo* and Mary Mutungi.

*Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Effect Of External Hotel Design Features On Customer Attraction And Retention
International  Academic Journal of Human Resource and Business Administration Vol.2(3)pp 282-289 (2017)
See more at: http://iajournals.org/articles/iajhrba_v2_i3_282_289.pdf 


                                                                                                                               Impact Factor: 4.164

George W. Karani*, Odoch Pido* and Donna Pido*.

*Department of Design and Creative Arts

Analysis Of Challenges And Practical Strategies For Universal Design Application In The Public Transport System In Nairobi City- Kenya
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review, Vol.1(30) pp. 15- 23(2017)
See more at: http://www.ijmdrr.com/admin/downloads/300820175.pdf 


                                                                                                                Impact Factor: 6.943

Carolyne Kasili Mwendwa and Esther Kanyua Kiruja*.

*Department of Business Administration and Management

Influence of Automated Human Resource Planning System On The Performance Of Oil And Gas Companies In Kenya: A Case Of Nairobi  County
International Journal of Advanced Research in  Management and Social Sciences Vol. 6 (4) pp.200-219 (2017)
See more at: http://www.garph.co.uk/IJARMSS/Apr2017/12.pdf 


                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online

Stephen Ntuara Kiriinya*.

*Department of Business Administration and Management

Influence of Advertising to Children on Family Purchase Decisions of Households in Kenya
Frontiers of Marketing Research Vol.2(1) pp.1-6 (2017)
See more at: http://lawarencepress.com/ojs/index.php/FMR/article/view/461/index.html 


                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

Robert Wayumba* and Samson Ayugi*.

*Department of Surveying Science and Technology

Training on Land Information Management Systems for Sustainable Development in Africa
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science (IJRES) Vol.5 (4) pp. 69-74 (2017)
See more at: http://www.ijres.org/papers/Volume%205/Vol5-Iss4/Version-1/J5416974.pdf 


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Yihan Chen, Kaifeng Yu, Yongqiang Zhou, Longfei Ren, George Kirumba*, Bo Zhang and Yiliang He.

*Department of Civil and Construction Engineering

Characterizing Spatiotemporal Variations Of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter In Headwater Catchment Of A Key Drinking Water Source In China
Environmental Science and Pollution Research Vol. 24 (36) pp 27799–27812 (2017)
See more at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11356-017-0307-5 


                                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Eva Kwizera, Elijah Mwangi and Dominic B.O. Konditi*.

*Department of Telecommunication and Information Engineering

Direction of Arrival Estimation Based on MUSIC Algorithm Using Uniform and Non-Uniform Linear Arrays
Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.com Vol. 7 (3)pp.51-58(2017)
See more at: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/80a9/4b67e6afe9b7440133db2b1fa471f0411775.pdf 


                                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: 4.2

Joseph Nkurunziza, Elijah Mwangi and Dominic B.O. Konditi*.

*Department of Telecommunication and Information Engineering

An Investigation of Direction of Arrival Estimation Scheme for Correlated Signals in Wireless Communication Systems
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research  Vol.12(22)pp. 12332-12341(2017)
See more at: https://www.ripublication.com/ijaer17/ijaerv12n22_80.pdf 


                                                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

Gilbert Magiboi Nalisi, Jeconia Abongo Okello, Johana Kibet Sigey and Mark Erick Mwiti Kimathi*.

*Department of Industrial and Engineering Mathematics

Unsteady MHD Free Convective Flow Past an Inclined Parabolic Accelerated Plate with Hall Current, Radiation Effects and Variable Temperature in a Porous Medium
Industrial Engineering Vol. 1(1) pp. 14-23 (2017)
See more at: http://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/pdf/10.11648.j.ie.20170101.13.pdf 


                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

Rachel Githiomi, Naomi Waiganjo* and Kennedy Muna.

*Department of Biomedical Sciences and Technology

The heterogeneity and distribution patterns of ABO and RH D phenotypes in the voluntary blood donors of Kenya
Journal of Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology Research Vol. 8(1) pp.1-7 (2017)
See more at: https://academicjournals.org/journal/JCIIR/article-full-text-pdf/E54233A66538 


                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: 1.782

Michael Otieno Onyango, Collins O. Mito, Paul Baki* andGilbert Ouma.

*Department of Technical and applied Physics

Near real-time tropospheric water vapour profiling using a ground-based GPS receiver
International Journal of Remote Sensing Vol. 38 (23) pp. 6697-6713  (2017)
See more at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01431161.2017.1363434 


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Adline Bikeri, Peter Kihato and Christopher Maina*.

*Department of Electrical and Power Engineering

Profit based unit commitment using evolutionary particle swarm optimization 2017 IEEE AFRICON

See more at: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8095642/authors 


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Isabell Wairimu Kingori, Wilkinson Mutahi Thuku, Anne Mwohi, Lucy Nganga, Ignatius Weru, Charles Mwandawiro and Dorcas Yole*.

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Prevalence of Single And Dual S. Mansoni And S. Haematobium Infections In Primary School Going Children, An Indicator of Infection Status In The Community After Two Years of Deworming In Taveta Sub County, Kenya
International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS)Vol. 4 pp.255-261 (2017)
See more at: http://www.ijiras.com/2017/Vol_4-Issue_11/paper_42.pdf


                                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Maureen J. Kimulwo, Javan Okendo, Rashid A. Aman, Bernhards R. Ogutu, Gilbert O. Kokwaro, Dorothy J. Ochieng, Anne W. T. Muigai, Florence A. Oloo*, Washingtone Ochieng.

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

Plasma Nevirapine Concentrations Predict Virological And Adherence Failure In Kenyan HIV-1 Infected Patients With Extensive Antiretroviral Treatment Exposure
PLOS ONE| DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0172960pp.1-14 (2017)
See more at: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article/file?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0172960&type=printable 


                                                                                                                              Impact Factor: 5.811

James Jorum Owuor*Florence Oloo*, Japheth Kibet Ngetich, Mwaiwa Kivunzya, Wesley Nyaigoti Omwoyo and Jeremiah Waweru Gathirwa.

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

Comparison of Freeze and Spray Drying to Obtain Primaquine-Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles
Journal of Nanotoxicology and Nanomedicine0 Vol. 2 (2) pp.31-34 (2017)
See more at: https://www.igiglobal.com/viewtitlesample.aspx?id=201032


                                                                                                                           Impact Factor:  5.811

James Jorum Owuor*Florence Oloo*, Martin Onga, Caroline Kirimi, Wesley Nyaigoti Omwoyo and Jeremiah Waweru Gathirwa.

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

Development and Validation of a GC-MS Method for the Quantitation of Nanoformulated Primaquine in Whole Blood and Plasma of Mouse Model
Journal of Nanotoxicology and Nanomedicine Vol. 2 (1) pp.44-47 (2017)
See more at: https://www.igiglobal.com/viewtitlesample.aspx?id=188868


                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Wesley Nyaigoti Omwoyo, Olunga Sween, Sitienei Kibet and Florence Oloo*.

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

Effects of Micronutrients on the Nutritional Status of Clonal Tea Replanted in Areas Where Old Tea Was Uprooted
Journal of Tea Science Research Vol. 7(3) pp.20-27(2017)
See more at: http://biopublisher.ca/index.php/jtsr/article/html/2818/ 


                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: 3.585

Awuor E. Quin*.

*Department of Communication and Languages

A Learnability Approach to the Syntactic Properties of the English Passive Constructions
International Journal of Innovative Research and Knowledge Vol.3(1) pp 12-23 (2018)
See more at:http://research.tukenya.ac.ke/images/abstracts/2018/updated/awour_quin.pdf


                                                                                                            Impact Factor: 3.997

Grace Wambui Kamau, Joseph Kiplang’at* and Cephas Odini.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Access to and Use of ICT’s in the Provision of Information to Distance

Learners in Kenyan Universities
Emerging Trends in Information and Knowledge Management Vol.1 pp 51-73 (2018)
See more at:


                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: 4.214

Kiprotich R. Bob, Dominic B.O. Konditi* and H. Ouma Absaloms.

*Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Modeling of 60 GHz High Speed Communication Beam forming for Wireless Personal Area

Networks (WPAN)
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research Vol.13(2) pp 855-860 (2018)
See more at: https://www.ripublication.com/ijaer18/ijaerv13n2_06.pdf


                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: 4.483

Ng’anga SK, Kibetu PM ,Thumbi GM*, Okwadha GO* and Nyadawa MO.

*Department of Civil and Construction Engineering

Groundwater Quality Assessment And Water Quality Indexing:

Case Study Of Makueni County, Eastern Kenya
Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary Vol.6 (2) pp 77-91 (2018).
See more at: http://www.jiarm.com/March2018/paper32052.pdf


                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

G.D.O. Okwadha* and D.M. Makomele*.

*Department of Civil & Construction Engineering

Evaluation of water hyacinth extract as an admixture in concrete production.
Journal of Building Engineering Vol.16 pp 129-133 (2018)
See more at:


                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: Online

Janet Obiero*.

*Department of Human and Social Development

The Relationship between Achievement Motivation and Mathematic

Performance Amongst Female Learners and in Selected Urban Girls Secondary Schools in Kenya
Global Journal of Social Sciences Studies Vol.4(1) pp 23-29 (2018)
See more at: http://research.tukenya.ac.ke/images/abstracts/2018/updated/Janet.pdf


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Samuel N. Nyamu, Lucy Ombaka*, Eric Masika and Margaret Ng’ang’a.

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

Antimicrobial Photodynamic Activity of Phthalocyanine Derivatives
Advances in Chemistry Vol. (2018), Article ID 2598062, pp 1-8 (2018)
See more at: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ac/2018/2598062/ref/ 


                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: 3.108

Ruth A. Odhiambo, Austin O. Aluoch*, Lydia W. Njenga, Stanley M.

Kagwanja, Shem O. Wandiga and Ola F. Wendt.

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

Synthesis, characterisation and ion-binding properties of oxathiacrown

ethers appended to [Ru(bpy)2]2+. Selectivity towards Hg2+, Cd2+ and Pb2+
Royal Society of Chemistry Vol.8 pp 3663-3672 (2018)
See more at: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2018/ra/c7ra13589k 


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: 1.96

Samuel Kimani, Tammary Esho*, Violet Kimani, Samuel Muniu, Jane Kamau,

 Christine Kigondu, Joseph Karanja and Jaldesa Guyo.

*Department of Community and Public Health

Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Innovative Training Approach for Nurse-Midwives in High

Prevalent Settings
Obstetrics and Gynecology International Vol.2018 pp 1-12 (2018).
See more at: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ogi/2018/5043512/abs/ 


                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

Samuel N. Nyamu, Lucy Ombaka* Eric Masika and Margaret Ng’ang’a.

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

Antimicrobial Photodynamic Activity of Phthalocyanine Derivatives
Advances in Chemistry Vol. 2018 pp 1-8 (2018).
See more at: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ac/2018/2598062/abs/ 


                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Patrick Kipronoh* and Titus Mweta.

*Department of Accounting and Finance

Overview of Working Capital Management: Effective Measures in Managing

Working Capital Components to Entrepreneurs.
European Journal of Business and Management Vol.10(7) pp 83-86 (2018).
See more at: http://iiste.org/Journals/index.php/EJBM/article/view/41455/42677 


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Titus Mweta* and Patrick Kipronoh*.

*Department of Accounting and Finance

Effect of Working Capital Management on the Financial Performance:

Evidence of Construction and Allied Sector Firms Listed at Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting Vol.9(5) pp 38-49 (2018)
See more at: http://iiste.org/Journals/index.php/RJFA/article/view/41563/42785 


                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: 4.116

Kimunguyi Kiliswa Josephs, Grace Wambui Gachigua and Francis Kimani Gatheri*.

*Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics

A numerical investigation of turbulent natural convection in a 3-D

enclosure using k-wSST model and Simple method
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology Vol.7(1) pp 66-77 (2018)
See more at: http://www.academia.edu/35629803/A_NUMERICAL_INVESTIGATION



                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: 6.943

Titus M. Mweta* and Grace A. Musa*.

*Department of Accounting and Finance

Effect of Motor Vehicle Traffic Congestion on The Financial Performance

of Small and Medium Business Enterprises in Nairobi County
International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences,

Vol.7(2) pp 50-62 (2018).
See more at: http://www.garph.co.uk/IJARMSS/Feb2018/5.pdf 


                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: 6.943

Titus M. Mweta* and Grace A. Musa*.

*Department of Accounting and Finance

Assessment of The Determinants Of Funds Allocation And Utilization

By Ngos And Donor Agencies In Kenya
International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences

Vol.7(2) pp 134-154 (2018).
See more at: http://www.garph.co.uk/IJARMSS/Feb2018/10.pdf 


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor:  0.89 

Jully O. Ouma, Luke O. Olang* Gilbert O. Ouma, Christopher Oludhe,

Laban Ogallo and Guleid Artan.

*Department of Biosystem and Environmental Engineering

Magnitudes of Climate Variability and Changes over the Arid and Semi-

Arid Lands of Kenya between 1961 and 2013 Period
American Journal of Climate Change Vol.7 (1) pp 27-37 (2018).
See more at: http://file.scirp.org/pdf/AJCC_2018021316061904.pdf 


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: 5.256

Cecil Naphtaly Moro Ouma, Kingsley Onyebuchi Obodo, Moritz Braun and 

George Odhiambo Amolo*.

*Department of Physics and Space Science

Ab Initio Insights on the Effect of Embedding Lanthanide Atoms on

Nitrogenized Holey Doped Graphene (G-C2N)
Journal of Materials Chemistry C J. Mater. Chem. C, Vol.6 pp 4015-4022 (2018)
See more at: http://www.rsc.org/suppdata/c8/tc/c8tc00474a/c8tc00474a1.pdf 


                                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

George Amolo*, Nithaya Chetty, Ali A Hassana and Sandro Scandolo.

*Department of Physics and Space Science

Growing materials science in Africa – the case of the African School for

Electronic Structure Methods and Applications (ASESMA)

Material Research Society Advance, First View pp 1-19 (2018).

See more at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323191679_Growing_materials_science_in_Africa_-_the_case_of_the_African_School_for_Electronic_Structure_Methods_and_Applications_ASESMA 


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Gabriel O. Dida*, Douglas N. Anyona, Paul O. Abuom, Daniel Akoko, Samson O.

Adoka, Ally-Said Matano, Philip O. Owuor and Collins Ouma.

*Department of Community and Public Health

Spatial distribution and habitat characterization of mosquito species during

the dry season along the Mara River and its tributaries, in Kenya and Tanzania
Infectious Diseases of Poverty Vol.7(2) pp 1-16 (2018)
See more at: https://idpjournal.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s40249-017-0385-0 


                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: 2.126

Grace Akinyi Musa*1Evans Vidija Sagwa*1, Selfano Odoyo and Headmound Okari*2.

*1 Department of Accounting and Finance
*2 Department of Business Administration and Management

Moderating Effect of Career Guidance on the Relationship Between

Introductory Accounting Course on Students’ Choice of Accounting as a Major in Kenyan

European Journal of Business and Management Vol.10(11) pp 125-131 (2018).
See more at: http://iiste.org/Journals/index.php/EJBM/article/view/42134/43378 


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

P. Muturi, J Yu, J. Li, M. Jiang, A.N. Maina*, S. Kariuki, F.B. Mwaura and H. Wei.

*Department of Applied Biology

Isolation and characterization of pectolytic bacterial pathogens infecting potatoes in Nakuru

County, Kenya.
Journal of Applied Biology Vol.124(6) pp 1580-1588 (2018}.
See more at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/jam.13730 


                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Grace Wambui Kamau*.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Copyright Challenges in Digital Libraries in Kenya From the Lens of a Librarian.
Handbook of Research on Managing Intellectual Property in Digital Libraries Vol.1 pp 312-336 (2018)
See more at: https://www.igiglobal.com/viewtitlesample.aspx?id=188555&ptid=179566&t=copyright+challenges+in+digital+libraries+in+kenya+from+the+lens+



                                                                                                                             Impact Factor: 2.561

Tom Ichibha, Kenta Hongo, I. Motochi, N. W. Makau, G.O. Amolo* and Ryo Maezono.

*Department of Physics and Space Science

Adhesion of electrodes on diamond (111) surface: A DFT study.
Diamond & Related Materials Vol. 81 pp 168–175 (2018).
See more at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321787368_Adhesion_of_Electrodes_on_



                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

Agnes Njoki Mwaura, Betty Nyambura Mbatia, Edward Kirwa Muge and Patrick Wafula Okanya*.

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Screening and Characterization of Hydrocarbonoclastic Bacteria Isolated from Oil-contaminated

Soils from Auto Garages.
International Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Vol. 3(1) pp 11-24 (2018).
See more at: http://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/pdf/10.11648.j.ijmb.20180301.13.pdf 


                                                                                                                         Impact Factor:  2.205

Lawrence Were Ouru, Lawrence Kibet, Aquilars Kalio and Naftaly Mose*.

*Department of Economics

Effect of Research and Development on Agricultural Sector Growth in the East African Community
Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics Vol. 10(2) pp 45-54 (2018).
See more at: https://academicjournals.org/journal/JDAE/article-full-text-pdf/17C90B955562 


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Janes Ouma Odongo*.

*Department of Governance and Public Policy

Achieving Information Safety in a Disaster Environment: The Way Forward for Africa.
Regional Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, Vol.3(1) pp 15-29 (2018).
See more at: https://www.rjikm.org/index.php/current-issue 


                                                                                                                               Impact Factor: 3.1

Theresia Ndunda*, Amos Kungu Mbugua, Kibet Shikuku* and Naomi Waiganjo*.

*Department of Biomedical Laboratory Sciences & Technology

Evaluation of Two Transfusion Transmitted Malaria Screening Methods at Kenyatta National

Hospital, Kenya.
International Annals of Medicine Vol. 2(2) pp 1-6 (2018).
See more at: https://iamresearcher.online/ojs/index.php/iam/article/view/414 


                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

George Amolo*, Nithaya Chetty, Ali Hassanali and Daniel Joubert.

*Department of Physics and Space Sciences

Growing Materials Science in Africa The Case of the African School for Electronic Structure

Methods and Applications (ASESMA)

MRS Advances © 2018 Materials Research Society
See more at: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/mrs-advances/article/growing-materials-science-



                                                                                                                                  Impact Factor:  Online

Mildred M. Aduma, Gilbert Ouma, Mohammed Y. Said, Gordon Wayumba*, Philip A. Omondi and Lucy W. Njino.

*Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering

Potential Impacts of Climate Projection on Wildlife in Savanna Ecosystem of East Africa
American Journal of Climate Change Vol.07(01) pp 5-26 (2018),
See more at: http://file.scirp.org/pdf/AJCC_2018021114420505.pdf 


                                                                                                            Impact Factor:  Online

Andere C. Miruka*, David K. Kariuki , Amir O. Yusuf and John O. Onyatta.

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

Efficiency of a Wastewater Treatment Plant in the City of Nairobi
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) Vol.38(1) pp 152-162 (2018).
See more at: http://gssrr.org/index.php?journal=JournalOfBasicAndApplied&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=8751&path%5B%5D=3987 


                                                                                                                                    Impact Factor:2.074

George O. Amolo*.

*Department of Physics and Space Sciences

The Growth of High-Performance Computing in Africa
Computing in Science & Engineering Vol. 20(3) pp 21-24 (2018)
See more at: https://www.computer.org/csdl/mags/cs/2018/03/mcs2018030021.pdf 


                                                                                                                              Impact Factor: 6.896

Tom Osebe, Dorcas Yole*, David Odongo and Horace Ochanda.

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Evaluation of the In Vivo Anti-Helminthic Activity, of Bridelia Micrantha, Chenopodium Ambrosoides And Ocimum Americanum Extracts Against Schistosoma Mansoni Infection in Mice.
International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) Vol.6(1) pp 1097-1108 (2018)
See more at: http://www.journalijar.com/uploads/581_IJAR-21094.pdf 


                                                                                                                                Impact Factor: 3.273

Benard Mucholwa Simiyu, Steve Omondi Oduor, Thomas Rohrlack, Lewis Sitoki* and Rainer Kurmayer.

*Department of Geosciences and the Environment

Microcystin Content in Phytoplankton and in Small Fish from Eutrophic Nyanza Gulf, Lake Victoria, Kenya.
Toxins Vol.10(7) pp 275-294 (2018)
See more at: http://www.mdpi.com/2072-6651/10/7/275


                                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Wang Guoqin, Fi Chao, Liu Jian, Zhang Linxiu, Ayub M.O. Oduor*, Dagne Mojo and Mulubrhan Balehegn.

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Promoting The Nexus Approach Of Climate, Ecosystems And Livelihoods In Africa Through China-Africa Cooperation
Journal of Resources and Ecology Vol. 9(3) pp 232-236 (2018)
See more at: http://www.jorae.cn/EN/10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2018.03.002 


                                                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

Wondmeneh Jemberie, Hill S, Rännbäck L.M, Ondiaka S*,  Nagappan Raja and Ignell R.

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Evaluation of Entomopathogenic Fungi Metarhizium Anisopliae Against Dengue Virus Mosquitoes Aedes Aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae).
Entomon  Vol.43 (1) pp 7-18 (2018)
See more at: https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/20183163276 


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: 0.50

Edison Omollo*, Jacob Koech*, Edwin Kamalha and Vijay Adolkar*.

*Department of Fashion And Textiles Technology

Morphological and Mechanical Analysis of Polyamide-66/Poss Nanocomposite Fiber
Materials Science: An Indian Journal Vol.16(1) pp 1-12 (2018)
See more at: http://www.tsijournals.com/articles/morphological-and-mechanical-analysis-of-polyamide66poss-nanocomposite-fiber.pdf 


                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: 3.054

Ayub M.O. Oduor*, Huaping Long A, Belarmain Fandohan, Jian Liu and Xiubo Yu.

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

An Invasive Plant Provides Refuge to Native Plant Species in an Intensely Grazed Ecosystem
Biological Invasions Vol.20(165) pp 1–7 (2018)
See more at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10530-018-1757-5


                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Grace K Nyambati*, Rosebella O Maranga, Hastings Ozwara and Paul K Mbugua.

*Department of Biomedical Sciences and Technology

Use of Putative Antimalarial Herbal Medicines among Communities in Trans-Mara, Kuria and Suba Districts of Kenya
SEJ Pharmacognosy and Natural Medicine Vol.1(1) pp 1-14 (2018)
See more at: http://scientificexhalters.com/PharmaCognosy/SEJ%20Cognosy-18-RA-2.pdf 


                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

Pius Nderitu Kihara*.

*Department of Statistics and Actuarial Sciences

High Order Penalty Functions in Calibration Estimators
Mathematical Theory and Modeling Vol.8(3) pp 18-22 (2018)
See more at: http://iiste.org/Journals/index.php/MTM/article/view/41398/43001 


                                                                                                                   Impact Factor: Online

Edwin Kamalha, Jovan Kiberu Ildephonse Nibikora, Josphat Igadwa Mwasiagi and Edison Omollo*.

*Department of Fashion and Textiles

Clustering and Classification of Cotton Lint Using Principle Component Analysis, Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering, and K-Means Clustering
Journal of Natural Fibers Vol.15(3) pp 425-435 (2018 )
See more at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1080/15440478.2017.1340220?needAccess=true&role=button


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Fwaya Erick Victor Onyango* and Khasoa Carolyne Wasike*.

*Department of Hospitality and Institutional Management

Healthy Eating Products and Customer Outcomes in Restaurants
Journal of Tourism and Management Research Vol. 3(1) pp 200-212 (2018)
See more at: http://ottomanjournal.com/issue/2018/2018-vol.3%20issue%201-2.pdf


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Esther Were Shisia, Benson A. Ateng* and Florence Nelima*.

*Department of Economics and Resource Management

Linkages Between Sustainable Biodiversity and Cultural Values: A Case Study of Ramogi Hill Forest and Its Environment
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development Vol.9 (12) pp 82-93 (2018)
See more at: http://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JEDS/article/view/43144/44441


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor:  2.577 

Solomon Omwoma, Silah C.Lagat and Joseph O. Lalah*.

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

Fine Tuning the Microenvironment of [EuW10O36]9- Anion Leads to the Large Enhancement of the Red Light Luminescence
Journal of Luminescence Vol.196 pp 294-301 (2018.
See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022231317312632?via%3Dihub 


                                                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Gachahi Lydiah Wangeshi*.

*Department of Geosciences and the Environmental

Diagnosis of Extreme Value Distribution of Rainfall in Selected Urban Areas In Kenya
Journal of Climate Change and Sustainability Vol.1(8) pp 82-94 (2018)
See more at: http://www.kms.or.ke/images/Gachahi_et_al2018-.pdf 


                                                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

Phillip Lumwamu, Florence Indede and Peter Maina Matu*.

*Department of Language  and Communication Studies

PMetaphoric Conceptualization of International Criminal Court Justice and Peace Building in Kenya
A Journal of Language, Culture and Communication Vol. 6 pp 150-168 (2018)
See more at: https://journals.aau.dk/index.php/globe/article/view/2333/1861


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Catherine Onyango, Kibet Langat and Stephen Musyoki*.

*Department of Electrical Engineering

Optimization of Radar Waveforms using Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm
Journal of Sustainable Research in Engineering Vol.4(2) pp 45-54 (2018)
See more at: http://sri.jkuat.ac.ke/ojs/index.php/sri/article/view/624


                                                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

Hussein Mohamed Abdullai and Elyjoy Muthoni Micheni*.

*Department of Management Science and Technology

Effect of Internet Banking on Operational Performance of Commercial Banks in Nakuru County, Kenya
International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences Vol. 6(2) pp 60-65 (2018)
See more at: http://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/pdf/10.11648.j.ijefm.20180602.14.pdf


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Elyjoy Micheni* and Julius Murumba.

*Department of Management Science and Technology

The Role of ICT in Electoral Processes: Case of Kenya
IIMC International Information Management Corporation Vol.1 pp 1-11 (2018)
See more at: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=8417188


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Enos W. Wambu, Stephen Attahiru, Paul M. Shiundu* and John Wabomba.

*Department of Chemistry

Removal of Heavy-Metals From Wastewater Using A Hydrous Alumino-Silicate Mineral From Kenya
Chemical Society of Ethiopia Vol.32 (1) pp 39-51 (2018).
See more at: https://www.ajol.info/index.php/bcse/article/view/169507/158956


                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: 2.949

Regina Kandie, Rachel Ochola* and Kariuki Njaanake.

*Department of Biomedical Sciences and Technology

Evaluation Of Fluorescent In-Situ Hybridization Technique For Diagnosis of Malaria In Ahero Sub-County Hospital, Kenya
Kandie et al. BMC Infectious Diseases Vol.18(22) pp 2-7 (2018)
See more at:https://bmcinfectdis.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s12879-017-2875-x


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: 1.788 

Vivian Rakuomi, Faith Okalebo, Stanley Ndwigah and Levi Mbugua*.

*Department of Statistics and Actuarial Sciences

Cost Effectiveness of Pre-Referral Antimalarial Treatment In Severe Malaria Among Children In Sub-Saharan Africa
Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation Vol.15 (14) pp 1-11 (2018)
See more at: https://resource-allocation.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s12962-017-0076-5


                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: Online

 Evans Mark Ouko*.

*Department of Geosciences and the Environment

Contextualising Integrated Conservation and Development Projects: Restoring the Lost ‘harambee’ Link in Kenya
Geoforum Vol. 92 pp 81-91 (2018)
See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0016718518301118?via%3Dihub


                                                                                                                            Impact Factor:1.505

Ernest O. Nachaki, Peter M. Ndangili*, Noah M. Naumih and Eric Masika.

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

Nickel‐Palladium‐Based Electrochemical Sensor for Quantitative Detection of Formaldehyde
Chemistry Select Vol.3(2) pp 384-392 (2018)
See more at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/slct.201702019


                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: 2.131

Steven Ger Nyanjom, Cyrus Tare, Fred Wamunyokoli and George Fredrick Obiero*.

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Expression Levels of Odorant Receptor Genes in the Savanna Tsetse Fly, Glossina morsitans morsitans
Journal of Medical Entomology. Vol. 55(4) pp 855–861 (2018)
See more at: https://academic.oup.com/jme/article-abstract/55/4/855/4911424?redirectedFrom=PDF


                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: 2.118

Dickson Kinyanyi​*George F.O. Obiero*Peris Amwayi*Stephen Mwaniki* and Mark Wamalwa.

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

In Silico Structural and Functional Prediction of African Swine Fever Virus Protein-B263R Reveals Features of a TATA-Binding Protein
Peer J pp 1-18 (2018)
See more at: https://peerj.com/articles/4396.pdf


                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: Online

Eunice Jemalel Nyavanga* and Maurice Barasa Wafula.

*Department of Social and Human Development

Shisha Use and Its Associated Factors Among Somali Youth Living in Eastleigh, Nairobi, Kenya
International Journal of Psychological and Brain Sciences Vol.3(3) pp 22-27 (2018)
See more at: http://article.psybrainsci.org/pdf/10.11648.j.ijpbs.20180303.12.pdf


                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

Hameed Tunde Asiru, Emily A. Ogutu and Daniel Ochieng Orwenjo*.

*Department of Language and Communication Studies

Event and Actors Representation in Selected Nigerian Daily Newspapers
Ghana Journal of Linguistics Vol.7(1) pp  84-104 (2018)
See more at: https://www.ajol.info/index.php/gjl/article/view/174030/163453


                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

Tom Kwanya* and Christine Stilwell.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

The Effectiveness Of Leadership Styles Among Academic And Research Librarians In Eastern And Southern Africa
Library Management Vol. 39 (6/7) pp 402-417 (2018)
See more at: https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/pdfplus/10.1108/LM-06-2017-0056


                                                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

Ruth K. Kimaiga* and Bonface O. Kihima*.

*Department of Tourism and Travel Management

Homestay Tourist Accommodation as a Tool for Socio-Economic Well-Being of Rural Communities in Kenya

Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Vol. 6(4) pp.143-151 (2018)

See more at: http://www.davidpublisher.org/Public/uploads/Contribute/5b7fb5564378f.pdf


                                                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Raphael M. Kieti* and O.A. K’Akumu.

*Department of Real Estate and Property Management

Critical Factors Affecting Affordability Of Mortgage Housing In Kenya
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment Vol. 33(1) pp 111–131 (2018)
See more at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10901-017-9547-4


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Robert W Rukwaro and Raphael M. Kieti*.

*Department of Real Estate and Property Management

Spatial Design Parameters for Residential Extensions: The Case of Buru Buru Estate in Nairobi, Kenya
Journal Architectural Engineering and Design Management Vol.1 pp 1-19 (2018)
See more at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17452007.2018.1489212


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: 4.136

Omukaga O. Panyako*, Jacob W. Wakhungu and Felix N. Kioli.

*Department of Building Science and Technology

Urban Flooding in Kenya from a Psychosocial Perspective
International Research Journal of Management, IT & Social Sciences Vol.5(5) pp 17-27 (2018)
See more at: https://ijcujournals.us/journals/index.php/irjmis/article/view/276/252


                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: 1.01 

Linda Ajuang Ogallo, Philip Omondi, Gilbert Ouma and Gordon Wayumba*.

*Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering

Climate Change Projections and the Associated Potential Impacts for Somalia
American Journal of Climate Change Vol.7(2) pp 153-170 (2018)
See more at: http://file.scirp.org/pdf/AJCC_2018051716245429.pdf


                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: 1.01

Linda Ajuang Ogallo, Kenneth Mwangi, Philip Omondi, Gilbert Ouma and Gordon Wayumba*.

*Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering

Land Cover Changes in Lower Jubba Somalia
American Journal of Climate Change Vol.7(3) pp 367- 387 (2018)
See more at: http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?paperID=85956


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Paula Aninyie Wumnaya, Stephen Musyoki* and Waweru Mwangi.

*Department of Electrical Engineering

Reliability and Availability Analysis of a Triplex Sensor Node System with Shared Repair
International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology Vol.4(6) pp 79-83 (2018)
See more at: http://www.ijmtst.com/volume4/issue6/14.IJMTST040656.pdf


                                                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Achieng’ Akuno Emily*.

*Department of Music and Performing Arts

Digilogue Zone: Indigenous and Contemporary Media and Technology in Higher Music Education in Kenya.
Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education Vol.17(1) pp 81-96 (2018).
See more at: http://act.maydaygroup.org/act-171-81-96/


                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: 1.378

Solomon T Girma, Dominic BO Konditi* and Ciira Maina.

*Department of Telecommunication and Information Engineering

A Novel Radio Wave Propagation Modeling Method Using System Identification Technique over Wireless Links in East Africa
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation (online)
See more at: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijap/2018/2162570/abs/


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: 4.59

Julius N. Nguku*1Elizabeth W. Mwaniki*1, Tabitha Muia and Fiona N. Mbai*2.

*1 Department of Community and Public Health
*2 Department of Biomedical Sciences and Technology

Sustenance of HIV/STI Protective Behaviors by Slum-dwelling Adolescent Girls and Young Women is associated with their Income Status
IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science Vol. 7(6) pp 32-39 (2018)
See more at: http://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jnhs/pages/7(6)Version-6.html


                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: 6.26

Grace Akinyi Musa, Atieno Ndede Amadi*Evans Vidija Sagwa* and Selefano Odoyo.

*Department of Management Science and Technology

Influence of Introductory Accounting Course Teaching Methodology on Students’ Choice of Accounting Major in Kenyan Universities
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting Vol.9(7) pp 168-174 (2018)

See more at: https://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/RJFA/article/view/42248


                                                                                                                             Impact Factor: 7.07

David Kanyi and Patrick Ogao*.

*Department of Geo-Science and Environment

KANYI BYOD Security Framework: For Secure Access and Use of Mobile Devices in a BYOD Environment
International Journal of Networks and Communications Vol.8(4) pp 106-114 (2018)

See more at: http://article.sapub.org/10.5923.j.ijnc.20180804.02.html


                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: 5.32

Catherine Mutheu Munene, Thomas Tonny Mboya Onyango* and Cleophas Muhavini.

*Department of Industrial and Engineering Mathematics

Numerical Reconstruction and Remediation of Soil Acidity on A one Dimensional Flow Domain with Constant and Linear Temporally Dependent Flow Parameters
Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology. 29(3)

See more at: http://www.sciencedomain.co/index.php/CJAST/article/view/9043


                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Sally Chepchirchir, Tom Kwanya* and Alice Kamau.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Maximising the Socioeconomic Value of Indigenous Knowledge Through Policies and legislation in Kenya
Journal of Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication Vol.68(1/2) pp 60-75 (2018)

See more at: https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/GKMC-05-2018-0043


                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: 0.44

Tom Kwanya*.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Publishing and Perishing? Publishing Patterns of Information Science Academics in Kenya
Journal of Information Development

See more at: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0266666918804586


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: 2.47

Florence W Ngari*, Nicholas K Gikonyo, Eliud NM Njagi and Ruth N Wanjau.

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

The Practice of Herbal Medicine in Management of Oral Health in Nairobi County, Kenya
International Journal of Herbal Medicine Vol.6(5) pp 05-09 (2018)

See more at: http://www.florajournal.com/archives/?year=2018&vol=6&issue=5&part=A&ArticleId=518


                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: 0.66

Tammary Esho*Arun Datta* and Samuel Muniu.

*Department of Community and Public Health

Sexuality Experiences of Secondary School Students in Nakuru, Kenya: A Cross-Sectional Study
African Health Sciences Vol.18(2) pp 209-217 (2018) 

See more at: https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ahs/article/view/173561


                                                                                                                             Impact Factor: 3.151

T. Esho*, S. Kimani, I. Nyamongo, V. Kimani, S. Muniu, C. Kigondu, P. Ndavi and G. Jaldesa.

*Department of Community and Public Health

The ‘heat’ goes away: Sexual Disorders of Married Women with Female Genital Mutilation /Cutting in Kenya
Journal of Sexual Medicine Vol.15(7) pp S329–S330 (2018)

See more at: https://www.jsm.jsexmed.org/article/S1743-6095(18)30731-8/abstract


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Jane Wamboi, Kagombe Joram K, Joshua K. Cheboiwo, Alfred Gichu and Collins Handa*.

*Department of Biomedical Sciences and Technology

Payment for Environmental Services: Status and Opportunities in Kenya
Journal of Resources Development and Management Vol: 40

See more at: https://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JRDM/article/view/40771 


                                                                                                                              Impact Factor: 0.676

Daniel Ochieng Orwenjo* and Fridah Kanana Erastus.

*Department of Language and Communication Studies

Challenges of Adopting Open Educational Resources (OER) in Kenyan Secondary Schools: The Case of Open Resources for English Language Teaching (ORELT)
Journal of Learning for Development Vol.5(2) pp 148-162 (2018)

See more at: http://www.jl4d.org/index.php/ejl4d/article/view/282


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: 7.17

Judith Nelima Wasike Milimo*Evans Vidija Sagwa* and Maurice Matendechere Sakwa.

*Department of Business Administration

Mediating Influence of Information Technology Infrastructure in the Relationship between Supply Chain Process Integration Capabilities and Supply Chain Performance of Public Universities in Kenya
European Journal of Business and Management Vol.10(29) pp 56-57 (2018)

See more at: https://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/EJBM/article/view/44551


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: 1.673

Judith Nelima Wasike Milimo*Evans Vidija Sagwa* and Maurice Matendechere Sakwa.

*Department of Business Administration

An Empirical Study of the Influence of Information Technology Infrastructure on Supply Chain Performance of Public Universities in Kenya
Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences Vol. 9(5) pp 249-257 (2018)

See more at: https://journals.co.za/content/journal/10520/EJC-122d4a7cf0


                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Eunice Jemalel Nyavanga*.

*Department of Social and Community Development

Miraa Use among Somali Youth Living in Eastleigh, Nairobi Kenya
European Journal of Preventive Medicine Vol. 6(4) pp 45-52 (2018).

See more at: http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=651&doi=10.11648/j.ejpm.20180604.12


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: 2.3

Mahat Jimale Mohamed, Sophie Ochola and Victor O. Owino*.

*Department of Nutrition and Dietetics

Comparison of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices on Exclusive Breastfeeding between Primiparous and Multiparous Mothers Attending Wajir District hospital, Wajir County, Kenya: a cross-sectional analytical study
International Breastfeeding Journal Vol.2(13) pp 11

See more at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29507602


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: 0.72

Waswa Judith*.

*Department of Human Nutrition & Dietetics

Determinants of Body Image Perceptions among College Students in Kenya
Journal of Zoological Research Vol.2(3) pp 25-28 (2018).

See more at: https://www.sryahwapublications.com/research-journal-of-food-and-nutrition/volume-2-issue-3/4.php


                                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: 0.72

Judith Waswa*, Susan Wairegi and Lydia Asiko.

*Department of Human Nutrition & Dietetics

Non Communicable Diseases -The Elephant in the Room
Journal of Zoological Research Vol. 2(3) pp 55-64 (2018).

See more at: https://www.sryahwapublications.com/research-journal-of-food-and-nutrition/volume-2-issue-3/9.php


                                                                                                                             Impact Factor: 0.68

Kamweru Nancy Njeri, Patrick Kiliku and Alice Kiai*.

*Department of Language and Communication Studies

Linguistic Manipulative Role in Criminal Trial Court Room Discourse in Kibera Law Courts, Nairobi, Kenya
International Journal of Social and Development Concerns Vol.3(12/15) pp 169-181 (2018)

See more at: http://ijsdc.org/journal/show/linguistic-manipulative-role-in-criminal-trial-court-room-discourse-in-kibera-law-courts-nairobi-kenya


                                                                                                                                Impact Factor: 3.27

Philemon K. Ndolo, Esther N. Mungai* and Elegwa Mukulu.

*Department of Fashion and Textiles Technology

Quality of Goods Produced By Small and Medium Enterprises as A Determinant of Their Growth in Kenya
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications Vol. 8(12) pp 170-175 (2018)

See more at: http://www.ijsrp.org/research-paper-1218.php?rp=P848013


Hillary Adawo Onjong*, Musa Otieno Ngayo,Mercy Mwaniki, Joseph Wambui, and Patrick Murigu Kamau Njage

*Department of Food Science and Technology,

Microbiological Safety of Fresh Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) from Kenyan Fresh Water Fish Value Chains
Journal of Food Protection  Vol. 81(12) pp. 1973-1981 (2018)

See more at: https://jfoodprotection.org/doi/abs/10.4315/0362-028X.JFP-18-078


                                                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

Absalom Habil Lamka1*, Sylvester Munguti Masu2*and Githae Wanyona.

1,2*Department of Construction and Economics Management

An Evaluation of Impacts on Resource Levelling Practices and Performance by Construction Firms in


International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology Vol.7(9) pp 283-290 (2019)

See more at:  https://www.ijert.org/research/an-evaluation-of-impacts-on-resource-levelling-practices-and-




                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

James N Nyariki1*, Daniel Mokaya, Ngalla E.  Jillani, Nemwel O.  Nyamweya and Alfred Orina Isaac2*.

1*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

2*Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Oral Administration of Coenzyme Q10 has the Capacity to Stimulate Innate Lymphoid Cells Class

Two during Experimental Cerebral Malaria

South Asian Journal of Parasitology Vol. 2(2) pp. 1-9 (2019)

See more at: http://www.journalsajp.com/index.php/SAJP/article/view/29966/56245


                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

Cecil Naphtaly Moro Ouma, Kingsley Onyebuchi Obodo, Moritz Braun, George Odhiambo Amolo* and

Dmitri Bessarabov

*Department of Physics and Space Science

Insights on Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Transition Metal Doped Monolayer Tcs2 from Density

Functional Theory Calculations

Applied Surface Science Vol. 470 pp. 107-113 (2019)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016943321833112X


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Wycliffe C. Wanyonyi, John M. Onyari, Paul M. Shiundu* and Francis J. Mulaa.

*Department of Chemical Sciences and Technology

Effective Biotransformation of Reactive Black 5 Dye Using Crude Protease from Bacillus Cereus

Strain KM201428

Energy Procedia Vol. 157 pp. 815–824 (2019)

See more at: https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/277910/1


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Mutua Nicholas Muthama, Kinyanjui Mathew Njagi, Kwanza Jackson Kioko, Gatheri Francis Kimani*.

*Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Mathematical Modelling of MHD Unsteady Heat and Mass Transfer of a Micropolar Fluid Past a

Vertical Semi-Infinite Porous Inclined Plate and Magnetic Field with Soret and Dufour Effects

Journal of Engineering Research and Application Vol. 9 pp. 47-56 (2019)

See more at: https://www.ijera.com/papers/vol9no3/Series-4/I0903044756.pdf



                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Solomon T Girma, Dominic B O Konditi* and Ciira Maina.

*Department of Telecommunication and Information Engineering

Frequency Re-Use Distance Calculation in Cellular Systems Based on Monte-Carlo Simulation

Heliyon Vol. 5(3) pp 1-18 (2019)

See more at: https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/313379/


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Cleophas Mutundu Ambira, Henry Nyabuto Kemoni* and Patrick Ngulube.

*Department of Language and Communication Studies

A Framework for Electronic Records Management in Support of E-Government in Kenya

Records Management Journal Vol.1 pp.305-319 (2019)

See more at:  https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/pdfplus/10.1108/RMJ-03-2018-0006



                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

Kenga Mosoti Derdus, Vincent Oteke Omwenga and Patrick Job Ogao*.

*Department of Geo-Information and Earth Information

The Effect of Cloud Workload Consolidation on Cloud Energy Consumption and Performance in

Multi-Tenant Cloud Infrastructure

International Journal of Computer Applications Vol. 181(37) pp. 47-53 (2019)

See more at:  https://www.ijcaonline.org/archives/volume181/number37/derdus-2019-ijca-918353.pdf


                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Peter Muturi, Junping Yu, Alice Nyambura Maina*, Samuel Kariuki, Francis B Mwaura and Hongping Wei.

*Department of Food Science and Technology

Bacteriophages Isolated in China for the Control of Pectobacterium Carotovorum Causing Potato

Soft Rot in Kenya

Journal of Virologica Sinica Vol. 34(3) pp. 1-8 (2019)

See more at:  https://www.virosin.org/article/doi/10.1007/s12250-019-00091-7



                                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Joe Mulligan,Vera Bukachi,  Rodoula Gregoriou, , Nilani Venn, Duncan Ker-Reid, Alan Travers,

Juma Benard1* and Luke O Olang2*.

1*Department of Geosciences and the Environment

2*Department of Biosystems and Environmental Engineering

Participatory Flood Modelling for Negotiation and Planning in Urban Informal Settlements

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Engineering Sustainability Vol.172(7) pp. 354-351 (2019)

See more at: https://www.icevirtuallibrary.com/doi/pdf/10.1680/jensu.17.00020


                                                                                                                              Impact Factor: Online

Susan S. Imbahale*, Julia Montaña Lopez, Joe Brew, Krijn paaijmans, Cassidy Rist and Carlos Chaccour.

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Mapping the Potential Use of Endectocide-Treated Cattle to Reduce Malaria Transmission

Scientific Reports Vol. 9 pp. 1-9 (2019)

See more at: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-42356-x.pdf


                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

P. W. Muchiri1*, V. M. Mwalukuku, K. K. Korir, G. O. Amolo2* and N. W. Makau.

1,2*Department of Physics and Space Sciences

Hardness Characterization Parameters of Niobium Carbide and Niobium Nitride: A First Principles


Materials Chemistry and Physics Vol. 229 pp. 489-494 (2019)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0254058419301920


                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Gitu Onesmus Ndaramu, Richard O. B. Makopondo*and Ann Kariuki.   

*Department of Tourism and Travel Management   


Investigation on Conformance of Catering and Food Safety Practices at The National Youth Service in


Journal of Management and Economic Studies Vol. 1(3) pp. 18-34 (2019)

See more at: https://www.jomaes.org/2019/vol.1_issue.3_article03_full_text.pdf


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

James N Nyariki1* Lucy A.Ochola, Ngalla E Jillan, Nemwel O.Nyamweya,  Peris E Amwayi2*, Dorcas S

Yole3*, Laurent Azonvide  and  Alfred Orina Isaac4*.

1,2*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

3,4*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Oral Administration of Coenzyme Q10 Protects Mice Against Oxidative Stress and

Neuro-Inflammation during Experimental Cerebral Malaria

Parasitology International Vol. 71 pp.106-120 (2019)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1383576918303453


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Omwoyo Bosire Onyancha, Gladys Njeri Mungai and Henry Nyabuto Kemoni*.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Tacit Knowledge Management at the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis

Mousaion: South African Journal of Information Studies Vol. 36(1) pp. 1-29 (2019)

See more at: https://upjournals.co.za/index.php/LIS/article/view/3776


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Edison Omollo Oduor1*, Lucy Ciera2*, Vijay Adolkar and Odoch Pido3*.

1,2*Department of Fashion and Textile Technology

3*Department of Design and Creative Media

Physical Characterization of Eri Silk Fibers Produced in Kenya

Journal of Natural Fibers Vol.1 pp. 1-12 (2019)

See more at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/15440478.2019.1612306?needAccess=true


                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Parisa Heydari, Maryam Yavari, Peyman Adibi, Gholamreza Asghari, Syed-Mustafa Ghanadian, Gabriel O

Dida* and Faham Khamesipour.


*Department of Community and Public Health

Medicinal Properties and Active Constituents of Dracocephalum kotschyi and its Significance in Iran:

A Systematic Review

Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Vol. 1 pp. 1-14 (2019)

See more at: https://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2019/9465309.pdf


                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: Online

Penninah S Musangi, Damaris Odero and Tom Kwanya*.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Assessment of Reengineered Library Services and Spaces for Improved User Experience in

Universities in Kenya

Journal of Arts & Humanities Vol. 8(4) pp.19-29 (2019)

See more at: https://theartsjournal.org/index.php/site/article/view/1622/735



                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Janes Ouma Odongo*.


*Department of Governance and Public Policy 

Theory of Social Clustering and the Reorganization of Human Society

EPH – International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 4 (5) pp. 47-56 (2019)

See more at: https://www.ephjournal.com/index.php/hss/article/view/945/709


                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: Online

Luke O Olang*, Mathew Herrnegger, Doris Wimmer and Josef Fürst.

*Department of Biosystems and Environmental Engineering.

A Spatial Database of Hydrological and Water Resources Information for the Nyangores Watershed

of Kenya

Hydrology and Water Resources Management in Arid, Semi-Arid, and Tropical Regions Vol. 1 pp. 157-160


See more at:  https://www.igi-global.com/viewtitlesample.aspx?


                                                                                                                   Impact Factor: Online

Mohammad Moazeni, Faham Khamesipour, Douglas N Anyona and Gabriel O Dida*.


*Department of Community and Public Health

Epidemiology of Taeniosis, Cysticercosis and Trichinellosis In Iran: A Systematic Review

Zoonoses Public Health Vol. 66 pp. 140–154 (2019)

See more at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/zph.12547



                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Teresa Atieno Otieno*.


*Department of Language and Communication Studies

Combler Le Fossé Culturel Dans L’enseignement Du Français a Des Fins Spécifiques: Le Cas Du


Journal of Language, Technology and Entrepreneurship in Africa Vol. 10(1) pp. 45-57 (2019)

See more at: https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jolte/article/view/186505



                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online

Fredrick Odhiambo, Harrysone Atieli, Stephen Njoroge* and David Sang.

*Department of Biomedical Sciences and Technology

Assessment of Factors Influencing Adherence to Malaria Microscopy Diagnosis in the Treatment of

Out-patients at Kisumu County Referral Hospital in Kenya

Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research Vol. 29(12) pp. 1-10 (2019)

See more at: https://repository.maseno.ac.ke/bitstream/handle



                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

David Nderu, Francis Kimani, KelvinThiong’o, Evaline Karanja*, Maureen Akinyi, Edwin Too, William

Chege, Eva Nambati, Christian G. Meyer and Thirumalaisamy P Velavan.

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Plasmodium Falciparum Histidine-Rich Protein (Pfhrp2 And 3) Diversity in Western And Coastal


Scientific Reports Vol. 9(1) pp. 1-9 (2019)

See more at: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-38175-1.pdf



                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Ruth Monyenye Nyangacha, David Odongo, Florence Oyieke, Christine Bii, Erastus Muniu, Stanley

Chasia*and Missiani Ochwoto.

*Department of Geosciences and Environment

Spatial Distribution, Prevalence and Potential Risk Factors of Tungiasis in Vihiga County, Kenya

PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases Vol.1 pp. 1-14 (2019)

See more at: https://journals.plos.org/plosntds/article/file?id=10.1371/journal.pntd.0007244&type=printable



                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Annastasia Katee Musila*, Harrison Maithya and Jamin Masinde.

*Department of Human and Social Development

Social Construction of Retirement among Retired Teachers in Makueni County

International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology (IJRSA) Vol. 5(3) pp.9-19 (2019)

See more at: https://www.arcjournals.org/pdfs/ijrsa/v5-i3/2.pdf


                                                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

Catherine Mutheu Munene, Thomas Tonny Mboya Onyango* and Cleophas Muhavini.

*Department of Industrial and Engineering Mathematics

Numerical Reconstruction and Remediation of Soil Acidity on a One Dimensional Flow Domain

Where the Diffusion Coefficient and Advection Velocity are Exponentially Dependent on Time

Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Vol. 15 pp. 27-40 (2019)

See more at: https://www.ripublication.com/gjpam19/gjpamv15n1_04.pdf


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Nicholas Mutua, Mathew Kinyanjui, Jackson Kwanza and Francis Gatheri*.

*Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics

On the Trivariate Spectral Collocation Method of Solution for Two Dimensional Partial Differential

Equations arising in Fluid Mechanics

International Journal of Engineering Science Invention (IJESI) Vol. 8(03) pp.14-24 (2019)

See more at: https://www.academia.edu/38666735/On_the_Trivariate_Spectral_Collocation_Method_of_



                                                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Kahando David Maina* and Mungai Esther Nyambura*.

*Department of Entrepreneurship and Technology Management


Combined Effect of Personality Factors and Cognitive Factors on Students’ Self-Employment

Intentions in Technical, Vocational Education and Training in Kenya

International Journal of Business and Economics Research Vol. 8(3) pp. 133-141 (2019)

See more at: http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=178&doi=10.11648/j.ijb




                                                                                                              Impact Factor: Online

Stephen Njoroge1*, Catherine Mwangi, Kimang’a Nyerere, Gunturu Revathi, Smita Devani, Allan Rajula,

Rose Kamenwa, Nyamongo Onkoba2* and Fredrick Odhiambo.

1*Department of Biomedical Sciences and Technology

2*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Comparing Diagnostic Performance of Pronto Dry Rapid Urease and Culture to Histopathology

among Endoscopy Patients at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi-Kenya

Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research Vol. 29(12) pp. 1-7 (2019)

See more at: http://apacademicpress.com/id/eprint/848



                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Joshua Gikonyo*, Betty Mbatia*, Patrick Okanya, George Obiero*, Carlene Sang and James Nyangao.


*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Rotavirus Prevalence and Seasonal Distribution Post Vaccine Introduction in Nairobi County Kenya

The Pan African Medical Journal Vol. 33 pp. 1-9 (2019)

See more at: https://www.panafrican-med-journal.com/content



                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Justin Nyasinga*, Cecilia Kyany’a, Raphael Okoth, Valerie Oundo, Daniel Matano, Simon Wacira, Willie

Sang, Susan Musembi and Lillian Musila.

*Department of Biomedical Sciences and Technology

A Six-Member SNP Assay on the iPlex MassARRAY Platform Provides a Rapid and Affordable

Alternative for Typing Major African Staphylococcus Aureus Types

Access Microbiology Vol.1 pp. 1-8 (2019)

See more at: https://www.microbiologyresearch.org/docserver



                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Penninah Syombua Musangi, Damaris Odero and Tom Kwanya*.


*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Critical Success Factors in Library Reengineering: A Case of Academic Libraries in Kenya

Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication Vol. 68 (6/7) pp. 534-549 (2019)

See more at:




                                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Moses Kagumba* Hayder Al-Naseri and Muthanna H. Al-Dahhan

*Department of Chemical and Process Engineering

A New Contact Time Model For The Mechanistic Assessment Of Local Heat Transfer Coefficients In

Bubble Column Using Both The Four-Optical Fiber Probe And The Fast Heat Transfer


Chemical Engineering Journal Vol.361 pp. 67-79 (2019)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S138589471832518X



                                                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

Parisa Heydari, Maryam Yavari, Peyman Adibi, Gholamreza Asghari, Syed-Mustafa Ghanadian, Gabriel O.

Dida, and Faham Khamesipour.

*Department of Community and Public Health

Corrigendum to (Medicinal Properties and Active Constituents of Dracocephalum kotschyi and its

Significance in Iran: A Systematic Review

Hindawi Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Vol.1 pp. 1-14 (2019)

See more at: http://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2019/5607329.pdf


                                                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Lucy Ciera*, Lynda Beladjal, Lieve Van Landuyt, David Menger, Maarten Holdinga, Johan Mertens, Lieva

Van Langenhove, Karen De Clerk and Tom Gheysens.


*Department of Fashion and Textile Technology


Electrospinning Repellents in Polyvinyl Alcohol-Nanofibres for Obtaining Mosquito-Repelling Fabrics

Royal Society Vol. 6(8) pp. 1-12 (2019)

See more at: https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/pdf/10.1098/rsos.182139



                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Kennedy Muna Kuria*, Mbaruk Abdalla Suleman and Dorcas Syokui Yole*.


*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Immunopathological Effects of some Biomphalaria Pfeifferi Proteins against Schistosoma Mansoni

Infection in BALB/c Mice

Journal of Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology Research Vol. 9(1) pp.1-12 (2019)

See more at: https://academicjournals.org/journal/JCIIR/article-full-text-pdf/2373B9360607


                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Caroline Mose*.


*Department of Music and Performing Art


Towards a (more) Gender-Responsive Model of Collaboration

Journal of African Cultural Studies, Vol. 31(3) pp. 283-286 (2019)

See more at:  https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1080


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Hezron Mogaka Osano*.

*Department of Entrepreneurship and Technology Management

Global Expansion of SMES: Role of Global Market Strategy for Kenyan SMES

Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Vol. 8(13) pp. 1-31 (2019)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1186%2Fs13731-019-0109-8.pdf



                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Hezron Mogaka Osano*.


*Department of Entrepreneurship and Technology Management


Factors Influencing Global Expansion/Scalability of Small and Medium Enterprises: A Kenyan Case

World Technopolis Association  Vol. 8(1) pp. 1-22 (2019)

See more at: http://www.wtanet.org/download/wtr/20190731/eWTR19a0624.20_article2.pdf


                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: Online

Adero Ochieng Awuor*, Paul Baki*, Olwendo Joseph, Pierre Cilliers and Pieter Kotze.

*Department of Physics and Space Science

Study of Response of Extreme Meso-Scale Field-Aligned Current to Interplanetary Magnetic Field

Components BX, BY and BZ During Geomagnetic Storm

International Journal of Astrophysics and Space Science Vol. 7(1) pp. 1-11 (2019)

See more at: http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=302&doi=10.11648/j.ija




                                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Robert W. Rukwaro and  Raphael M. Kieti*


*Department of Real Estate and Property Management


Spatial Design Parameters for Residential Extensions: The Case of Buru Buru Estate in Nairobi, Kenya

Architectural Engineering and Design Management Vol. 15(1) pp. 29-47(2019)

See more at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1080 


                                                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Solomon Omwoma, Bonface Muendo Mbithi, Marchela Pandelova, Patrick Ssebugered, Joseph O.Lalah*,

Yawe Wang, Yonghong Bi, Bernhard and Henkelmann Karl-Werner Schramm.

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

Comparative Exposomics of Persistent Organic Pollutants (PCBs, OCPs, MCCPs and SCCPs) and

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Lake Victoria (Africa) and Three Gorges Reservoir


Science of the Total Environment Vol. 695 pp.133789 (2019)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969719337301?via%3Dihub#!


                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: Online

Samuel N. Nyamu, Lucy Ombaka*, Eric Masika and Margaret Ng’ang’a.

*Department of Chemistry Science and Technology

One‐Pot Microwave‐Assisted Synthesis of Size‐Dependent L‐Glutathione‐Capped Spherical Silver

Nanoparticles Suitable for Materials with Antibacterial Properties

Journal of Interdisciplinary Nanomedicine Vol. 4(3) pp. 1-9 (2019)

See more at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/jin2.62


                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Ruth Anyango Omole*, Mainen Julius Moshi, Matthias Heydenreich, Hamisi Masanja Malebo,Jeremiah

Waweru Gathirwa, Richard Owor Oriko, Leonida Kerubo Omosa and  Jacob Ogweno Midiwo.

*Department of Chemistry Science and Technology


Antiplasmodial Biflavanones from the Stem Bark of Garcinia Buchananii Engl.Engl.

Pharmacognosy Communications, Vol. 9(3) pp. 96-99 (2019)

See more at: http://dspace.muhas.ac.tz:8080/xmlui/bitstream


                                                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

Leonidah Kerubo Omosa, Gacheru Martin Mbogo, Eric Korir, Ruth Omole*, Ean-Jeong Seo, and Abiy


*Department of Chemistry Science and Technology


Cytotoxicity of Fagaramide Derivative and Canthin-6-One from Zanthoxylum (Rutaceae) Species

Against Multidrug Resistant Leukemia Cells


Journal Natural Product Research Vol. 33(2) pp.1-9 (2019)

See more at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Ruth Anyango Omole*, Mainen Julius Moshia, Matthias Heydenreich, Hamisi Masanja Malebo, Jeremiah

Waweru Gathirwa, Sharon Alice Ochieng, Leonida Kerubo Omosa and  Jacob Ogweno Midiwo.

*Department of Chemistry Science and Technology

Two Lignans Derivatives and Two Fusicoccane Diterpenoids from the Whole Plant of Hypoestes

Verticillaris (L.F.) Sol. Ex Roem. & Schult

Phytochemistry Letters Vol. 30 pp. 194-200 (2019)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1874390018307274


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Ian W. Keesey, Veit Grabe, Lydia Gruber, Sarah Koerte, George F. Obiero*, Grant Bolton, Mohammed A.

Khallaf, Grit Kunert, Sofia Lavista-Llanos, Dario Riccardo Valenzano, Jürgen Rybak, Bruce A. Barrett,

Markus Knaden and Bill S. Hansson.

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Inverse Resource Allocation Between Vision and Olfaction Across the Genus Drosophila

Nature Communications Vol. 10 pp. 1-16 (2019)

See more at: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-019-09087-z.pdf


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Janet Cheruiyot Kosgey*, Lina Jia, Yong Fang, Jianxun Yang, Lei Gao, Jielin Wang, Rose Nyamao, Martin

Cheteu, Dandan Tonga, Vitalis Wekesa, Natalia Vasilyea and  Fengmin Zhang.

*Department of Technical and Applied Biology

Probiotics as Antifungal Agents: Experimental Confirmation and Future Prospects

Journal of Microbiological Methods Vol. 162 pp. 28-37 (2019)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167701219302076


                                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Ann Wambui King’ori, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Elyjoy Muthoni Micheni*.


*Department of Management Science and Technology


A Literature Survey of Cognitive Complexity Metrics for Statechart Diagrams

International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA), Vol.10(4) pp 29-38 (2019)

See more at: https://aircconline.com/ijsea/V10N4/10419ijsea03.pdf



                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Adero Ochieng Awuor1*, Paul Baki2*, Joseph Olwendo and Pieter Kotze.

1,2*Department of Physics and Space Science

Storm-Time Behaviour of Meso-Scale Field-Aligned Currents: Case Study with Three Geomagnetic

Storm Events

Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences Vol. 36(3) pp. 133-147 (2019)

See more at: http://janss.kr/journal/article.php?code=67912&list.php?m=1&ckattempt=1


                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: Online

L. A. Nyabera, S. M. Runo, I. W. Nzuki and P.W. Amwayi*.


*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Phenotypic Diversity of Pumpkins from Western Kenya using Fruit Morphological Characters

African Crop Science Journal, Vol. 27(3) pp. 427 – 435 (2019)

See more at: https://www.ajol.info/index.php/acsj/article/view/189255


                                                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Thomas Dzeha*, Constance Nyiro, Dimitris Kardasopoulos, David Mburu, Joseph Mwafaida Michael J.

Hall and J. Grant Burgess.

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology


UV Resistance of Bacteria from the Kenyan Marine Cyanobacterium Moorea Producens

Microbiology OpenVol.8(4) pp. 1-9 (2019)

See more at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/mbo3.697


                                                                                                                              Impact Factor: Online

Sally Chepchirchir, Tom Kwanya* and Alice Kamau.


*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Maximising the Socioeconomic Value of Indigenous Knowledge Through Policies and

Legislation in Kenya

Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication Vol. 68 (1/2) pp. 60-75 (2019)

See more at: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/GKMC-05-2018-0043/full/pdf?title=max




                                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online

George M. Wamahiga, Tom Kwanya* and Lucy Ndegwa.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Challenges Facing Academic Libraries in Supporting Webometrics Ranking of Universities in Kenya

African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, Vol. 5(2) pp. 200-207 (2019)

See more at: http://ajest.info/index.php/ajest/article/view/367/368


                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online

Carolyne Njue, Jamlick Karumbi, Tammary Esho*, Nesrin Varol and Angela Dawson.

*Department of Community and Public Health

Preventing Female Genital Mutilation in High Income Countries: A Systematic Review of the Evidence

Reproductive Health Vol. 16(113) pp. 1-20 (2019)

See more at: https://reproductive-health-journal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12978-019-0774-x?op



                                                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Derdus M. Kenga, Vincent O. Omwenga and Patrick J. Ogao*.


*Department of Geo-Information and Earth Information


Autonomous Virtual Machine Sizing and Resource Usage Prediction for Efficient Resource Utilization

in Multi-Tenant Public Cloud

International Journal of  Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 5 pp. 11-22 (2019)

See more at: http://www.mecs-press.org/ijitcs/ijitcs-v11-n5/IJITCS-V11-N5-2.pdf


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Henny M. W, B. Van Rooi, Tammary Esho*, Wanjiru Ndegwa, Aida Bilajbegovic Benjamin Kioko, Luca

Koppen S. Kemunto Migiro, Solomon Mwenda and Trudie Gerrits.

*Department of Community and Public Health

Fertility Problems and Fertility Care in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Kenya

Pathways and Barriers to Parenthood Vol.1 pp. 59-82 (2019)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-24864-2_4


                                                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

Tammary C. Esho*, Samuel K. Muniu, Mohammed Yussuf, Chantalle Okondo  and Caroline W. Kabiru.

*Department of Community and Public Health


Measurement of the Sexual Health and Wellbeing of Women Who Have Undergone Female Genital

Mutilation/Cutting: A Scoping Review

International Journal of Sexual Health  Vol. 31 (1) pp. 92-108 (2019)

See more at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1080


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Kenga Mosoti Derdus, Vincent Omwenga Oteke and Patrick Job Ogao*.


*Department of Geo-Information and Earth Information


Measuring Inter-VM Performance Interference in IaaS Cloud

Computer Engineering and Applications Vol. 8(3) pp. 153-158 (2019)

See more at: https://comengapp.unsri.ac.id/index.php/comengapp/article/view/311/187


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Adero Ochieng Awuor1*, Geeta Vichare, Paul Baki2*, Pierre Cilliers, Pieter Kotze and Ashwini


1,2*Department of Physics and Space Science

Storm-Time Mesoscale Field-Aligned Currents and Interplanetary Parameters

Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics Vol. 195 pp. 8-17 (2019)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1364682619304006#!


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Stephen Opiyo, Albert Mochache Getabu, Lewis Morara Sitoki*and nakalo Shitandi.


*Department of Geo-Science and the Environment


A Test of the Applicability of the Lake Habitat Survey for Hydromorphological Monitoring of a

Tropical Alkaline Lake (Simbi) with a Fisheries Potential

International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies Vol. 7(4) pp. 327-333 (2019)

See more at: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3462468


                                                                                                                                 Impact Factor:  Online

Opiyo Stephen  Getabu, Albert Mochache, Sitoki Lewis Morara*, Shitandi Anakalo and Ogendi, George


*Department of Geo-Science and the Environment


Application of the Carlson’s Trophic State Index for the Assessment of Trophic Status of Lake Simbi

Ecosystem, a Deep Alkaline-Saline Lake in Kenya

International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies Vol. 7(4) pp. 327-333 (2019)

See more at: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3451145


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Nyaundi J. K., Getabu A. M., Kengara F., Onchieku J., Njiru M., Kinaro Z. O., Babu J. M., Sitoki L. M.*,

Nyamweya C. and Osoro E. M.

*Department of Geo-Science and the Environment

Assessment of Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPS) Contamination in Relation to Physico-Chemical

Parameters in the Upper River Kuja Catchment, Kenya (East Africa)

International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies Vol. 7(1) pp. 172-179 (2019)

See more at: http://www.fisheriesjournal.com/archives/2019/vol7issue1/PartC/6-5-37-453.pdf


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor:  Online

Dickson Kinyanyi , Peris Amwayi*, Mark Wamalwa and George Obiero.

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Comparative in Silico Study of Congocidine Congeners as Potential Inhibitors of African Swine Fever


Public Library of Science One Vol. 14(8) pp. 1-17 (2019)

See more at: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article/file?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0221175&type=printable


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor:  Online

Anne M. Khisa, Peter Ngure*, Evelyn Gitau, Justus Musasiah, Eunice Kilonzo, Emmanuel Otukpa, Marta

Vicente-Crespo, Catherine Kyobutungi, Alex Ezeh  and  Sharon Fonn.

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Gender Responsive Multidisciplinary Doctoral Training Program: The Consortium for Advanced

Research Training in Africa (CARTA) Experience

Journal Global Health Action Vol. 12(1) pp. 1-8 (2019)

See more at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epub/10.1080


                                                                                                             Impact Factor:  Online

Robert Nilson Wayumba*.


*Department of Surveying Science and Technology


Capacity Building on Land Registration Systems for Sustainable Development in Kenya

International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science (IJRES) Vol.7(2) pp .51-57 (2019)

See more at: http://www.ijres.org/papers/Volume%207/Issue-2/Series-1/F0702015157.pdf


                                                                                                                  Impact Factor:  Online

Cecilia Kyany’a, Justin Nyasinga*, Daniel Matano, Valerie Oundo, Simon Wacira, Willie Sang and Lillian Musila.

*Department of Biomedical Sciences and Technology

Phenotypic and Genotypic Characterization of Clinical Staphylococcus Aureus Isolates from Kenya

BMC Microbiology Vol .19 pp.1-11 (2019)

See more at: https://bmcmicrobiol.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s12866-019-1597-1


                                                                                                            Impact Factor:  Online

Junmin Li, Ayub M. O. Oduor*, Feihai Yu and Ming Dong.

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology


A Native Parasitic Plant and Soil Microorganisms Facilitate a Native Plant Co‐occurrence with an Invasive Plant

Ecology and Evolution Vol. 9 pp. 8652–8663 (2019)

See more at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/ece3.5407


                                                                                                                             Impact Factor:  Online

Huaping Long, Dagne Mojo, Chao Fu, Guoqin Wang, Erustus Kanga, Ayub M. O. Oduor* and Linxiu Zhang.

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology


Patterns of Human-Wildlife Conflict and Management Implications in Kenya: A National Perspective

An International Journal Human Dimensions of Wildlife Vol. 1 pp. 1-15 (2019)

See more at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/10871209.2019.1695984?needAccess=true


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Omar Darboe, Dominic Bernard Onyango Konditi* and Franklin Manene.

*Department of Telecommunication and Information Engineering

A 28 GHz Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna for 5G Applications

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology Vol. 129(6) pp. 854-857 (2019)

See more at: http://irphouse.com/ijert19/ijertv12n6_20.pdf


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor:  Online

Pierre Moukala Mpele, Franck Moukanda Mbango and Dominic Bernard Onyango Konditi*.

*Department of Telecommunication and Information Engineering


A Small Dual Band (28/38 GHz) Elliptical Antenna for 5G Applications with DGS

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research Vol. 8(10) pp. 353-357 (2019)

See more at: http://www.ijstr.org/final-print/oct2019/A-Small-Dual-Band-2838-Ghz-Elliptical-Antenna-For-5g-Applications-With-Dgs.pdf


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Fredrick O. Ogolla, Clifton Omondi and Christopher Odhiambo*.


*Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology


Assessment of Wild Rodents Endoparasites in Kirimiri Forest in Embu County, Kenya

International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications Vol. 3(5) pp.14-22 (2019)

See more at: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/c6ba/87336d9a6710b20591e888456eab5ea4574f.pdf


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor:  Online

David Katiambo*.


*Department of Journalism and Media Studies


International Trade as Discourse: Construction of a “China Threat” through Fakes

Critical Arts South-North Cultural and Media Studies Vol. 1 pp. 1-14 (2019)

See more at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/02560046.2019.1676281?needAccess=true


                                                                                                                            Impact Factor:  Online

Elizabeth Mwaniki1* and Judith Waswa2*.


1*Department of Community and Public Health

2*Department of Nutrition and Dietetics


Effects of Second Hand Smoking on the Health of School Children in Awendo, Kenya

Central African Journal of Public Health Vol. 5(6) pp. 266-271 (2019)

See more at: http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=326&doi=10.11648/j.cajph.20190506.17


                                                                                                                         Impact Factor:  Online

Elyjoy Muthoni Micheni* and Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha.

*Department of Management Science and  Technology

Analysis of the Problem Internet Use (PIU) Among Adolescents in Kenyan Schools

Journal of Information Engineering and Applications Vol. 9(6) pp.32-40 (2019)

See more at: https://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JIEA/article/view/49850/51512


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Stella C. Barsulai, Richard O. B. Makopondo* and Erick V. O. Fwaya.

*Department of Tourism and Travel Management   

The Effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Employee Productivity in Star Rated Hotels in Kenya

European Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research Vol. 7(1) pp. 1-8(2019)

See more at: https://www.eajournals.org/wp-content/uploads/The-Effect-of-Organizational-Citizenship-Behavior-on-Employee-Productivity-in-star-rated-hotels-in-Kenya.pdf


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Humphrey Mbuti, Elizabeth Mwaniki*, Peter Warutere, Francis Oguya* and Ronnie Midigo*.

*Department of Community and Public Health


Demographic Factors Associated with Health-Related Quality of Life Among Urban and Rural Tuberculosis Patients in Kenya

Journal of Human Physiology Vol. 1(2) pp. 1-7 (2019)

See more at: https://ojs.bilpublishing.com/index.php/jhp/article/view/1502/1157


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Jane Mputhia* and Richard Kerich.

*Department of Entrepreneurship and Technology Management

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) before Implementing the Technological Interventions to Reduce Incidences of Drought Related Human Diseases in Yatta District in Kenya, 2013

Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management Vol. 3(5) pp. 57- 78 (2019)

See more at: https://stratfordjournals.org/journals/plugins/generic/pdfJsViewer/pdf.js/web/viewer.html?file=https%3A%2F%2Fstratfordjournals.org%2Fjournals%2Findex.php%2Fjournal-of-entrepreneurship-proj%2Farticle%2Fdownload%2F385%2F478%2F#page=2


                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Jane Mputhia1*, Priscilla Muiruri, Atieno Ann Ndede2*, Martha Achieng3*, Dorcas Mutemi4*, Betsy Wanjala5* and Elyjoy Micheni6*.


1,2,3,4,5,6*Department of Management Science and Technology

Kenya Agricultural Productivity and Agribusiness Project (KAPAP) and The Technical University of Kenya (TUK) Entrepreneurship and Business Plan Development Training

Report, September 2015

Journal of Entrepreneurship and Project Management Vol. 3(6) pp. 1-32 (2019)

See more at: https://stratfordjournals.org/journals/index.php/journal-of-entrepreneurship-proj/article/view/386/474


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Laban Kipkemoi Rotich1*, Richard Ogola Belle Makopondo2*, Nehemia Kiprop Kiprutto and Davis Wekesa Barasa3*.


1,2,3*Department of Tourism and Travel Management


Climate Change Effects on Natural Resources Availability and Tourism Sustainability in Maasai Mara National Game Reserve, Kenya

African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Vol. 8(5) pp. 1-15 (2019)

See more at: https://www.ajhtl.com/uploads/7/1/6/3/7163688/article_73_vol_8_5__2019_kenya.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Mercy K. Peter, Levi Mbugua* and Anthony Wanjoya.

*Department of Statistics and Actuarial science

Bayesian Non-Parametric Mixture Model with Application to Modeling Biological Markers

Journal of Data Analysis and Information Processing Vol. 7 pp. 141-152 (2019)

See more at: https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=95040


                                                                                                                   Impact Factor: Online

Virginia Mwelu Kitetu, Thomas Tony Mboya Onyango* and Jackson Kioko Kwanza.

*Department of Industrial and Engineering Mathematics


Control Volume Approach for Determining Effect of Hartman Number, Nanoparticle Volume Fraction and Suction Parameter on MHD Nanofluid Flow over Stretched Surface

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) Vol. 6(7) pp. 136-143 (2019)

See more at: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrias/DigitalLibrary/Vol.4&Issue7/136-143.pdf


                                                                                                              Impact Factor: Online

Belator Dinah, Naomi Mwai* Jotham M. Wasike and Ratemo Makiya Cyprian.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management


Assessment of the Electronic Records Management Readiness at Kenya National Archives and Documentation Service (KNADS) Nairobi, Kenya

European Journal of Research and Reflection in Management Sciences Vol. 7(4) pp. 72-82 (2019)

See more at: http://www.idpublications.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Full-Paper-ASSESSMENT-OF-THE-ELECTRONIC-RECORDS-MANAGEMENT-READINESS-AT-KENYA-NATIONAL-ARCHIVES-AND-DOCUMENTATION.pdf


                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: Online

Rashid A. Omar, Mutundu K. Kennedy and Levi N. Mbugua*.


*Department of Statistics and Actuarial Sciences


Socio-Economic Implication of Khat Consumption on the Household Economy

International Journal of Research – GRANTHAALAYAH Vol. 7(1) pp. 137-147 (2019)

See more at: http://granthaalayah.com/Articles/Vol7Iss1/12_IJRG19_A01_2025.pdf


                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online

T.M Ndunda and Naomi Waiganjo*


*Department of Biomedical Laboratory Sciences & Technology


Occurrence of Transfusion Transmitted Malaria Parasites among Voluntary Blood Donors Using CareStart Cassette and Quantitative Buffy Coat Techniques at Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya

Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Vol. 7(9) pp. 170-174 (2019)

See more at: http://jmscr.igmpublication.org/v7-i9/26%20jmscr.pdf


                                                                                                                   Impact Factor: Online

Kenga Mosoti Derdus, Vincent Oteke Omwenga and Patrick Job Ogao*.

*Department of Geo-Information and Earth Information


Causes of Energy Wastage in Cloud Data Centre Servers: A Survey

International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology Vol. 10(10) pp. 416-430 (2019)

See more at: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/6c54/168af0b4f8220dd06b1658e7bbbda763075e.pdf


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Kenga Mosoti Derdus, Vincent Oteke Omwenga and Patrick Job Ogao*.

*Department of Geo-Information and Earth Information


Energy-Aware Virtual Machine Clustering for Consolidation in Multi-Tenant IaaS Public Clouds

International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology IJSRCSEIT Vol. 5(2) pp. 1123-1136 (2019)

See more at: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/81a1/70a2f6339867e18b6f6dbf8c5928f8d7ebc0.pdf?_ga=2.39804640.255050162.1580211709-1878131701.1522059483


                                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online  

Jane Mputhia*, Alice Mutungi, Stella Obanyi, Gladys Kitui*, Benter Onyango*, Lydia

Gachahi*, Jokastah Kalungu and Pauline Bore*.


*Department of Geo-Science and the Environment


Improving Community’s Standards of Living through the Provision of Clean, Safe, Adequate, Reliable and Accessible Water Through Excavation of Water Reservoirs, Construction of Rain Harvesting and Water Conveyance Technologies in Yatta Constituency

African Journal of Emerging Issues (AJOEI) Vol. 1(11) pp. 1-28 (2019)

See more at: https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/64


                                                                                                                   Impact Factor: Online

Jane Mputhia*, Alice Mutungi, Stella Obanyi, Gladys Kitui*, Benter Onyango*, Lydia Gachahi*, Jokastah Kalungu and Pauline Bore*.


*Department of Geo-Science and the Environment


Sensitization and Mobilization of the Community to Participate in Implementation of Projects to Contribute to Improved Health and Income Generation through Increased Food Production, Preservation, Improved Water Quantity and Quality in Yatta Constituency by 2013

African Journal of Emerging Issues (AJOEI) Vol. 1(10) pp. 84-105 (2019)

See more at: https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/63/74


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Naumih M. Noah and Peter M. Ndangili*.


*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

Current Trends of Nanobiosensors for Point-of-Care Diagnostics

Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry Vol. 1 pp. 1-16 (2019)

See more at: http://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/jamc/2019/2179718.pdf


                                                                                                              Impact Factor: Online

Stella C. Barsulai, Richard O. B. Makopondo* and Erick V. O. Fwaya.

*Department of Tourism and Travel Management

The Effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Employee Productivity in Star Rated Hotels in Kenya

European Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research Vol. 7(1) pp. 1-8 (2019)

See more at: https://www.eajournals.org/wp-content/uploads/The-Effect-of-Organizational-Citizenship-Behavior-on-Employee-Productivity-in-star-rated-hotels-in-Kenya.pdf


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Ruth Monyenye Nyangacha, David Odongo, Florence Oyieke, Christine Bii, Erastus Muniu, Stanley Chasia* and Missiani Ochwoto.

*Department of Geosciences and Environment


Spatial Distribution, Prevalence and Potential Risk Factors of Tungiasis in Vihiga County, Kenya

PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases Vol. 1 pp. 1-14 (2019)

See more at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30860992


                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Paula Aninyie Wumnaya, Stephen Musyoki* and Waweru Mwangi.

*Department of Instrumentation and Control 

Markov Modelling of Fault-Tolerant Wireless Sensor Networks with Independent Repair

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology Vol. 12(3) pp. 337-342 (2019)

See more at: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/0dd9/5de3a6129b54c25411654813f1d2d9547de0.pdf?_ga=2.9748086.255050162.1580211709-1878131701.1522059483


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Els Leye, Nina Van Eekert, Simukai Shamu, Tammary Esho* and Hazel Barrett.

*Department of Community and Public Health


Debating Medicalization of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C): Learning From

(Policy) Experiences Across Countries

Leye et al. Reproductive Health Vol. 16 pp. 1-16 (2019)

See more at: https://www.springermedizin.de/debating-medicalization-of-female-genital-mutilation-cutting-fgm/17341236


                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Jonathan Limo, Tom Kwanya* and Sally Chepchirchir.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Electronic Records Management Strategies by Government Agencies in Kenya

Record and Library Journal Vol. 5(1) pp. 62-71 (2019)

See more at: https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/RLJ/article/view/12503/8385


                                                                                                                   Impact Factor: Online

Tom Kwanya* and Phylis Nyariki.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management


Information Seeking Behaviour of Private School Students in Kenya

Journal of Library and Information Science Vol. 9(1) pp. 40-53 (2019)

See more at: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/df00/eb4ff49bf326094c2fd4f8d74925de85d61c.pdf?_ga=2.39818848.255050162.1580211709-1878131701.1522059483


                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Harry Amuguni Chanzua, John Mmari Onyari and Paul Mwanza Shiundu*.


*Department of Chemical Sciences and Technology


Brewers’ Spent Grain in Adsorption of Aqueous Congo Red and Malachite Green Dyes: Batch and Continuous Flow Systems

Journal of Hazardous Materials Vol. 380 pp.1-52 (2019)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304389419308507?via%3Dihub


                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

Elyjoy Muthoni Micheni*, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha and Evance Ogolla Onyango.

*Department Management Science and Technology

Interoperability of ERP Software.

Metrics and Models for Evaluating the Quality and Effectiveness of ERP Software Vol.1 pp.53-54 (2020)

See more at: https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/interoperability-of-erp-software/232349


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor:  Online

Tammary Esho*.

*Department of Community and Public Health

Measurement of the Sexual Health and Wellbeing of Women who have undergone Female Genital

Mutilation: A Scoping Review.

Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada Vol.42 (2) pp.1-10 (2020)

See more at: https://www.jogc.com/article/S1701-2163(19)31103-X/pdf


                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

James Sifuna, Pablo García-Fernández , George S. Manyali , George Amolo*  and Javier Junquera.

*Department of Physics and Space Sciences

Comparison of Band-fitting and Wannier-based Model Construction for WSe2.

Materials Research Society Vol 5(44) pp. 2281 – 2290 (2020)

See more at: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/mrs-advances/article/comparison-of-band-fitting-and

-wannierbased-model-construction-for wse2/14D32342068824710E2F732E93A186A0


                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online

Amber Roegner, Lewis Sitoki*, Chelsea Weirich, Jessica Corman, Dickson Owage, Moses Umami,

Ephraim Odada, Jared Miruka, Zachary Ogari, Woutrina Smith, Eliska Rejmankova and  Todd R. Miller.

*Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Harmful Algal Blooms threaten the Health of Peri-Urban Fisher Communities: A Case Study in

Kisumu Bay, Lake Victoria, Kenya.

Exposure and Health Vol. 12 pp.835–848 (2020)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12403-019-00342-8



                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: Online

Solomon Omwoma, Adongo Stephen Odongo, Zablon Otieno, Silas Lagat and Joseph Owuor Lalah*.

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

Layered Rare-Earth Hydroxide Unilameller Nano sheets: Synthesis, Characterization, and


Journal of Chemistry Vol. 2020 pp.1-11 (2020)

See more at: https://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/jchem/2020/8923871.pdf


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor:  1.638

George O. Achieng, Chrispin O. Kowenje, Joseph O. Lalah* and Stephen O. Ojwach.

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

Preparation, Characterization of Fish Scales Biochar and their Applications in the Removal of

Anionic Indigo Carmine Dye from Aqueous Solutions.

Water Science Technology Vol. 80 (11) pp.2218–2231 (2020)

See more at: https://watermark.silverchair.com/wst080112218


                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: 6.551

Solomon Omwoma, Bonface Muendo Mbithi, Marchela Pandelova, Patrick Ssebugere, Joseph O.Lalah*,

Yawei Wang, Yonghong Bi, Bernhard Henkelmann and Karl-Werner Schrammch.

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

Corrigendum to “Comparative Exposomics of Persistent Organic Pollutants (PCBs, OCPs, MCCPs

and SCCPs) and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Lake Victoria (Africa) and Three

Gorges Reservoir (China)”

Science of the Total Environment Vol. 699 pp.134820 (2020)

See more at: https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/271800/1-s2


                                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: 5.647

 Ayub M.O.Oduor*.

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Livelihood Impacts and Governance Processes of Community-based Wildlife Conservation in Maasai

Mara Ecosystem, Kenya.

Journal of Environmental Management Vol. 260 pp.1-10 (2020)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301479720300712


                                                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Dickson Mubera Andala, Erick Mobegi, Mildred Nawiri and Geoffrey Otieno*.

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

Fabrication of Metal Oxide-Biopolymer Nano composite for Water DE fluoridation.

Effects of Emerging Chemical Contaminants on Water Resources and Environmental Health Vol.1pp.1-30


See more at: https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/fabrication-of-metal-oxide-biopolymer-nanocomposite-for-



                                                                                                                              Impact Factor: 1.233

Lynda Allan*, Fiona N. Mbai, Dorcas S. Yole and Moses Owino.

*Department of Biomedical Sciences and Technology

Intensity of Nematode Infection in Children Aged 3 to 5 Years Living in Mukuru Kwa Njenga Slum

Settlement, Nairobi, Kenya.

Journal of Tropical Medicine Vol.2020 pp.1-7 (2020)

See more at: https://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/jtm/2020/4124808.pdf


                                                                                                                             Impact Factor:  Online

Lucy Wachera Kibe, Tom Kwanya* and Ashah Owano.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Relationship between Big Data analytics and Organizational Performance of The Technical

University of Kenya and Strathmore University in Kenya

Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication Vol.1 pp. 537-556 (2020)

See more at: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi


                                                                                                                           Impact Factor:  Online

Fredrick Odhiambo Adika, and Tom Kwanya*.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Research Data Management Literacy amongst Lecturers at Strathmore University, Kenya.

Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication Vol.1 pp. 537-556 (2020)

See more at: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/do



                                                                                                                         Impact Factor:  Online

Tom Kwanya*.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Stigmatization of Indigenous Knowledge: The Case of Night-running in Western Kenya.

Journal of Religion in Africa Vol. 48(4) pp. 376–392 (2020)

See more at: https://brill.com/view/journals/jra/48/4/article


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor:  Online

Joan Wakasa Murumba, Tom Kwanya* and Jane Cherono Maina.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Effects of Tacit Knowledge on the Performance of Selected Universities in Kenya.

Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy Vol. 8(2) pp.125-144 (2020)

See more at: https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=943569


                                                                                                                          Impact Factor:  3.570

Cecil N. M. Ouma, Kingsley O. Obodo, Cemal Parlak and George O. Amolo*.

*Department of Physics and Space Sciences

Effect of 3D Transition Metal Substitution Dopants and Adatoms on Mono Layer TcS2 ab initio


Physical E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures Vol. 123 pp.1-10 (2020)

See more at:   https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1386947719310288?via%3Dihub



                                                                                                                          Impact Factor:  Online

James Sifuna, Pablo García-Fernánde, George S. Manyali, George Amolo*, and Javier Junquera.

*Department of Physics and Space Sciences

First Principles Study of Two-Dimensional Electron and Hole Gases at the Head-to-Head and Tail-to-

Tail 180 Domain Walls in PbTiO3 Ferroelectric Thin Films.

American Physical Society Vol.1 pp.1-7 (2020)

See more at: https://journals.aps.org/prb/pdf/10.1103/PhysRevB.101.174114


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Mirriam Chepkoech, Daniel P. Joubert and George O. Amolo*.

*Department of Physics and Space Sciences

Theoretical Investigation of the Thermoelectric Properties of ACuO2 (A = K, Rb and Cs).

The European Physical Journal B Vol.93 100 pages (2020)

See more at:  https://link.springer.com/article/10.1140%2Fepjb%2Fe2020-100614-2


                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

Miriam Chepkoech, Daniel P. Joubert and George O. Amolo*.

*Department of Physics and Space Sciences

A Density Functional Theory Study of the Thermoelectric Properties of K3AuO.

Computational Condensed Matter Vol.24 pp.e00484 (2020)

See more at:  https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2352214320300307


                                                                                                              Impact Factor:  Online

Gladys King’ori, Cecil N M Ouma, Abshiek Mishra, George O Amolo*, Nicholas Makau.

*Department of Physics and Space Sciences

Two-Dimensional Graphene-HfS2 Van Der Waals Heterostructure as Electrode Material for

Alkali-ion Batteries.

Materials Science Vol.1 pp.1-28 (2020)

See more at: https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/2005/2005.06317.pdf


                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

James Sifuna, Pablo García-Fernánde, George S. Manyali, George Amolo*, and Javier Junquera.

*Department of Physics and Space Sciences

Comparison of Band-fitting and Wannier-based Model Construction for WSe2.

Material Research Society Advances Vol. 5 (44)pp.2281 – 2290 (2020)

See more at: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/mrs-advances/article/comparison-of-band-fitting-



                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

Chasia Stanley, Olang Luke*; Sitoki Lewis* and Hernnergger, Mathew.

*Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Bridging the Critical Interface: Ambidextrous Innovation for Water Provision in Nairobi’s

Informal Settlements.

Technology in Society Vol. 60 pp.1-12 (2020)

See more at: https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/271744


                                                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Chasia Stanley, Olang Luke, Sitoki Lewis* and Hernnergger Mathew.

*Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Modelling Land Use/Cover Change Scenarios in a Trans boundary Catchment.

EGU General Assembly pp.1-2 (2020)

See more at: https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/271744



                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Evance Omondi Mbao, Jin Gao,  Yu Wang,  Lewis Sitoki*,  Yangdong Pan and Beixin Wang

*Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Sensitivity And Reliability Of Diatom Metrics and Guilds in Detecting the Impact of Urbanization

on Streams.

Ecological Indicators Vol.116 pp.1-11 ( 2020)

See more at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106506


                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

 Derdus Kenga, Vincent Oteke Omwenga and Patrick Job Ogao*.

*Department of Computing and Information Technology  

A Method for Measuring Energy Consumption in IaaS Cloud.

Journal of Advances in Computer Engineering and Technology Vol.6 (3) pp.141-150 (2020)

See more at https://jacet.srbiau.ac.ir/article_15992_6e5b6c2647ec465d52d0d959942664f4.pdf


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Joan Mwihaki Nyika*

*Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Tolerance of Microorganisms to Heavy Metals.

Recent Advancements in Bioremediation of Metal Contaminants Vol.1 pp.19-35 (2020)

See more at: https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/tolerance-of-microorganisms-to-heavy-metals/259564


                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Joan Mwihaki Nyika*

*Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

The Use of Microorganism-Derived Enzymes for Bioremediation of Soil Pollutants.

Recent Advancements in Bioremediation of Metal Contaminants Vol.1 pp. 54-71 (2020)

See more at: https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/the-use-of-microorganism-derived-enzymes-for-bioremedia



                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Fred Ayodi Lisouza.  Okinda Owuor and Joseph O. Lalah*.

*Department of Geochemistry & Environmental Chemistry

Sources, Distribution, and Risk Assessment of Organ Chlorine Pesticides in Nairobi City, Kenya.

Journal of Environmental Sciences Vol.96 pp.178-185 (2020)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1001074220301947


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Hillary Adawo Onjong, Victor Ntuli, Mercy Mwaniki*, Patrick Murigu and Kamau Njage.

*Department of Food Science and Technology

Exposure Assessment to Staphylococcus Enterotoxins in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) supplied

through Semi-regulated and Unregulated Value Chains.

Food Control Vol. 119 pp.1-15 (2020)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0956713520304035?via%3Dihub


                                                                                                                   Impact Factor: Online

 Joel Nakitare, Emily Sawe, Joyce Nyambala and Tom Kwanya*.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Managementi

The Emerging Roles of Academic Librarians In Kenya: Apomediaries or Infomediaries?

Library Management Vol. 41 pp.339-353 (2020)

See more at: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/LM-04-2020-0076/full/pdf?title=the-eme



                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Jackson Kipchirchir Machii*, Julius Murumba*, Elyjoy Micheni* and James Njihia.

*Department Management Science and Technology

Towards a Strategic Application of IoT and Big Data for African Societal Solutions.

IST-Africa 2020 Conference Proceedings Miriam Cunningham and Paul Cunningham (Eds) IST-Africa

Institute and IIMC  Vol.1 pp.1-12 (2020)

See more at: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9144036


                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online

Jackson Kipchirchir Machii*, Julius Murumba*, Elyjoy Micheni* and James Njihia.

*Department Management Science and Technology

Semantic Web and Grid Technology use in Collaborative Researches for Universities in Kenya

IST-Africa 2020 Conference Proceedings Miriam Cunningham and Paul Cunningham (Eds) IST-Africa

Institute and IIMC, Vol. 2020 pp.1-10 (2020)

See more at: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=9144028


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Jeremiah O. Abolade, Dominic B. O. Konditi* and Vasant M. Dharmadhikary.

*Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering

Bio-Inspired Wideband Antenna For Wireless Applications Based On Perturbation Technique.

Heliyon Vol.6 pp.1-10 (2020).

See more at:  https://www.cell.com/action/showPdf?pii=S2405-8440%2820%2931126-9


                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

Julius Nyerere Odhiambo, Elyjoy Muthoni Micheni* and Benard Muma.

*Department Management Science and Technology

Understanding Enterprise Resource Planning Reliability for Operational Excellence: Towards

Understanding the Components of a Reliable Enterprise Resource Planning System.

Metrics and Models for Evaluating the Quality and Effectiveness of ERP Software

Vol.1 pp.119-124 (2020)

See more at:https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/understanding-enterprise-resource-planning-reliability-for-



                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

Elyjoy Muthoni Micheni*

*Department Management Science and Technology

ERP Software Maintenance.

Metrics and Models for Evaluating the Quality and Effectiveness of ERP Software

Vol.1 pp.307-329 (2020)

See more at: https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/erp-software-maintenance/232360


                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Daniel Ochieng Orwenjo*

*Department of Language and communication Language

“Of Shifting Goal-Posts And Scoring Own Goals”: Patterns of Metaphorical Language Use In

Kenya’s Political Discourse.

Language and Politics in Africa: Contemporary Issues and Critical Perspectives

Vol. 1 pp.52-81 (2020)

See more at:  https://books.google.co.ke/books?id=PLbkDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA52&lpg=PA52&dq=OF+SHIF








                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Lilian Oyieke*.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Theoretical and Practical Implications of Power Dynamics in Academic Libraries.

Advances in Library Administration and Organization Vol.41 pp. 5-20 (2020)

See more at:   https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/S0732-067120200000041002/full/html


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Naker Diana Aupe, and Evans Vidija Sagwa*.


*Department of Business Administration and Entrepreneurship

Influence of Stakeholders in Project Monitoring and Evaluation on Sustainability of Water Projects

in Kwanza Sub-County Kenya.

Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training Vol.5 pp.141-153 (2020)

See more at:  https://afritvet.org/index.php/Afritvet/article/view/111/126


                                                                                                                   Impact Factor: Online

John Mokua Mose*, John Maina Kagira, David Muchina Kamau, Naomi Wangari Maina, Maina Ngotho

and Simon Muturi Karanja.

*Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences

A Review on the Present Advances on Studies of Toxoplasmosis in Eastern Africa.

BioMed Research International Vol.2020 pp.1-12 (2020)

See more at:  http://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2020/7135268.pdf


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online


Edison Omollo Oduor*, Lucy Wanjiru Ciera*, Vijay Adolkar* and Odoch Pido*.

*Department of Fashion, Clothing and Textiles

Effect of Conventional Degumming methods on Eri silk Fibers Produced in Kenya.

Research Journal of Textile and Apparel Vol.24 pp.163-182 (2020)

See more at:   https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/RJTA-05-2019-0021/full/pdf


                                                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Samuel Ogochukwu Azi, Uyiosa Osagie Aigbe, Robert Birundu Onyancha

and Joseph Onyeka Emegha*

*Department of Physics and Space Science

Analyzing The Uncertainties Between Reanalysis Meteorological Data And Ground Measured

Meteorological Data.

Measurement Vol. 165 pp.108-110 (2020)

See more at:   https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0263224120306485


                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

RB Onyancha*, J Shimoyama, Jayashree Das, H Ogino, UO Aigbe, VV Srinivasu.

*Department of Physics and Space Science

Novel Normal-state Low Field Microwave Absorption in SmFeAsO1− xFx Iron Pnictide


Solid State Communications Vol.307 pp.113-800 (2020)

See more at:   https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0038109819304338


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor:  Online

Uyiosa Osagie Aigbe, Robert Birundu Onyancha*, Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Kingsley Onyebuchi


*Department of Physics and Space Science

Correction: Removal of Fluoride Ions using A Polypyrrole Magnetic Nanocomposite Influenced by

a Rotating Magnetic Field.

Royal Society of Chemistry Advances Vol. 10 pp.3883-3883 (2020)

See more at: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2020/ra/d0ra90010a 


                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Joan Mwihaki Nyika*.

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Understanding Water-Food-Energy Nexus in the Climate Change Era and the Roadmap to

Implementation in South Africa

Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture and  Vol.1 pp.158-185 (2020)

See more at:  https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/understanding-water-food-energy-nexus-in-the-climate-



                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Joan Mwihaki Nyika*.

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Climate Change Situation in Kenya and Measures Towards Adaptive Management in the Water Sector.

Journal of International Journal of Environmental Sustainability and Green Technologies

Vol.11 pp.34-47 (2020)

See more at:   https://www.igi-global.com/article/climate-change-situation-in-kenya-and-measures-towards-



                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

 David M. Kahando* and Tirus Muya Maina

*Department of Business Administration and Entrepreneurship

Production Management Procedures and the Growth of Jua Kali enterprises in Kenya

International Journal of Management Studies and Social Science Research Vol.2 pp. 120 -129 (2020)

See more at: http://www.ijmsssr.org/paper/IJMSSSR00151.pdf


                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Elizabeth M. Muli, Elisha T. Opiyo, Robert Oboko and  William Okelo-Odongo

*Department of Computer Science and Technology

E-Surveillance for Investigating Capacity of Health Systems to Detect and Control Infectious Diseases

of Poverty: A Case of Kitui South Sub-County.

IST-Africa Institute and IIMC Vol.1 pp. 1-12 (2020)

See more at: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9144007


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online.

Lyida W Muthuma*

*Department of Design and Creative Arts

Modern Kenyan Identity: Crafting a Nation Through Monuments.

Modern Kenyan Identity, AM Journal Vol. 21 pp.25−43 (2020)

See more at: https://fmkjournals.fmk.edu.rs/index.php/AM/article/view/368/pdf


                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

Chepukosi Kennedy*, Patrick Okanya* , James Nyabuga Nyariki* , Peris Amwayi *, Ngalla Jillani 

and  Alfred Orina Isaac

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

*Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Coenzyme Q10 Nullified Khat-Induced Hepatotoxicity, Nephrotoxicity and Inflammation In A Mouse


Heliyon Vol. 6(9) pp.1-11 (2020)

See more at:  https://www.cell.com/action/showPdf?pii=S2405-8440%2820%2931760-6


                                                                                                                              Impact Factor: Online

Benard Mworia Warutumo, Pius Nderitu Kihara* and  Levi Mbugua*

*Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science

Estimating Total Energy Demand from Incomplete Data Using Non-parametric Analysis.

International Journal of Data Science and Analysis, Vol.6 pp 1-11 (2020)

See more at: http://www.sciencepublishinggrup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=367&paperId=10044791


                                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Raphael Mutisya Kieti* and Walter Ogolla

*Real Estate and Property Management.

Hedonic valuation of apartments in Kenya

Property Management Vol. 39 (1) pp.34-53 (2020)

See more at:  https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/PM-04-2020-0022/full/pdf


                                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Abidha Monica Gwecho, Shu Wang and Onyango Thomas Mboya*

*Department of Industrial and Engineering Mathematics

Existence of Approximate Solutions for Modified Poisson Nernst-Planck Describing Ion

Flow in Cell Membranes

American Journal of Computational Mathematics Vol. 10 pp. 473-484 (2020)

See more at: https://www.scirp.org/pdf/ajcm_2020092515511670.pdf


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Jacinta Wanjiku Kinyingia, Richard O. B. Makopondo*and  David M. Gichuhi

*Department of Tourism And Travel Management

Effects of raw materials on the quality of catering services at daycare centers: A case of Nyeri Town

Constituency in Kenya.

International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science Vol. 9 pp. 96-106 (2020)

See More at: https://www.ssbfnet.com/ojs/index.php/ijrbs/article/view/622/532


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Perpetua Karanja, Levi Mbugua*, James Riungu, Mercy Mulaku, and Faith Okalebo

* Department of Statistics and Actuarial Sciences

Time series analysis of consumption and short term forecasting of female contraceptives in the

Kenyan public health sector.

African Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Vol. 9 pp.9-17 (2020)


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                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Muriuki Elijah Ngochi, Levi Mbugua* and Karuri Thiong’o

*Department of Statistics and Actuarial Sciences

An Analysis of the Influence of Monitoring and Evaluation Functions on Projects Performance

among Selected Constituency Development Fund Projects in Kirinyaga County, Kenya.

African Journal of emerging Issues (AJOEI) Vol.2 pp. 61-80 (2020)

See More at: https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei


                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Loice Yodah, Karanja Anthony, Pius Kihara*

* Department of Statistics and Actuarial Sciences

Strategies of Households Resilience in Adapting to Challenges in Turkana County.

American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics Vol. 9 pp. 228-237 (2020)

See more at: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwimo




                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Janiffer Mwende Nthiwa, Ali Salim Islam, Pius Nderitu Kihara*

* Department of Statistics and Actuarial Sciences

Population Total Estimation in a Complex Survey by Nonparametric Model Calibration Using

Penalty Function Method with Auxiliary Information Known at Cluster Levels.

American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics Vol. 9 pp.162-172 (2020)

See more at: https://www.google.com/urlsa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKE




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Catherine Mwangi, Stephen Njoroge*, Evariste Tshibangu-Kabamba, Zahir Moloo, Allan Rajula, Smita Devani, Takashi Matsumoto, Kimang’a Nyerere, Samuel Kariuki, Gunturu Revathi and Yoshio Yamaoka

*Department of Biomedical Sciences and Technology

Whole Genome Sequencing Reveals Virulence Potentials of Helicobacter pylori Strain KE21 Isolated from a Kenyan Patient with Gastric Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma.

Toxins Vol.12 pp. 556-562 (2020)

See more at: https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6651/12/9/556


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Humphrey Kimani Mbuti, Francis Ochieng Oguya, Elizabeth Mwaniki* and Peterson Warutere

*Department of Public Health

Randomized Control Trial Study on The Effect of Health Education In Promoting Adherence To

Treatment Among The Urban And Rural Tuberculosis Patients In Kenya

BMC Public Health Vol.1 pp.1-27(2020) 

See more at: http://repository.tukenya.ac.ke:8080/bitstream


                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

Humphrey Mbuti, Elizabeth Mwaniki*, Peter Warutere, Francis Oguya and Ronnie Midigo

*Department of Public Health

Social Demographic Factors Associated with Adherence to Treatment Among Urban and Rural Tuberculosis Patients in Kenya.

International Journal of Medical Science and Health Research Vol. 4(3) pp. 111-122 (2020)

See more at:  http://ijmshr.com/uploads/pdf/archivepdf/2020/IJMSHR_188.pdf


                                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

James Sifuna, Pablo García-Fernández, George S. Manyali ,George Amolo* , and Javier Junquera

*Department of Physics and Space Sciences

First-principles study of two-dimensional electron and hole gases at the head-to-head

and tail-to-tail 180domain walls in PbTiO3 ferroelectric thin films

Physical Review B Covering Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Vol.101 pp.1-7 (2020)

See more at: https://journals.aps.org/prb/pdf/10.110


                                                                                                                   Impact Factor: Online

Stephen Chege,Patrick Ning ,James Sifuna and George O. Amolo*

*Department of Physics and Space Sciences

Origin of band inversion in topological Bi2Se3

AIP Advances Vol.10 pp.1-10 (2020)

See more at: https://watermark.silverchair.com/095018



                                                                                                              Impact Factor: Online

Rabia Salihu Sa’id , Ibiyinka Fuwape, Alain Moise Dikandé , Jamal Mimouni, Francis Hasford , Delia Haynes , Igle Gledhill , George Amolo* , Omololu Akin-Ojo and Nashwa Eassa

*Department of Physics and Space Sciences

Physics in Africa

Nature Reviews Physics Vol.2 pp.520-523 (2020)

See more at: https://www.nature.com/articles/s42254-020-0239-8.pdf



                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Patrick Ning’ ,Stephen Chege, James Sifuna and George Amolo*

*Department of Physics and Space Sciences

Interplay of lattice distortion and bands near the Fermi level in ATiO3 (A=Ca, Sr, Ba)

arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.02529 Vol.1 pp.1- 8 (2020)

See more at: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2009.02529.pdf


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Endashaw Workie, Joby Mackolil, Joan Nyika and Sendhil Ramadas

*Department Geoscience and the Environment

Deciphering the impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Food Security, Agriculture, and Livelihoods: A Review of the Evidence from Developing Countries

Current Research in Environmental Sustainability Vol.2 pp.1-6 (2020)

See more at: https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/321456


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Lucy M. Ombaka*, Ralf Dillert, Lars Robben, and Detlef W. Bahnemann

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

Evaluating Carbon Dots as Electron Mediators in Photochemical and Photocatalytic Processes of Nife2o4

APL Materials Vol. 8 (3) pp.12-22 (2020)

See more at: https://watermark.silverchair.com/031105



                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Ruth Anyango Omole*, Mainen Julius Moshi, Muhammad Ilias, Walker Larry, Hamisi M. Malebo, Leonida Kerubo Omosa and Jacob O. Midiwo

 *Department of Chemical Science and Technology

In vitro Antiplasmodial and Cytotoxic activity of Three Medicinal Plants used Traditionally for Treatment of Malaria

A multifaceted peer reviewed journal in the field of Pharmacognosy and Natural Products Vol. 10 pp.1-6 (2020)

See more at: http://erepository.uonbi.ac.ke/bitstream/handle


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Mutuku Joseph Mutua *1, Onjong Hillary Adawo*1, Orina Isaac Alfred*2, Mwaniki Mercy Wanjiru*1, Vuluku Reagan*1 and Muchai Venessa*1

1*Department of Food Science and Technology

2*Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology, School of Health Science

Prevalence and Concentration of Lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd) in Kales (Brassica oleracea Acephala) & Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) Sold at Masaku County, Kenya

International Journal of Food Science and Biotechnology Vol. 5(4) pp. 83-88 (2020)

See more at: http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=614&doi=10.11648/j.ijfsb.20200504.16


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He Zhang , Chendan Zou , Zini Qiu , Fang E , Qiang Li , Miao Chen , Dayong Wang , Qinrui Tan , Wanli Yin, Cedric Matunda , Hefei Wang , Yongjian Zhang , Chao Zhan , Chuxuan Wang , Yue Wu , Xiuchen Xuan , Yayan Wang , Chaoxia Zou , Guixiang Lv , Xu Gao 

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

CPEB3-mediated MTDH mRNA Translational Suppression Restrains Hepatocellular Carcinoma Progression

Cell Death & Disease Vol.11(9) pp.792- 809 (2020)

See more at: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41419-020-02984-y.pdf


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Salome W. Kiarie*, Susan S. Imbahale*, Sheila Okoth and  Mary Gikungu

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

A Survey of Farmers Knowledge and Practice on the Management of Watermelon Diseases In Horticultural Belt of Mt. Kenya Slopes

International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research Vol. 7(4) pp. 244-254 (2020)

See more at: https://archive.conscientiabeam.com/index.php/70/article/view/309/431


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online  

Ayub M O Oduor* , Mark van Kleunen  and Marc Stift

*Department of Applied and Technical  Biology

Allelopathic Effects Of Native And Invasive Brassica Nigra Do Not Support The Novel-Weapons Hypothesis

American Journal of Botany Vol. 107(8) pp. 1106-1113 (2020)

See more at: https://bsapubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf


                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

Jizhong Wan, Ayub M. O. Oduor*, Robin Pouteau, Beilei Wang, Luxi Chen, Beifen Yang, Feihai Yu and  Junmin Li

*Department of Applied  and Technical Biology

Can polyploidy confer invasive plants with a wider climatic tolerance? A test using Solidago Canadensis

Ecology and Evolution Vol.10(12) pp. 5617-5630 (2020)

See more at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/ece3.6303


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Lina Jia, Janet Cheruiyot Kosgey*, Jielin Wang, Jianxun Yang, Rose Magoma Nyamao, Yi Zhao,  Xue Teng, Lei Gao, Martin Therese Cheteu  Wab ,Natalia V. Vasilyeva, Yong Fang and  Fengmin Zhang

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Antimicrobial and Mechanism of Antagonistic Activity of Bacillus Sp. A2 Against Pathogenic Fungus And Bacteria: The Implication on Honey’s Regulatory Mechanism on Host’s Microbiota

Food science and Nutrition Vol.8(9) pp.4857-4867 (2020)

See more at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/fsn3.1770


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Jizhong Wan, Ayub M. O. Oduor*, Robin Pouteau, Beilei Wang, Luxi Chen, Beifen Yang, Feihai Yu and  Junmin Li

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Effects of Protected Areas on Welfare of Local Households: The case of Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya

People and Nature Vol.2 pp. 856–867 (2020)

See more at: https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/pan3.10123


                                                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

Clifton Omondi, Fredrick O. Ogolla and Christopher Odhiambo*

*Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology

Determination of Effect of Land Use on Distribution and Abundance of Ground Dwelling Macro Invertebrates in Kirimiri Forest in Embu County, Kenya

International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications Vol.4 (3) pp.31-37 (2020)

See more at: http://www.ijarp.org/published-research-papers/mar2020/Determination-Of-Effect-Of-Land-Use-On-Distribution-And-Abundance-Of-Ground-Dwelling-Macro-Invertebrates-In-Kirimiri-Forest-In-Embu-County-Kenya.pdf


                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

Humphrey Moturi, Tom Kwanya* and Philemon Chebon*

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management,

Towards a Knowledge Recipe for State Corporations in the Financial Sector in Kenya

International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology Vol.10(3) pp.33-50 (2020)

See more at: http://koreascience.or.kr/article/JAKO


                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

Richard O. B. Makopondo*, Laban K. Rotich* and Cynthia G. Kamau

*Department of Hospitality and Leisure Studies

Potential Use and Challenges of Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment and Conservation in Game Lodges and Resorts in Kenya

Scientific World Journal Vol.1 pp.1-9 (2020)

See more at: https://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/tswj/2020/9184192.pdf


                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

Ndaramu Gitu Onesmus , Richard Makopondo*,Ann Kariuki*, Mary Muchiri

*Department of Hospitality and Leisure Studies

Effects of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points Principles on Food Safety at National Youth Service in Nakuru County, Kenya

 International Journal of Research In Business And Social Science Vol. 9(4) pp. 314-322 (2020)

See more at: https://www.ssbfnet.com/ojs/index.php/ijrbs


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Jacinta Wanjiku Kinyingi, Richard O. B. Makopondo* and  David M. Gichuhi

*Department of Hospitality and Leisure Studies

Effects of Raw Materials on The Quality of Catering Services at Daycare Centers: A Case of Nyeri Town Constituency In Kenya

International Journal of Research In Business and Social Science Vol. 9(2) pp.96-106 (2020)

See more at: https://ideas.repec.org/a/rbs/ijbrss/v9y2020i2p96-106.html


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Paul M. Musila and Bonface O. Kihima*

*Department of Hospitality and Leisure Studies

Constraints to Community Participation in Tourism in Kenya: The Mwaluganje Elephant Sanctuary

Journal of Tourism & Adventure Vol.3(1) pp.159-176 (2020)

See more at: https://www.nepjol.info/index.php/jota/article/view/31363/24797


                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Chimwaga Mongo, Erick V. O. Fwaya* and Tabitha Sewe,

*Department of Hospitality and Leisure Studies

Effects of Work-Related Stress on Performance of Administration Police Service in Narok County, Kenya

The International Journal of Business Management and Technology, Vol.4 (3)pp. 178-184 (2020)

See more at: http://www.theijbmt.com/archive/0933/1939608290.pdf


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Jane Otieno*

*Department of Design and Creative Media

Assessment of Pottery as a Tool for Expression and Community Reintegration in Women Prisons in Kenya

Research Journal in Advanced Humanities Vol.1 (4) pp. 28-43 (2020)

See more at: https://royalliteglobal.com/advanced-humanities/article/view/292


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Jane Otieno*

*Department of Design and Creative Media

Perceptions on Public Art in Kenya: The Case of University Students in Nairobi

International Journal of Research and Scholarly Communication Vol.1 pp.75-83 (2020)

See more at: https://royalliteglobal.com/ijoras/article/view/78/64


                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Abdullahi Sheikh Abdirahman and Evans Vidija Sagwa*

*Department of Business Administration and Management

Influence of Resource Mobilization on Sustainability of Universal Health Coverage in Vulnerable Livelihoods in Wajir County, Kenya

Journal of Popular Education in Africa Vol. 4(7) pp.18 – 33(2020).

See more at: https://kenyasocialscienceforum.files.wordpress


                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online

Mila Koeva , Claudia Stöcker, Sophie Crommelinck , Serene Ho ,Malumbo Chipofya , Jan Sahib , Rohan Bennett, Jaap Zevenbergen, George Vosselman, Christiaan Lemmen, Joep Crompvoets , Ine Buntinx, Gordon Wayumba , Robert Wayumba*, Peter Ochieng Odwe*, George Ted Osewe*, Beatrice Chika*  and Valerie Pattyn

*Department of Geo Information and Earth information

Innovative Remote Sensing Methodologies for Kenyan Land Tenure Mapping

Remote Sens. 2020, Vol.12(2) pp. 273-300 (2020)

See more at: https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/12/2/273


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Sospeter Simiyu Wekesa*, Tibor Yvan Stigter, Luke O. Olang*, Francis Oloo, Kelly Fouchy and Michael E. McClain

*Department of Biosystems and Environmental Engineering,

Water Flow Behavior and Storage Potential of the Semi-Arid Ephemeral River System in the Mara Basin of Kenya

Frontiers in Environmental Science Vol.8 pp.1-16 (2020)

See more at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fenvs.2020.00095/full


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Paul Omonge , Mathew Herrnegger, Gladys Gathuru, Josef Fürst and  Luke Olang*

*Department of Biosystems and Environmental Engineering,

Impact of Development And Management Options on Water Resources of The Upper Mara River Basin Of Kenya

Water and Environment Journal Vol.34(4) pp.644-655 (2020)

See more at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/wej.12554


                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: Online

Claudius B. Oduor*, George M. Thumbi* and  Nathan M. Muli*

*Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,

Water Quality Profile of Rivers Navigating Urban Areas: Case Study of The Nairobi River In Kenya

Journal of International Academic Research For Multidisciplinary Vol.8 (7)pp.13-24 (2020)

See more at: https://www.jiarm.com/August2020/paper34262.pdf


                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online

Benard Juma*, Luke O. Olang*, Mohammed Hassan, Stanley Chasia, Vera Bukachi, Paul Shiundu and  Joe Mulligan

*Department of Civil Engineering

Analysis of rainfall extremes in the Ngong River Basin of Kenya: Towards integrated urban flood risk management

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C (2020)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1474706520303752


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Lucy M. Ombaka*, Mariano Curti, James D. McGettrick, Matthew L. Davies, and Detlef W. Bahnemann

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

Nitrogen/Carbon-Coated Zero-Valent Copper as Highly Efficient Co-catalysts for TiO2 Applied in Photocatalytic and Photoelectrocatalytic Hydrogen Production.

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Vol.12(27) pp.30365–30380 (2020)

See more at: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acsami.0c06880


                                                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

Huifei Jin, Yongge Yuan, Fanglei Gao, Ayub M O Oduor* and  Junmin Li

*Department of Applied and Technical  Biology

The Invasive Plant Solidago Canadensis Exhibits Partial Local Adaptation To Low Salinity At Germination But Not At Later Life-History Stages

American Journal of Botany Vol. 107 (4) pp.599-606 (2020)

See more at: https://bsapubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi


                                                                                                                           Impact Factor:   Online  

Rhoydah O.M. Nyambane*

Effect of Electronic Media Sources on Cervical Cancer Awareness Among Women in Kenya: Case Study of Reproductive Health Clinics at the Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi County, Kenya

Dialectical Perspectives on Media, Health, and Culture in Modern Africa Vol.1 pp.1-20 (2020)

See more at: https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/effect-of-electronic-media-sources-on-cervical-cancer-awareness-among-women-in-kenya/264523


                                                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

Joshua Ndung’u Gikonyo* , Betty Mbatia , Patrick W Okanya* , George F O Obiero* , Carlene Sang , Duncan Steele  and James Nyangao

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Post-Vaccine Rotavirus Genotype Distribution In Nairobi County, Kenya

International Journal of Infectious Diseases Vol. 100 pp. 434–440(2020)

See more at: https://www.ijidonline.com/action/showPdf?pii=S1201-9712%2820%2930719-0


                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: Online

Justus Mukavi , Leonidah Kerubo Omosa , Vaderament-A Nchiozem-Ngnitedem , Justin Nyaga, Ruth Omole* , Gabin Thierry M Bitchagno and  Michael Spiteller

 *Department of Chemistry and Material Science

Anti-Inflammatory Norhopanes From The Root Bark Of Fagaropsis Angolensis (Engl.) H.M.Gardner

Fitoterapia Vol. 146 pp.1-17 (2020)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0367326X20302720?via%3Dihub


                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: Online

Janet Cheruiyot Kosgey* , Lina Jia , Rose Magoma Nyamao , Yi Zhao , Teng Xue , Jianxun Yang, Yong Fang , Fengmin Zhang

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

RNase 1, 2, 5 & 8 role in innate immunity: Strain specific antimicrobial activity

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules Vol. 160 pp. 1042-1049 (2020)

See more at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32504708/


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Joanne Atieno Ogunah Joseph O.Lalah* and  Karl-Werner Schramm

*Department of Geochemistry and Environmental Chemistry

Malaria Vector Control Strategies. What Is Appropriate Towards Sustainable Global Eradication?

Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy Vol. 18 pp. 1-12 (2020)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2352554120305787?via%3Dihub


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

DieterLenoira Karl-Werner Schramma and Joseph O.Lalah*

*Department of Geochemistry and Environmental Chemistry

Green Chemistry: Some important forerunners and current issues

Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy Vol. 18 pp. 24-32 (2020)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2352554120300875?via%3Dihub


                                                                                                                   Impact Factor: Online

Gabriel M Marete*1, Victor O Shikuku , Joseph O Lalah*1, Jane Mputhia and Vitalis W Wekesa*2

*1Department of Geoscience and the Environment

*2Department of Technical and Applied Biology

Occurrence of Pesticides Residues In French Beans, Tomatoes, And Kale In Kenya, And Their Human Health Risk Indicators.

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Vol.192 pp. 692-670 (2020)

See more at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33037524/


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Mark Nelson Yobesia1*, Bonface O. Kihima* , Richard O.B. Makopondo* and Josephine A. Opondo*

*Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Deliberative Assessment and Mapping of Cultural Ecosystem Services Provision in Terrestrial National Parks, Kenya.

Parks Vol 26 pp.103-114 (2020)

See more at: https://parksjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Yobesia-10.2305-IUCN.CH_.2020.PARKS-26-2MNY.en_.pdf


                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: Online

Kihima, Bonface O* and Ariya, George

*Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Incentivization of Coastal Tourism Product Through Heritagization As a Value-addition Strategy for Kenya’s Coastal Destinations

Tourism Review International, Vol. 24(4) pp.201-213 (13)2020,

See more at: https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/cog/tri/2020/00000024/00000004/art00002


                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Judith Nelima,  Wasike Milimo*, Evans Vidija Sagwa* and  Maurice Matendechere Sakwa

*Department of Business Administration and Management

Joint Effect of Supply Chain Process Integration Capabilities, Information Technology Infrastructure and Government Policy on Supply Chain Performance of Public Universities in Kenya

Public Policy and Administration Research Vol.10(11) pp. 48-57 (2020)

See more at: https://iiste.org/Journals/index.php/PPAR/article/view/54890/56700


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

A.Osioa∗ , M.T. Phamb and  S. Lefevre

*Department of Geoinformation and Earth Observation

Spatial Processing of Sentinel Imagery for Monitoring of Acacia Forest Degradation In Lake Nakuru Riparian Reserve

ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. V-3-2020 pp.525-532 (2020)

See more at: https://www.isprs-ann-photogramm-remote-sens-spatial-inf-sci.net/V-3-2020/525/2020/isprs-annals-V-3-2020-525-2020.pdf


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Joan Wakasa Murumba, Tom Kwanya*, Jane Cherono Maina, Aleso S. Wangamati

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management,

Tacit Knowledge Management at Universities In Kenya

Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management Vol. 8(1)pp.117-146(2020)

See more at: http://www.iiakm.org/ojakm/articles/2020/volume8_1/OJAKM_Volume8_1pp117-146.pdf


                                                                                                                   Impact Factor: Online

Ozor Nicholas, Tom Kwanya* and Ozor Gloria Nwandu

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management,

Learning What Works: Knowledge Exchange and Networking Among The Science System Actors In Sub-Saharan Africa

IDRC Digital Library Vol.1 pp.1-24 (2020)

See more at:  https://idl-bnc-idrc.dspacedirect.org/bitstream/handle/10625/59538/59686.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y


                                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

S Chepchirchir, T Kwanya* and J Limo

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management,

Intellectual Property Rights in Digital Libraries: Status, Interventions, Challenges, and Opportunities for Academic Libraries in Kenya

International Journal of Information Studies and Libraries Vol. 5 (2) pp.93-102 (2020)

See more at: http://www.publishingindia.com/IJISL/107/intellectual-property-rights-in-digital-libraries-status-interventions-challenges-and-opportunities-for-academic-libraries-in-kenya/912/6290/


                                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Wambui King’ong’o*, Martin Ogutu and Samuel Nyandemo

*Department of Business Administration and Management

Indigenous Entrepreneurship and Economic Development: The Moderating Effect of Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Turkana County, Kenya

European Scientific Journal, ESJ, Vol.16(19) pp. 520-540 (2020)

See more at: https://eujournal.org/index.php/esj/article/view/13203


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Francis Oguya*, Patrick Kenya, Francisca Ongecha, Patrick Mureithi, Helgar Musyoka, Nicholas Muraguri, Ben Mundia, Caleb Angira, Mohammed Shose, Taib A. Basheeb, Abdalla Ahmed Mohamed, John P. Oyore, Otieno G. Ochieng, Gabriel O Dida, Saade Abdalla and  Reychard Abdool

*Department of Public Health

Rapid Situational Assessment of People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) in Nairobi and Coastal regions of Kenya: A Respondent Driven Sampling Survey

BMC Public Health Vol.1 pp.1-21 (2020)

See more at: https://assets.researchsquare.com/files/rs-44785/v3/46cecb2f-613b-41ef-ba95-6486f44f21ed.pdf


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Derdus Mosoti , Vincent O. Omwenga and Patrick Ogao*

*Department of Computing and Information Technology   

Performance Interference-Aware VM Placement Algorithm for Reducing Energy Consumption in Data Centers

Open Journal for Information Technology, Vol. 3(1)pp.1-10 (2020),

See more at: https://centerprode.com/ojit/ojit0301/coas.ojit.0301.01001m.pdf


                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Edison Omollo Oduor* Lucy Ciera, Vijay Adolkar and Odoch Pido*

*Department of Fashion and Textile Technology

Physical Characterization of Eri Silk Fibers Produced in Kenya

Journal of Natural Fibers Vol. 18(1) pp. 59-70. (2021)

See more at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080



                                                                                                                              Impact Factor: Online

Rhoydah Nyambane*


*Department of Journalism and Media Studies

The Future of the Printed Book in the Era of Technological Advancement: An Imperative for Digital

Innovation and Engagement

Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society Vol. 19(4) pp. 537-559. (2021)

See more at: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JICES-10-2020-0106/full/pdf?title=the-




                                                                                                                       Impact Factor:1.440

Abok Villary Atieno*, Omwoyo Bosire Onyancha and Tom Kwanya*

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Trends, Patterns and Determinants of Research Productivity at The Technical University Of Kenya

Information Development Vol. 38(1) pp. 97-113. (2021)

See more at: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/epub/10.1177


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: 5.778

Marchela Pandelova, Bernhard Henkelmann, Joseph O Lalah*, Helge Norf and Karl-Werner Schramm

*Department of Geochemistry and Environmental Chemistry

Spatial, Temporal, and Inter-Compartmental Environmental Monitoring of Lipophilic Pollutants by

Virtual Organisms

Chemosphere Vol. 264 pp. 1-10. (2021)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article


                                                                                                                Impact Factor: 3.187

Boniface Mbithi Muendo, Victor Odhiambo Shikuku, Joseph Owuor Lalah*, Zachary Moranga Getenga,

Shem Oyoo Wandiga and Michael Rothballer

*Department of Geochemistry and Environmental Chemistry

Enhanced Degradation of Diuron by Two Bacillus Species Isolated from Diuron Contaminated

Sugarcane and Pineapple-Cultivated Soils In Kenya

Applied Soil Ecology Vol. 157 pp. 1-8. (2021)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article



                                                                                                              Impact Factor: Online

Joan Mwihaki Nyika*

*Department of Geoscience and the Environment

Tourism as a Tool for Poverty Eradication in Kenya

Handbook of Research on the Role of Tourism in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals Vol. 1 pp.

1-19. (2021)

See more at: https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/tourism-as-a-tool-for-poverty-eradication-in-kenya/262434


                                                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

James Sifuna, Pablo Garcia-Fernandez, George Manyali, George Amolo* and  Javier Junquera

*Department of Technical and Applied Physics

Quasi-Two-Dimensional Electron and Hole Gases at The Head-To-Head and Tail-To-Tail 180o

Domain Walls In Ferroelectric Thin Films

Bulletin of the American Physical Society B 101 pp. 1-7. (2021)

See more at: https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.101.174114



                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Wisal Ahmed , Vernon Mochache, Karin Stein, Patrick Ndavi, Tammary Esho*, Mamadou Dioulde Balde,

Anne-Marie Soumah, Ahmed Diriye, Muna Abdi Ahmed, Max Petzold and Christina Pallitto

*Department of Health Systems Management and Public Health

A Hybrid, Effectiveness-Implementation Research Study Protocol Targeting Antenatal Care

Providers to Provide Female Genital Mutilation Prevention and Care Services in Guinea, Kenya and


BMC Health Services Research Vol. 21 pp. 109-119. (2021)

See more at: https://bmchealthservres.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s12913-021-06097-w.pdf


                                                                                                                   Impact Factor: 1.528

Pierre Moukala Mpele, Franck Moukanda Mbango, Dominic B. O. Konditi* and Fabien Ndagijimana

*Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering

A Tri‐Band and Miniaturized Planar Antenna Based on Countersink and Defected Ground Structure


International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering Vol. 31(5) pp.1-10. (2021)

See more at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10


                                                                                                              Impact Factor: Online

Jeremiah O.Abolade, Dominic B.O.Konditi* and Vasant M.Dharmadhikary

*Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering

Comparative Study of Textile Material Characterization Techniques for Wearable Antennas

Results in Materials Vol. 9 pp. 1-11. (2021)

See more at: https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/320194


                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Pierre Moukala Mpele, Franck Moukanda Mbango, Dominic B. O. Konditi*and Fabien Ndagijiman

*Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering

A Novel Quadband Ultra Miniaturized Planar Antenna With Metallic Vias And Defected Ground

Structure For Portable Devices

Heliyon Vol. 7(3) pp. 1-10. (2021)

See more at:  https://www.cell.com/action/showPdf?pii=S2405-8440%2821%2900478-3



                                                                                                                   Impact Factor: Online

Jeremiah O. Abolade, Dominic B. O. Konditi* and Vasant M. Dharmadhikary

*Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering

Compact Hexa-Band Bio-Inspired Antenna Using Asymmetric Microstrip Feeding Technique For

Wireless Applications

Heliyon Vol. 7(2) pp. 1-11. (2021)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405844021003522


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor:  4.189

Gladys W. King’ori*, Cecil N. M. Ouma, George O. Amolo* and Nicholas W. Makau

*Department of Technical and Applied Physics

Ab Initio Insights into Graphene-Zirconium Disulfide/Diselenide Heterostructure as Electrode

Material for Alkali-Ion Batteries

Surfaces and Interfaces Vol. 24 pp. 5436-5446. (2021)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2468023021001139



                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online

Daniel Ochieng Orwenjo*, Asiru Hameed Tunde, Gilbert Francis Odhiambo and Jared Juma

*Department of Language and Communication Studies

“They Have Overstayed Their Welcome”: The Discursive Construction of Collective Identities in

Kenya’s Quest to Close the Dadaab Refugee Camp

Global Social Welfare Vol. 2 pp. 1-16. (2021)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40609-021-00209-4


                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: Online

Gabriel M. Marete*a, Joseph O. Lalah*b, Jane Mputhia*a and Vitalis W. Wekesa*c

*a Department of Geoscience and the Environment

*b Department of Geochemistry and Environmental Chemistry

*cDepartment of Technical and Applied Biology


Pesticide Usage Practices as Sources of Occupational Exposure and Health Impacts on Horticultural

Farmers in Meru County, Kenya

Heliyon Vol. 7(2) pp. 1-13. (2021)

See more at: https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/313379/1-s2.



                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online 

Patrick M. Shem*, Geoffrey Otieno, Joab O. Onyango, James J. Owuor, Pauline W. Mbugua and Austin O. Aluoch*

*Department of Industrial and Applied Chemistry

Chemical Security in Kenya: Efforts, Challenges, and Opportunities in Academic Institutions and the

Chemical Industry

American Chemical Society Health Safety Vol. 28(2) pp. 112-118. (2021)

See more at: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acs.chas.0c00090


                                                                                                                   Impact Factor: Online 

Otieno P. Kheseli *,Imbahale S. Susan* ,Okoth Sheila, Miriam Otipa, and Wekesa V. Wafula

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Prevalence and Phylogenetic Diversity of Pathogenic Fusarium Species in Genotypes of Wheat Seeds

in Three Rift Valley Regions, Kenya

Advances in Agriculture Vol. 2021 pp. 1-13. (2021)

See more at: https://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/aag


                                                                                                                           Impact Factor: 4.258

Hillary Adawo Onjong*, Victor Ntuli, Mercy Mwaniki*, Patrick Murigu and Kamau Njage

*Department of Food Science and Technology

Exposure Assessment To Staphylococcus Enterotoxins In Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus)

Supplied Through Semi-Regulated And Unregulated Value Chains

Food Control Vol. 119 pp. 1-12. (2021)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0956713520304035


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: 4.303

Mercy W. Mwaniki*, Oscar W. Mitalo, Eric G. Mworia, Willis O. Owino, Kyoko Hiwasa- Tanas Jocelyn

K. C. Rose Koh Aoki, Tomoya Esumi, Takashi Kawaia, Ryohei Nakano, Koichiro Ushijima and Yasutaka


*Department of Food Science and Technology

Combined Signal Sequence Trap And Macroarray Analysis Identifies Genes Associated With

Differential Fruit Softening Characteristics During Ripening In European And Chinese Pears

Postharvest Biology and Technology Vol. 174 pp. 1-12. (2021)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Margaret W. Murage , Edward K. Muge, Betty N. Mbatia and Mercy W. Mwaniki*

*Department of Food Science and Technology

Development and Sensory Evaluation of Omega-3-Rich Nile Perch Fish Oil-Fortified Yogurt

Hindawi International Journal of Food Science Vol. 1 pp. 1-7. (2021)

See more at: https://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/ijfs/2021/8838043.pdf



                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: Online

Nthiwa Janiffer Mwende, Ali Salim Islam and  Pius Nderitu Kihara*

*Department of Financial and Actuarial Mathematics

Nonparametric Penalized Spline Model Calibrated Estimator in Complex Survey with Known

Auxiliary Information at Both Cluster and Element Level

Science Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics Vol. 9(1) pp. 20-32. (2021)

See more at: http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=149&doi=10.11648/j.sj



                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Paul M. Musila and Bonface O. Kihima*

*Department of Hospitality and Leisure Studies

Constraints to Community Participation in Tourism In Kenya: The Mwaluganje Elephant Sanctuary

Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Vol. 12(1) pp. 70-87. (2021)

See more at: https://www.nepjol.info/index.php/GAZE/article/view/35677


                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

Jeremiah O. Abolade , Dominic B. O. Konditi*, and Vasant M. Dharmadhikary

*Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering

A Comparative Study of Compact Multiband Bio-Inspired Asymmetric Microstrip Fed Antennas

(BioAs-MPAs) for Wireless Applications

Hindawi Journal of Engineering Vol. 2021 pp. 1-17. (2021)

See more at: https://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/je/2021/6676689.pdf


                                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Julius Njiri, Levi Mbugua*,Kellen Kiambati and  Dominic Mwenja

*Department of Financial and Actuarial Mathematics

Physical Planning and Growth of Private Primary Schools In Kenya

Journal of Management and Business Education Vol. 4(1) pp. 33-43. (2021)

See more at: https://www.nitoku.com/file/@journal.mbe/nitoku.public-files/5scpbt1p41qx1r9.pdf


                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online

Boniface M Muendo*, Victor O. Shikuku , Zachary M. Getenga Joseph O. Lalah*, Shem O. Wandiga, 

Michael Rothballer

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

Adsorption-Desorption and Leaching Behavior of Diuron on Selected Kenyan Agricultural Soils

Heliyon 8 Vol. 7(2) pp. 1-6. (2021)

See more at: https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/313379



                                                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

Mukasa S. Wafula*

*Department of Music and Performing Arts

Appreciating, (Re)-Thinking and Diversifying Arts Education: Learning to Be a Choral Conductor/

Trainer/Director/Educator in Kenya

Muziki Journal of Music Research in Africa Vol. 17(2) pp. 89-107. (2021)

See more at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/18125980.2021.1890191


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor:

Tom Kwanya*, Angella C. Kogos*, Lucy Wachera Kibe*, Erick Odhiambo Ogolla*and Claudia


*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Cyber-Bullying Research in Kenya: A Meta-Analysis

Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication. (2021)

See more at: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content


                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Nina Van Eekert, Sarah Van de Veld, Sibyl Anthierens, Naomi Biegela, Martha Kieiri, Tammary Esho*

and  Els Leyeb

*Department of Health Systems Management and Public Health

Mothers’ Perceptions of the Medicalization of Female Genital Cutting among the Kisii Population in


An International Journal for Research, Intervention and Care Vol. 6 pp. 1-13. (2021)

See more at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1080


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Geoffrey Otieno Muga*, Washington Onyango Ouma, Rosemary Sang and Hippolyte Affognon

*Department of Industrial and Applied Chemistry

Indigenous knowledge of Rift Valley Fever among Somali nomadic pastoralists and its implications on

public health delivery approaches in Ijara sub-County, North Eastern Kenya

PLOS Neglected Tropical Disease Vol. 1 pp. 1-19. (2021)

See more at: https://journals.plos.org/plosntds/article?id=10.1371/journal.pntd.0009166


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Paul Omonge, Karsten Schulz, Luke Olang* and Mathew Herrnegger

*Department of Biosystems and Environmental Engineering

Evaluation Of Satellite Precipitation Products For Water Allocation Studies In The Sio- Malaba

Malakisi River Basin Of East Africa

Journal of Hydrology Regional Studies. Vol. 1 pp. 1-37. (2021)

See more at: https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/287972


                                                                                                                   Impact Factor: Online

Mathew Herrnegger, Gabriel Stecher, Christian Schwatke and Luke Olang*

*Department of Biosystems and Environmental Engineering

Hydroclimatic Analysis of Rising Water Levels in the Great Rift Valley Lakes of Kenya

Journal of Hydrology Regional Studies. Vol. 1 pp. 1-60. (2021)

See more at: https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/287972


                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

 Stanley Atonya, Luke Olang*a and Lewis Morara Sitoki*b

*aDepartment of Geosciences and Environment

*bDepartment of Biosystems and Environmental Engineering

Future Land-use Changes in the transboundary Sio-Malaba-Malakisi Basin of East Africa:

Simulations using the CLUE-S model and Classified Satellite Land Cover Datasets

CLUE-S MODEL Preprints Vol. 1 pp. 1-30. (2021)

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                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Loyce Joyce Anyango, Okeyo David Omondi, Mugambi Mary* and Waswa Judith*

*Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics

Exploring Infant Feeding Beliefs and Practices among Mothers in Major Urban Informal Settlements

in Kenya

East African Journal of Science, Technology and Innovation, Vol. 2 pp. 1-13. (2021)

See more at: https://www.eajsti.org/index.php/EAJSTI/article/view/347/57



                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Hellen Wanjugu Kabue*

*Department of Business Administration and Entrepreneurship

Enhancing Customer Retention: The Role of Customer Knowledge Management

International Journal of Business Management and Commerce Vol. 6 pp. 1-11. (2021)

See more at: http://ijbmcnet.com/images/vol6no1/1.pdf


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Lynda A. Allan*, Fiona N. Mbai* and Dorcas S. Yole*

*Department of Biomedical Sciences and Technology

Paediatric Assessment of Immune Responses In 3 To 5 Years Olds Having Intestinal Nematode

Infection and Vaccinated With Valent10-PCV

Scientific African Vol. 13. (2021)

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                                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online

Kennedy W. Chepukosi*, James N. Nyariki*, Ngalla E. Jillani, Patrick W. Okanya  and  Alfred Orina


*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Manganese Exacerbated Chronic Khat-Induced Neurological Deficits, Inflammation and Organ

Toxicity in a Mouse Model

Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences Vol. 13 pp. 337-350. (2021)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13530-021-00091-9


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Francis Gitonga, Kipchumba Biwott, Grace Wairimu, Gitau Okanya Patrick Wafula, Peris Amwayi Alfred

Orina*, Isaac James and Nyabuga Nyariki*

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Coenzyme Q10 Ameliorates Potassium Cyanide-induced Toxicosis in a Mouse Mode

Scientific African Vol. 12. (2021)

See more at: https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/319229


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Lameck A. Nyabera, Inosters W. Nzuki, Steven M. Runo and  Peris W. Amwayi*

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Pumpkins (Cucurbita spp.) from Western Kenya using SSR

Molecular Markers

Molecular Biology Reports Vol. 48 pp. 2253-2260. (2021)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11033-021-06245-9



                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Edward Okonjo*Dorcas Yole*, and Dorington Ogoyi

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Cytokine Response Profiles of School-Aged Children Infected with Schistosomiasis before and after

Praziquantel Treatment

Journal of Tropical Medicine Vol. 2021 pp. 1-8. (2021)

See more at: https://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/jtm/2021/6678981.pdf


                                                                                                                              Impact Factor: Online

George O. Achieng’, Chrispin O. Kowenje, Joseph O. Lalah* and  Stephen O. Ojwach

*Department of Geochemistry and Environmental Chemistry

Synthesis and characterization of FSB@Fe3O4 Composites and Application in Removal of Indigo

Carmine Dye from Industrial Wastewaters

Environmental Science and Pollution Research Vol. 28 pp. 54876-54890. (2021)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11356-021-14432-1


                                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Ngalla E. Jillani, Atunga Nyachieo, Daniel C. Chai and  James Nyabuga Nyariki*

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Successful Experimental Infant Baboon Model for Childhood Cryptosporidiosis Studies

Parasites Vectors Vol. 14 pp. 316. (2021)

See more at: https://parasitesandvectors.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s13071-021-04804-4.pdf



                                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Jeremiah O. Abolade, Dominic B. O. Konditi*, and Vasant M. Dharmadhikary

*Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Compact Vitis Vinifera-Inspired Ultrawideband Antenna for High-Speed Communications

International Journal of Antennas and Propagation Vol. 2021 pp. 1-11. (2021)

See more at: https://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/ijap/2021/9975884.pdf


                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

Elizabeth Kabita*, Tom Kwanya* and  Tabitha Mbenge Ndiku

·         *Department of Information and Knowledge Management


·         Knowledge Sharing Strategies between Coffee Farmers and Coffee Research Institute: A Case

Study of Gitwe Farmers’ Co-Operative Society

·         International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning Vol. 10 pp. 157-175. (2021)

·         See more at:  https://toknowpress.net/ISSN/2232-5697/10.157-175.pdf


                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Ayub M. O. Oduor*

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Native Plant Species Show Evolutionary Responses to Invasion by Parthenium Hysterophorus in an

African savanna

New Phytologist Foundation Vol. 1 pp. 1-12. (2021)

See more at:   https://nph.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/nph.17574



                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Yimin Yan, Ayub M. O. Oduor, Feng Li, Yonghong Xie and Yanjie Liu

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Opposite Effects of Nutrient Enrichment and Herbivory by an Alien Snail on Growth of an  Invasive

Macrophyte and Native Macrophytes

Rxivist Trending Open Science Vol. 7 pp. 1-20. (2021)

See more at:  https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.03.455002v1.full.pdf


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Ling Yuan, Jun-Min Li, Fei-Hai Yu, Ayub M. O. Oduor* and  Mark van Kleunen

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Allelopathic and Competitive Interactions between Native and Alien Plants

Biol Invasions Vol. 23 pp. 3077-3090. (2021)

See more at:  https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s10530-021-02565-w.pdf



                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Theophilus Chando*

*Department of Philosophy and Liberal Studies

Active Citizenship in Contemporary Democratic Practice in Africa: Challenges and Prospects

South African Journal of Philosophy Vol. 40(1) pp. 75-92. (2021)

See more at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/02580136.2021.1885908?needAccess=true



                                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Shitakha Felistus*,  Kimathi George and  Songa Caroline

*Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Modelling Bubble Lifetime of Thin Film Surfactants Solution on Fuel Spillage

Asian Research Journal of Mathematics Vol. 17(4) pp. 20-33. (2021)

See more at: http://eurolibpress.uk/id/eprint/1228/1/475-Article%20Text-857-1-10-20220929.pdf


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Dorine Nyak Matara, Joseph Mwanzia Nguta, Fredrick Mutie Musila*, and Isaac Mapenay

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Phytochemical Analysis and Investigation of the Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Activities of Croton

dichogamus Pax Crude Root Extracts

Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Vol. 1 pp. 1-9. (2021)

See more at: https://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2021/2699269.pdf



                                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

Austine O. Otieno*, Patrick G. Home James M. Raude, Sylvia L. Murunga, Elijah Ngumba, Dickson O.

Ojwang and Tuula Tuhkanen

*Department of Geoscience and the Environment

Pineapple Peel Biochar and Lateritic Soil as Adsorbents for Recovery of Ammonium Nitrogen from

Human Urine

Journal of Environmental Management Vol. 293. (2021)

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                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Dyan Hatining Ayu Sudarni, Uyiosa Osagie Aigbe, Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Robert Birundu

Onyancha, Heri Septya Kusuma*, Handoko Darmokoesoemo, Otolorin Adelaja Osibote, Vincent

Aizebeoje Balogun and Bernadeta Ayu Widyaningrum

*Department of Technical and Applied Physics

Malachite Green Removal by Activated Potassium Hydroxide Clove Leaf Agrowaste Biosorbent:

Characterization, Kinetic, Isotherm, and Thermodynamic Studies

Hindawi Adsorption Science and Technology Vol. 1 pp. 1-15. (2021)

See more at: https://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/ast/2021/1145312.pdf



                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

Uyiosa Osagie Aigbe,Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Robert Birundu Onyancha* , Otolorin Adelaja

Osibote ,Handoko Darmokoesoemo and Heri Septya Kusuma

*Department of Technical and Applied Physics

Fly Ash-Based Adsorbent for Adsorption of Heavy Metals and Dyes from Aqueous Solution: A Review

Journal of Materials Research and Technology Vol. 14 pp. 2751-2774. (2021)

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                                                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

Esther K. Mwiti* and Bancy M. Ngwiri*

*Department of Business administration and Entrepreneurship

The Changing Roles of Universities on Entrepreneurship Education Programmes for Employability

and Economic Growth among Graduates in Public Universities in Kenya

IOSR Journal of Business and Management Vol. 23(4) pp. 33-45. (2021)

See more at: https://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jbm/papers/Vol23-issue4/Series-7/D2304073345.pdf



                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor,  Hussain Atharb Charles, Oluwaseun Adetunjid,  Uyiosa Osagie Aigbe,

Robert Birundu Onyancha* and  Olufem Abifarin

* Department of Physics and Space Sciences

Environmental implications of petroleum spillages in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria: A review

Journal of Environmental Management Vol. 293. (2021)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301479721009348


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Robert Birundu Onyancha*, Uyiosa Osagie Aigbe, Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Perpetua Wanjiru


*Department of Physics and Space Sciences

Facile Synthesis and Applications of Carbon Nanotubes in Heavy-Metal Remediation and Biomedical

Fields: A Comprehensive Review

Journal of Molecular Structure Vol. 1238. (2021)

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                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

Evans Vidija Sagwa* and Appolonius Shitiabai Kembu

*Department of Business Administration and Entrepreneurship

Influence of Firm Size on Performance of Deposit Taking Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies in

Nairobi County, Kenya

IRA-International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Vol. 17(02) pp. 29-36. (2021)

See more at: https://research-advances.org/index.php/RAJMSS/article/view/1599/1276


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Antony Mooke Lupembe and John Ndikaru wa Teresia*

*Department of Government and Legal Studies

Drought Management by Formal and Informal Organizations of Kajiado County, Kenya; Special

Reference to Role of Women.

East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, Vol. 3(1) pp. 119-128. (2021)

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Kennedy Ronoh*, Leonard Mabele and Dennis Sonoiya

*Department of Computer Communication and Networks

TV White Spaces Regulatory Framework for Kenya: An Overview and Comparison with Other

Regulations in Africa

Towards new e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries Vol. 3 pp.3-22. (2021)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-70572-5_1


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Hashim Mohamed Ali*, Joseph Mwanzia Nguta, Isaac Ole Mapenay, Fredrick Mutie Musila*, Vincent

Mokoro Omambia and Dorine Nyak Matara

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Ethnopharmacological uses, biological activities, chemistry and toxicological aspects of Ocimum

americanum var. americanum (Lamiaceae)

The Journal of Phytopharmacology  Vol. 10(1)pp. 56-60. (2021)

See more at: http://www.phytopharmajournal.com/Vol10_Issue1_11.pdf


                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

George F Obiero*, Thomas Pauli, Elzemiek Geuverink, René Veenendaal, Oliver Niehuis, Ewald


*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Chemoreceptor Diversity in Apoid Wasps and Its Reduction during the Evolution of the

Pollen-Collecting Lifestyle of Bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea)

Genome Biology and Evolution, Vol. 13(3) pp. 1-18. (2021)

See more at: https://watermark.silverchair.com/evaa269.pdf


                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebora Uyiosa Osagie Aigbe, Robert Birundu Onyancha*, Wilson Nwankwo,

Otolorin Adelaja Osibote, Hugues Kamdem Paumoe Onoyivwe Monday Amaf ,Charles Oluwaseun Adetunji

and  Israel Uzuazor Siloko

*Department of Physics and Space Science

Effect of Hexavalent Chromium on the Environment and Removal Techniques: A Review

Journal of Environmental Management Vol. 280. (2021)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301479720317345



                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

Victoria K. Mwaeni, James N. Nyariki*, Ngalla Jillani, George Omwenga, Mathew Ngugi and  Alfred

Orina Isaac*

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Coenzyme Q10 Protected Against Arsenite and Enhanced the Capacity of 2,3-Dimercaptosuccinic

Acid to Ameliorate Arsenite-Induced Toxicity in Mice

BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology Vol. 22 pp. 1-19. (2021)

See more at: https://bmcpharmacoltoxicol.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s40360-021-00484-z.pdf


                                                                                                                              Impact Factor: Online

Hezron Mogaka Osano*

*Department of Business Administration and Entrepreneurship

Universities in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and MSME Revitalization

Journal of the International Council for Small Business Vol. 1 pp. 1-10. (2021)

See more at:  https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/26437015.2021.1942327?needAccess=true


                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

 Onyancha, O. B., Mwai, N. & Kwanya, T.

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Kenya’s Research Excellence as Indexed in the Web of Science: An Informetrics Perspective 

African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science Vol. 31(2) pp. 129-145. (2021)

See more at:  https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajlais/article/view/217801


                                                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

Patrick O. M. Ogutu,  Nicholas Oyie and Winston Ojenge*

*Department of Electrical and Power Engineering

Domestic Chicken Chick’s Banda using Neuro Fuzzy Logic Technique for Reducing Energy Cost

IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica pp. 1-5. (2021)

See more at: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp


                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

Atela, M., Ayobami, O., Omotade, A., Agbonifo J., Marjoke, O., Makokha R., Oluwabusolami O., &

Omeghie O.

*Department of Government and Legal Studies

“Demanding Power: Struggles over Fuel Access in Nigeria

IDS Working Paper 554, Brighton: Institute of Development Studies (2021)

See more at:  https://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/bitstream/handle/20.500.12413/16795/IDS_Working_



                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: 0.72

Janes Ouma Odongo* and Donghui Ma

*Department of Government and Legal Studies

Perspectives in Urban Planning Research: Methods and Tools

Current Urban Studies Vol. 9(4) pp. 759-778. (2021)

See more at: https://www.scirp.org/pdf/cus_2021120914543444.pdf


                                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Kwanya, Tom*

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Mixed Methods and Quality of Postgraduate Research: A Kenyan Perspective

Handbook of Research on Mixed Methods Research in Information Science.

IGI Global. pp. 147-172. (2021)

See more at:  https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/mixed-methods-and-quality-of-postgraduate-research/29



                                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Naumih M. Noah and Peter M. Ndangili*

*Department of Chemistry and Material Science

Green Synthesis of Nanomaterials from Sustainable Materials for Biosensors and Drug Delivery

Condensed Matter Materials Science Vol. 1 pp. 1-45. (2021)

See more at: https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/2112/2112.04740.pdf


                                                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Frederick Mbogo*

*Department of Music And Performing Arts

Lawino Staring Down at Clementine: Dress Politics in the Days Of “My Dress, My Choice”

Postcolonial Text Vol. 16(4) pp. 1-16. (2021)

See more at: https://www.postcolonial.org/index.php/pct/article/view/2755/2528


                                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Jeremiah O.Abolade and Dominic B. O. Konditi*

*Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering

A Shorting-Pin Based Compact Meander Multiband Printed Monopole Antenna

Heliyon Vol. 7(11) pp. 1-7. (2021)

See more at: https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/313379


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Jeremiah O.Abolade and Dominic B. O. Konditi*

*Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering

Ram Horn-Shaped Inspired Folded Compact Antenna for 4G LTE-A and WLAN Portable Mobile


International Journal of Antennas and Propagation Vol. 2021 pp. 1-10. (2021)



                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

SajorBarrie and Dominic Bernard Onyango Konditi*

*Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering

Evaluation of Adjacent Channel Interference from Land-Earth Station in Motion to 5G Radio Access

Network in the Ka-Frequency Band

Heliyon Vol. 7(6) pp. 1-7. (2021)

See more at: https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/313379



                                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Ce Lakpo Bamy, Franck Moukanda Mbango, Dominic Bernard Onyango Konditi* and Pierre Moukala


*Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering

A Compact Dual-Band Dolly-Shaped Antenna with Parasitic Elements for Automotive Radar and 5G


Heliyon Vol. 7(4) pp. 1-7. (2021)

See more at: https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/313379



                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

Liping Shan, Ayub M. O. Oduor*, Wei Huang and  Yanjie Liu

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Increase In Nutrient Availability Promotes Success Of Invasive Plants Through Increasing Growth

And Decreasing Anti-Herbivory Defenses

bioRxiv preprint pp.1-35. (2021)

See more at: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.10.18.464765v1.full.pdf


                                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Jeremiah O. Abolade , Dominic B. O. Konditi, and Vasant M. Dharmadhikary

*Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering

A QR-based Compact Multiband Antenna for Portable Mobile Communications

Proc. of the International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics

Engineering (ICECCME) Vol. 1 pp. 1-6. (2021)

See more at: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9591142


                                                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

Benard Mucholwa Simiyu, Harold Sabula Amukhuma, Lewis Sitoki*, William Okello and Rainer Kurmayer

*Department of Geosciences and The Environment

Interannual variability of water quality conditions in the Nyanza Gulf of Lake Victoria, Kenya

Journal of Great Lakes Research Vol. 1 pp. 1-8. (2021)

See more at: https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/277822


                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online

Stanley Chasiaa ,b , Mathew Herrnegger Benard Jumaa ,b ,d , Jacinta Kimuyu, Lewis Sitokia and 

Luke Olangd ,f

Department of Geosciences and the Environment

Department of Civil Engineering

Center for Integrated Water Resource Management

Department of Geography and Spatial Science

Department of Biosystems and Environmental Engineering

Analysis of land-cover changes in the Transboundary Sio-Malaba-Malakisi River Basin of East

Africa: Towards identifying potential land-use transition regimes

African Geographical Review, Ahead-Of-Print, Vol. 1 pp. 1-17. (2021)

See more at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Jared Babu Miruka, Albert Getabu, Lewis Sitoki*, Onchieku James, Job Mwamburi, Ogendi George,

Nyamweya Chrisphine and  Cyprian Odoli

*Department of Geosciences and The Environment

Water Quality, Phytoplankton Composition And Microcystin Concentrations In Kisumu Bay (Kenya)

Of Lake Victoria After A Prolonged Water Hyacinth Infestation Period

Lakes and Reservoirs Science, Policy and Management for Sustainable Use Vol. 26(4). (2021)

See more at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/lre.12380



                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Ichoroh James, Kiambati Kellen and Mbugua Levi*

*Department of Statistics and Actuarial Mathematics

Core Competencies and Resource Allocation in the Performance of Bottled Water Industry

Management: Journal of Sustainable Business and Management Solutions in Emerging Economies Vol. 1

pp. 1-11. (2021)

See more at: http://management.fon.bg.ac.rs/index.php/mng/article/view/414/252



                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: Online

John Magambo, Beatrice Warue, Levi Mbugua* and Dominic Mwenja

*Department of  Statistics and Actuarial Mathematics

Perceived Value Proposition and Health Microinsurance Uptake by the Informal Sector Workers in


The University Journal, Vol. 3(2) pp. 47-58. (2021)

See more at: https://daea.or.ke/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/TUJ-32_Magambo.pdf


                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: Online

Jane N. Murungi, Stephen Karanja and Paul Wanjau*

*Department of  Statistics and Actuarial Mathematics

A Deterministic Analysis of the Effectiveness of Non-Clinical Approaches in the Control of

Transimission of Schistosomiasis: Case Study of Mwea Irrigation Scheme, Kenya

EJ-MATH, European Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Vol. 2(6) pp. 40-49. (2021)

See more at: https://ej-math.org/index.php/ejmath/article/view/70/31



                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Jackson Machii,  Julius Murumba* and  Elyjoy Micheni*

*Department Management Science and Technology

Predictive Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Blended Learning: A New Dawn for Institutions of

Higher Learning

IST-Africa 2021 Conference Proceedings Miriam Cunningham and Paul Cunningham (Eds) IST-Africa

Institute and IIMC 2 pp. 1-14. (2021)

See more at: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9576990


                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Kiruja Esther Kanyua*

*Department of Business Administration and Management

Effect of Training and Development on Employee Performance In Public Middle Level TIVET

Institutions in Kenya

International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS) Vol. 8 (7) pp.62-68. (2021)

See more at: https://www.ijiras.com/2021/Vol_8-Issue_7/paper_10.pdf


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Yanjie Liu, Ayub M. O. Oduor*, Zhi-Cong Dai, Fang-Lei Gao, Junmin Li and Xue Zhang,Fei-Hai Yu

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Suppression Of A Plant Hormone Gibberellin Reduces Growth Of Invasive Plants More Than Native


OLKOS Vol. 130(5) pp. 781-789. (2021)

See more at:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/oik.07819#accessDenialLayout


                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Joan Mwihaki Nyika*, Ednah Kwamboka Onyari, Megersa Olumana Dinka and Shivani Bhardwaj Mishra

*Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

A Review On Methods Of Assessing Pollution Levels From Landfills In South Africa

International Journal of Environment and Waste Management Vol. 28(4) pp. 436-455. (2021)

See more at: https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1504/IJEWM.2021.118859


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Mercy W.Mwaniki*, Oscar W.Mitalo, Eric G.Mworia, Willis O.Owino, Kyoko Hiwasa-Tanas, Jocelyn K.

C.Rose, Koh Aoki Tomoya Esumih, Takashi Kawaia Ryohe and Nakanoa Koichiro Esumih,

*Department of Food Science and Technology

Combined Signal Sequence Trap and Macroarray Analysis Identifies Genes Associated with

Differential Fruit Softening Characteristics During Ripening in European and Chinese Pears

Postharvest Biology and Technology Vol. 174. (2021)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0925521420310085?via%3Dihub


                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Margaret W. Murage, Edward K. Muge, Betty N. Mbatia, and Mercy W. Mwaniki*

*Department of Food Science and Technology

Development and Sensory Evaluation of Omega-3-Rich Nile Perch Fish Oil-Fortified Yogurt

Hindawi International Journal of Food Science pp. 1-7. (2021)

See more at: https://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/ijfs/2021/8838043.pdf


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Hillary Adawo Onjong*a, Victor Ntuli, Joseph Wambui, Mercy Mwaniki*b and  Patrick Murigu Kamau


*aDepartment of Food Science and Technology

*bDepartment of Technical and Applied Biology

Potential Influence of Regulation of the Food Value Chain on Prevalence and Patterns of

Antimicrobial Resistance: the Case of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

American Society For Microbiology Journals Applied and Environmental Microbiology Vol. 87(23) pp.

1-12. (2021)

See more at: https://journals.asm.org/doi/epdf/10.1128/AEM.00945-21


                                                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

Daniel Ochieng Orwenjo* and Fridah Kanana Erastus

*Department of Language and Communication Studies

Teachers’ Perceptions of Open Educational Resources: The Case of Open Resources for English

Language Teaching (ORELT) in Kenya

Journal of Learning for Development, Vol. 8(3) pp. 582-600. (2021)

See more at: http://oasis.col.org/bitstream/handle/11599/3994/2021_Orwenjo_Erastus_JL4D_Vol8No3.pdf?



                                                                                                                   Impact Factor: Online

Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Uyiosa Osagie Aigbe, Robert Birundu Onyancha*, Onoyivwe Monday 

Ama, Can-voro Osemwengie Amadasun, Joseph Onyeka Emegha, Otolorin Adelaja Osibote, Samuel 

Ogochukwu Azi, Azeez Olayiwola Idris and Kabir Opeyemi Otun

*Department of Physics and Space Sciences

Biosensing Applications of Electrode Materials

Modified Nanomaterials for Environmental Applications Vol. 1 pp. 187-231. (2021)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-85555-0_9


                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online

Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Uyiosa Osagie Aigbe, Robert Birundu Onyancha* and

Charles Oluwaseun Adetunji

*Department of Physics and Space Sciences

Climate Change and Pesticides: Their Consequence on Microorganisms

Microbial Rejuvenation of Polluted Environment pp. 83-113. (2021)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-15-7459-7_5


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Robert Birundu Onyancha* , Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Uyiosa Osagie Aigbe , Otolorin Adelaja

Osibote , Heri Septya Kusuma , Handoko Darmokoesoemo and  Vincent Aizebeoje Balogun

*Department of Physics and Space Sciences

A Systematic Review on the Detection and Monitoring of Toxic Gases using Carbon Nanotube-Based


Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research Vol. 34. (2021)

See more at: https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/287271


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Francis Gitongaa, Kipchumba Biwott a , Grace Wairimu Gitaua, Okanya Patrick Wafulaa , Peris

Amwayia,  Alfred Orina Isaacb and  James Nyabuga Nyariki*

*aDepartment of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

*bDepartment of Pharmaceutical Technology

Coenzyme Q10 Ameliorates Potassium Cyanide-Induced Toxicosis In A Mouse Model

Scientific African Vol. 12. (2021)

See more at: https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/319229


                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Pius Nderitu Kihara

*Department of Statistics and Actuarial Mathematics

Model Calibration at Different Stages in Cluster Sampling; Use of Penalized Splines in

Semiparametric Estimation

Recent Advances in Mathematical Research and Computer Science Vol. 4 pp. 1-14. (2021)

See more at: https://stm.bookpi.org/RAMRCS-V4/article/view/4867


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Anthony Muchai Manyara*, Elizabeth Mwaniki*, Cindy M. Gray and Jason M. R. Gill

*Department of Health Systems Management and Public Health

Comparison Of Risk Factors Between People With Type 2 Diabetes And Matched Controls In

Nairobi, Kenya

Tropical Medicine and International Health Vol. 26(9) pp. 1075–1087. (2021)

See more at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/tmi.13629


                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

Benard Juma a,c,d,* , Luke O. Olang b,c , Mohammed Hassan b , Stanley Chasia a,d , Vera Bukachi ,

Paul Shiundu c, and  Joe Mulligan

a Department of Geoscience and Environment

b Department of Biosystems and Environmental Engineering

c Centre for Integrated Water Resource Management

d Department of Civil Engineering


Analysis Of Rainfall Extremes In The Ngong River Basin Of Kenya: Towards Integrated Urban

Flood Risk Management

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C Vol. 124, Part 1. (2021)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1474706520303752


                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

Ekemena O. Oseghe Samson O. Akpotu, Edwin T. Mombesho , Adewale O. Oladipo, Lucy M. Ombaka*,

Bianca B. Maria, Azeez O. Idrisa,  Gcina Mambaa, Lwazi Ndlwana, Olushola S. Ayandag Augustine E.

Ofoma, Vincent O. Nyamori,  Usisipho Feleni, Thabo T. I. Nkambule, Titus A. M. Msagatia, Bhekie B.

Mamba and Detlef W. Bahnemann

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology                                                                            

Multi-Dimensional Applications Of Graphitic Carbon Nitride Nanomaterials – A Review

Journal of Molecular Liquids Vol. 344. (2021)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0167732221025459


                                                                                                                      Impact Factor: Online

Gabriel M.Marete*a, Joseph O. Lalah*b, Jane Mputhia*a and Vitalis W. Wekesa*c

*aDepartment of Geoscience and the Environment

*bDepartment of Geochemistry and Environmental Chemistry

*cDepartment of Technical and Applied Biology

Pesticide Usage Practices as Sources of Occupational Exposure and Health Impacts on Horticultural

Farmers in Meru County, Kenya

Heliyon Vol. 7(2). (2021)

See more at: https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/313379


                                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Francis O. Oguya*, Patrick R. Kenya , Francisca Ongecha Patrick Mureithi, Helgar Musyoka , Nicholas

Muraguri , Ben Mundia, Caleb Angira, Mohammed Shos , Taib A. Basheeb , Abdalla Ahmed Mohamed ,

John P. Oyore,  Otieno G. Ochieng, Gabriel O. Dida* , Saade Abdalla and Reychard Abdool

*Department of Health Systems Management and Public Health

Rapid Situational Assessment Of People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) In Nairobi And Coastal Regions

Of Kenya: A Respondent Driven Sampling Survey

BMC Public Health Vol. 21 pp. 1-18. (2021)

See more at: https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s12889-021-11373-9.pdf


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Derdus Kenga, Vincent Omwenga  and  Patrick Ogao*

*Department of Computing and Information Technology

Virtual Machine Customization Using Resource Using Prediction for Efficient Utilization of

Resources in IaaS Public Clouds

Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 6(2) pp. 170-182. (2021)

See more at: https://jitecs.ub.ac.id/index.php/jitecs/article/view/196/154


                                                                                                                   Impact Factor: Online

John Ndikaru wa Teresia*

*Department of Criminology and Legal Studies

Effects of Drug Abuse in Schools and Homes in Kenya

East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, Vol. 3(1) pp. 1-11. (2021)

See more at: https://journals.eanso.org/index.php/eajass/article/view/428/469


                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online

John Ndikaru wa Teresia*

*Department of Criminology and Legal Studies

Juvenile Delinquency and Crime Nairobi Slum Areas, Kenya

East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences Vol. 4(1) pp. 1-16. (2021)

See more at: https://journals.eanso.org/index.php/eajass/article


                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Wilson Kabiru Wanjiru* and John Ndikaru wa Teresia*

*Department of Criminology and Legal Studies

Safety and Compliance in Selected Construction sites of Nairobi County: A case Study of Reynolds

Construction Company Nairobi Kenya.

East African Journal of Engineering, Vol. 3 (1) pp. 1-7. (2021)

See more at: https://journals.eanso.org/index.php/eaje/article/view/388/415


                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

John Ndikaru wa Teresia*

*Department of Criminology and Legal Studies

Evaluation of Occurrence of Crime Rates in Kenya within the Years 2014-2020

East African Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol. 3(1) pp. 1-14. (2021)

See more at: https://journals.eanso.org/index.php/eajis/article/view/387/414


                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online

John Ndikaru wa Teresia*

*Department of Criminology and Legal Studies

Domestic Violence: Why People Get Away with it: Case Study of Nairobi County, Kenya.

East African Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol. 3(1) pp. 1-12. (2021)

See more at: https://journals.eanso.org/index.php/eajis/article/view/424/468


                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

Grace Akinyi Musa*

*Department of Accounting and Finance

The Synergetic Effect Of Initial Accounting Courses, Students Performance, And Professional

Guidance On Accounting Career

International Journal of Education and Learning Vol. 3(3) pp. 191-198. (2021)

See more at:





                                                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Beatrice Kinanu Anyuki, Sandra Beldine Otieno and  Grace Akinyi Musa*

*Department of Accounting and Finance

Assessing the Influence of Financial Sector Development on Kenya’s Economic Growth

Research Journal of Finance and Accounting Vol. 12(2) pp. 1-7. (2021)

See more at:



                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Janet Kajuju Malla* , Sophie Ochola, Irene Ogada and Ann Munyaka

*Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics

Nutritional Value and Sensory Acceptability of M. oleifera Fortified Finger Millet Porridge for Children with Cerebral Palsy in Nairobi County, Kenya

Journal of Food Research Vol. 10(5) pp. 36-47. (2021)

See more at: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/04a5/61faf60ccb9ce313f4ab49b5dcacdf42aaf9.pdf


                                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Otieno P. Kheseli ,  Imbahale S. Susan* , Okoth Sheila ,  Miriam Otipa, and Wekesa V. Wafula

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Prevalence and Phylogenetic Diversity of Pathogenic Fusarium Species in Genotypes of Wheat Seeds in Three Rift Valley Regions, Kenya

Hindawi Advances in Agriculture pp. 1-13. (2021)

See more at: https://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/aag/2021/8839147.pdf


                                                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Francis O. Oguya*, Patrick R. Kenya, Francisca Ongecha, Patrick Mureithi , Helgar Musyoka , Nicholas Muraguri, Ben Mundia, Caleb Angira, Mohammed Shose , Taib A. Bashee , Abdalla Ahmed Mohamed, John P. Oyore, Otieno G. Ochieng, Gabriel O. Dida*, Saade Abdalla and Reychard Abdool

*Department of Health Systems Management and Public Health

Rapid Situational Assessment Of People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) In Nairobi And Coastal Regions Of Kenya: A Respondent Driven Sampling Survey

BMC Public Health Vol. 21 pp.1-18. (2021)

See more at: https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s12889-021-11373-9.pdf


                                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Gabriel O Dida*, Patrick O. Lutta, Paul O. Abuom and  Douglas N. Anyona

*Department of Health Systems Management and Public Health

Factors predisposing women and children to indoor air pollution in Trans Nzoia County, Kenya

BMC Environmental Health Vol. 1 pp. 1-24. (2021)

See more at: https://assets.researchsquare.com/files/rs-153201/v2/5d5930b5-bfff-4c32-b9a3-755fa9932188.pdf?c=1631874321


                                                                                                                              Impact Factor: Online

Caroline Mose*

*Department of Music and Performing Arts

The Governor and the Everyday Woman: Reflections on Dina Ligaga’s Women, Visibility and Morality in Kenyan Popular Media

Journal of African Cultural Studies Vol. 1 pp. 1-5. (2021)

See more at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epub/10.1080/13696815.2021.1917344?needAccess=true


                                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Victorine Raïssa Ngo Nkondjock, Thérèse Martin Cheteu Wabo, Janet Cheruiyot Kosgey*, Yunlong Zhang, Daniel Adjei Amporfro, Humara Adnan, Imran Shah, and Ying Li

*Department of Technical and Applied Biology

Insulin Resistance, Serum Calcium and Hypertension: A Cross-Sectional Study of a Multiracial Population, and a Similarity Assessment of Results from a Single-Race Population’s Study

Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy Vol. 14 pp.3361–3373. (2021)

See more at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Kiruja Esther Kanyua*

*Department of Business Administration and Management

Influence of Human Resource Information System on the Performance of Oil and Gas Companies in Kenya

International Journal of Management Studies and Social Science Research Vol. 3(6) pp.11-25. (2021)

See more at: https://www.ijmsssr.org/paper/IJMSSSR00551.pdf


                                                                                                                               Impact Factor: 7.529

Solomon Wanjenga Njihia*Alex Munyasya Muumbo* and Rehema Ndeda

*Department of Mechanical Engineering

Processing of Post-Consumer Polyethylene Terephthalate for Insulation Purposes

Internationals Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Vol. 8(7) pp. 4174-4184. (2021)

See more at: https://www.irjet.net/archives/V8/i7/IRJET-V8I7713.pdf


                                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Redemtor Awuor Ojwang , Edward K. Muge , Evans N. Nyaboga, Betty N. Mbatia and Dorington O. Ogoyi*

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Genetic Diversity And Relationships Among Populations Of Jackfruit, An Underutilized Nutrient-Rich Climate-Smart Fruit Tree Crop In Kenya And Uganda

Journal of Crop Improvement Vol. 1 pp. 1-19. (2021)

See more at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epub/10.1080/15427528.2021.1997849?needAccess=true


                                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Lucia K. Kiio, Damaris N. Mbui, Peter M. Ndangili, Onyatta J. Onam and Florence Oloo*

*Department of Chemistry and Material Science

Current Biosensors Used for Early Detection of Lung Cancer Biomarkers

Journal of Cancer Research Reviews and Reports Vol. 3(3) pp. 1-8. (2021)

See more at: https://www.onlinescientificresearch.com/articles/current-biosensors-used-for-early-detection-of-lung-cancer-biomarkers.pdf


                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

Ahmed Omar Robleh, David Otieno Koteng* and Charles Karimi Kabubo

Effect of Plastic Bottle Arrangement on the Performance in Self-Compacting Concrete Block

SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering Vol. 8(9) pp. 7-13. (2021)

See more at: https://www.internationaljournalssrg.org/IJCE/2021/Volume8-Issue9/IJCE-V8I9P102.pdf


                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

Liberty Chipise, Robert Batane, Pushpendra K. Jain, Stephan H. Coetzee, Bernard O. Odera*

William Goosen and Lesley A. Cornish

*Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering

Hardness Characteristics of as-cast Ni-Ru-Zr Alloys

Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Metallurgy Vol. 7(2) pp. 261-270. (2021)

See more at: https://aseestant.ceon.rs/index.php/jmm/article/view/25432/18540


                                                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

Sameer Hameer* and  Johannes van Niekerk

*Department of Energy and Power Engineering

Solar Water Heating Thermal Performance Test using an Outdoor Test Method

IEEE Power Engineering Society Conference and Exposition in Africa, PowerAfrica pp.23-27. (2021)

See more at: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9543418


                                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Abu BakarrSahr Brima, Edwin Ataro* and Aladji Kamagate

*Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Performance enhancement of an FSO link using polarized quasi-diffuse transmitter

Heliyon Vol. 7(11) pp.1-3. (2021)

See more at: https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/313379



                                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Elyjoy Micheni*, Alice N Wechuli, Julius Murumba and Jackson K Machii

*Department Management Science and Technology

Fostering the Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies for Youth and Women Empowerment

Journal of Information Engineering and Applications Vol. 11(1) pp. 32-39. (2021)

See more at: https://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JIEA/article/view/55637/57459


                                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Kiruja Esther Kanyua*

*Department of Business Administration and Management

Linking Leadership Style With Employee Performance In Public Middle Level TIVET Institutions In Kenya

International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS) Vol. 8(7) pp. 69-74. (2021)

See more at: https://www.ijiras.com/2021/Vol_8-Issue_7/paper_11.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Duncan Kiragu Gichuki, Qingyun Li, Yujun Hou ,Yuanshuang Liu, Mengxue Ma, Huimin Zhou, Chen Xu, Zhenfei Zhu, Lina Wang, Fredrick Mutie Musila, Qingfeng Wang and Haiping Xin

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Characterization of Flavonoids and Transcripts Involved in Their Biosynthesis in Different Organs of Cissus rotundifolia Lam

Metabolites Vol. 11 pp. 741. (2021)

See more at: https://www.mdpi.com/2218-1989/11/11/741


                                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online

Janet Cheruiyot Kosgey*, Mercy W. Mwaniki* and Fengmin Zhang

*Department of Technical and Applied Biology

Probiotics and Postbiotics from Food to Health: Antimicrobial Experimental Confirmation

See more at: https://www.intechopen.com/online-first/78419


                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

Mary Clare Akinyi Kidenda*

Tooling Kenya’s Jua Kali Sector: Artistic Learning for Enhanced Design Practice and Planning Using Reflective Practice

Visions of Sustainability for Arts Education pp 45-55. (2021)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-16-6174-7_6


                                                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Samuel W. Mangulo, S. W. and Akwala, A. O. 

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Assessment of Knowledge Management Strategies. Adopted by Special Libraries in Kenya: A Survey of Trans -Nzoia County

In IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Vol. 26(6) pp. 27-38( 2021)

See more at: 


                                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online


Seyi Philemon Akanji, Onoyivwe Monday Ama, Omotayo A. Arotiba, Duduzile Nkosi Idris Azeez Olayiwola, Uyiosa Osagie Aigbe, Robert Birundu Onyancha* and Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor

*Department of Physics and Space Sciences

Photoelectrochemical Application of Nanomaterials

Modified Nanomaterials for Environmental Applications pp 121-153(2022)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-85555-0_7



                                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Kabir Opeyemi OtunIdris, Olayiwola Azeez Onoyivwe, Monday AmaWilliam Wilson Anku, Uyiosa Osagie AigbeKingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor and Robert Birundu Onyancha*

*Department of Physics and Space Science

Sensing the Presence of Inorganic Ions in Water: The Use of Electrochemical Sensors

Modified Nanomaterials for Environmental Applications pp 65-89 (2022)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-85555-0_4


                                                                                                                        Impact Fact: Online


Uyiosa Osagie Aigbe, Robert Birundu Onyancha*, Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Otolorin Adelaja Osibote, Onoyivwe Monday Ama, Harrison Ifeanyichukwu Atagana, Peter Osifo Ogbemudia and Seyi Philemon Akanji

*Department of Physics and Space Science

Electrochemical Detection of Heavy Metals

Modified Nanomaterials for Environmental Applications pp 25-63 (2022)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-85555-0_3


                                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Azeez Olayiwola, Idris Onoyivwe Monday Ama Kabir Opeyemi OtunS eyi Philemon Akanji Usisipho FeleniBhekie Mamba Robert Birundu Onyancha*, Uyiosa Osagie Aigbe  and Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor

*Department of Physics and Space Science

Electrode Materials for Pharmaceuticals Determination

Modified Nanomaterials for Environmental Applications pp 155-185(2022)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-85555-0_8


                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

J. H. J. Magnoungou, B. R. Malonda-Boungou, George Amolo*, B. M’Passi-Mabiala, C. Demangeat

*Department of Physics and Space Sciences

Effect of Oxygen Contamination on Structural and Magnetic Properties of Mnpd Bilayer Grown on

Fe/MgO (001): Ab Initio Study

The European Physical Journal B Vol. 95 pp. 1-14 (January 2022)

See more at: https://doi.org/10.1140/epjb/s10051-021-00271-z


                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Lynet Allan, George O. Amolo*, Julius Mwabora, Silas Mureramanzi

*Department of Physics and Space Sciences

The Impact of Nitrogen Doping on Structural and Electronic Properties of Titanium Sesquioxide,

Ti2O3: An Ab-initio Study

Condensed Matter (Materials Science) Vol. 1 pp. 1-6 (January 2022)

See more at: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2201.00212.pdf


                                                                                                   Impact Factor: Online

Jeremiah O. Abolade, Dominic B. O. Konditi*, Vasant M. Dharmadhikary

*Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering

Corrigendum to “A Comparative Study of Compact Multiband Bio-Inspired Asymmetric Microstrip

Fed Antennas (BioAsMPAs) for Wireless Applications”

Hindawi Journal of Engineering Vol. 1 pp. 1-5 (January 2022)

See more at: https://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/je/2022/9795857.pdf


                                                                                              Impact Factor: Online

Angelina Auma Abuodha Oyoo, Moses Wakoli Wamalwa*, Pius Nderitu Kihara*

*Department of Financial and Actuarial Mathematics

The Effect of Pavement Damage on Number of Accidents and on Traffic Congestion on Roads Using

Multivariate Analysis of Variance

International Journal of Transportation Engineering and Technology Vol. 8 pp. 1-12 (January 2022)

See more at: https://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/pdf/10.11648.j.ijtet.20220801.11.pdf


                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Gabriel O. Dida*, Patrick O. Lutta, Paul O. Abuom, Tomislav Mestrovic, Douglas N. Anyona

*Department of Community and Public Health

Factors Predisposing Women and Children to Indoor Air Pollution in Rural Villages, Western Kenya

Archives of Public Health Vol. 80 pp. 1-13 (January 2022)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1186/s13690-022-00791-9.pdf


                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

David B. Ouko*, Peris W. Amwayi*, Lucy A. Ochola, Peninah M. Wairagu*, Alfred Orina Isaac**,

James N. Nyariki*

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

**Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Co-administration of Chloroquine and Coenzyme Q10 Improved Treatment Outcome during

Experimental Cerebral Malaria

Journal of Parasitic Diseases Vol. 46 pp. 466-475 (January 2022)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12639-022-01468-4


                                                                                                      Impact Factor: Online

Phanice Kheseli Otieno*, Susan S. Imbahale*, Vitalis Wafula Wekesa, Miriam Otipa, Sheila Okoth

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Molecular Determination of Toxigenic Potential of Fusarium spp. Isolated from Seeds of Wheat

(Triticum Aestivum) Genotypes and Evaluation of Levels of Fumonisins in the Grains at Harvest in

Three Major Wheat Producing Counties in Kenya

Hindawi International Journal of Agronomy Vol. 1 pp. 1-10 (February 2022) 

See more at: https://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/ija/2022/1428312.pdf


                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Hashim Ali, Joseph Nguta, Fredrick Musila*, Isaac Ole-Mapenay, Dorine Matara, James Mailu

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity, Cytotoxicity, and Phytochemical Composition of Ocimum

americanum L. (Lamiaceae)

Hindawi Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine pp. 1-11 (March 2022)

See more at: https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/6484578


                                                                                              Impact Factor: Online

Ian W. Keesey, Jin Zhang, Ana Depetris-Chauvin, George F. Obiero*, Abhishek Gupta, Nitin Gupta,

Heiko Vogel, Markus Knaden, Bill S. Hansson

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Functional Olfactory Evolution in Drosophila Suzukii and the Subgenus Sophophora

ISceince pp. 1-37 (May 2022)

See more at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2022.104212


                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Douglas Ngatuni, Peninah Wairagu*, Ngalla Jillani, Alfred Orina Isaac**, James Nyabuga Nyariki*

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

**Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

A Glyphosate-Based Herbicide Disrupted Hematopoiesis and Induced Organ Toxicities,

Ameliorated by Vitamin B12 in a Mouse Model

Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences Vol. 29 pp. 1-11 (March 2022)

See more at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sjbs.2022.03.028


                                                                                                  Impact Factor:  Online

Naumih M. Noah, Peter M. Ndangili*

*Department of Industrial and Applied Chemistry

Green Synthesis of Nanomaterials from Sustainable Materials for Biosensors

and Drug Delivery

Sensors International Vol. 3 pp. 1-15 (February 2022)

See more at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sintl.2022.100166


                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Jasmine Wakini, Carolyne Songa, Stephen Chege*, Felix O. Saouma, Elica Wabululu, P. W. O Nyawere,

Victor Odari, James Sifuna*, George S. Manyali

*School of Physics and Earth Science

Low Born Effective Charges, High Covalency and Strong Optical Activity in

X2+3 Bi3−N3− (X=Ca,Sr,Ba) Inverse-Perovskites

Materials Science pp. 1-12 (March 2022)

See more at:  https://arxiv.org/pdf/2203.00359.pdf


                                                                                                        Impact Factor:  Online

Boniface Mbithi Muendo, Victor Odhiambo Shikuku, Zachary Moranga Getenga, Joseph Owuor Lalah*,

Shem Oyoo Wandiga, Michael Rothballer

*Department of chemical science and technology

Enhanced Hexazinone Degradation by a Bacillus Species and Staphylococcus Species Isolated from

Pineapple and Sugarcane Cultivated Soils in Kenya            

Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology Vol. 4 pp. 106-112 (February 2022)                       

See more at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enceco.2022.02.002


                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Wolfgang Schneider, Emily Achieng Akuno*, Yvette Hardie, Daniel Gad

*Department of Music and Performing Arts

Cultural Policy for Arts Education

Cultural Policy vol. 23 pp. 1-324 (March 2022)

see more at: https://library.oapen.org/handle/20.500.12657/53921


                                                                                                   Impact Factor: Online 

Tom Kwanya*


*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Mixed Methods and Quality of Postgraduate Research: A Kenyan Perspective

Handbook of Research on Mixed Methods Research in Information Science pp. 1-23 (January 2022)

See more at: https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/mixed-methods-and-quality-of-postgraduate-research/29



                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online 

Mark Obegi Kenyatta, Abednego Oswald Gwaya, Sylvester Munguti Masu*, Patrick Ajwang

*Department of Architecture and Building Science

Examining Dissimilar Interactions Enabling Late Payments, Underpayments and Non-Payments to

Construction Contractors                                                                                          

Research Article vol. 6 pp. 37-58 (March 2022)                                                                                       

See more at:  https://doi.org/10.1177%2F20555636221086545


                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Musingo Tito E. Mbuvi, James B. Kungu, Alfred Eshitera*

*Department of Architecture and building science

The Impact of Governance Regime on Land Cover and Use Change and Forest Structure: Insights

from Kakamega and Loita Forests, Kenya                                                                                 

Open Journal of Forestry Vol. 12, pp. 185-215 (April 2022)                                                                          

see more at:  https://www.scirp.org/journal/ojf


                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online 

S. Njihia, R. Ndeda, E. A. Muumbo*, E. Ogur*

*Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering

Design and Construction of a PET Extrusion Machine for Production of Insulation Material

Proceedings of the 2020 Sustainable Research and Innovation pp. 1-8 (March 2022)

See more at: https://sri.jkuat.ac.ke/jkuatsri/index.php/sri/article/view/257/241


                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online 

Humbelani H. Nekhavhambe, Rabelani Mudzielwana, Mugera W. Gitari*, Wasiu B. Ayinde,

Oisaemi U. Izevbekhai

*Department of Industrial and Applied Chemistry

Fluoride Bio-Sorption Efficiency and Antimicrobial Potency of Macadamia Nut Shells                 

Materials Vol. 15 pp. 1-17 (January 2022)                                                                                                  

See more at: https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15031065


                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online  

Wasiu B. Ayinde, Mugera W. Gitari*, James A. Smith, Amidou Samie

*Department of Industrial and Applied Chemistry

Sorption of Fluoride and Bacterial Disinfection Property of Biosynthesized Nanofibrous Cellulose

Decorated Ag–MgO–Nanohydroxyapatite Composite for Household Water Treatment                                                                                                                                              

Polymers Vol. 14 pp. 1-28 (February 2022)                                                                                         

See more at: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/14/5/890  


                                                                                              Impact Factor:  Online

E. P. Munzhelele, W. M Gitari*, W. B. Ayinde, R. Mudzielwana

*Department of Industrial and Applied Chemistry

Synthesis, Characterization of Ce3+ Doped Poly (Para-Phenylenediamine)

Composite for Fluoride, Arsenite and Pathogens Removal in Aqueous Solutions

Reactive and Functional Polymers Vol. 176 pp. 1-12 (May 2022)

See more at:  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2022.105297


                                                                                                   Impact Factor:  Online

Susan Nyegera Laiboni, Thomas Anyanje Senaj, George Kinoti King’oriah*

*Department of Real Estate and Property Management

Relationship Between Enterprise Capabilities and Value Creation in Kenyan Owned Enterprises

International Journal of Proffesional Practise Vol. 10 pp. 1-13 (April 2022)

See more at: https://library.kemu.ac.ke/ijpp/index.php/ijpp/article/view/130/74


                                                                                                      Impact Factor:  Online

Felix Urimubenshi, Dominic B. O. Konditi*, Jeande Dieu Iyakaremye, Pierre Moukala Mpele, Augustin Munyaneza

*Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering

A Novel Approach for Low Mutual Coupling and Ultra-Compact Two Port MIMO Antenna Development

for UWB Wireless Application                                                                    

Heliyon Vol. 8 pp. 1-13 (March 2022)                                                                                                               

See more at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e09057


                                                                                            Impact Factor:  Online

Ann Wambui King’ori, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, Elyjoy Muthoni Micheni*

*Department of Management Science and Technology

Complexity Metrics for Statechart Diagrams

International Journal of Software Engineering Vol. 13 pp. 1-17 (May 2022)

See more at: http://repository.mut.ac.ke:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/6095


                                                                                          Impact Factor:  Online

Karen K. Mwangangi*, P. O. Mc’Okeyo**, S. J. Oude Elberink, F. Nex

*Department of Geoinformation and Earth Observation

**Department of Geography and Spatial Science

Exploring the Potentials of UAV Photogrammetric Point Clouds in Façade Detection and 3D

Reconstruction of Buildings

 The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences,

Vol. 43 pp. 433-440 (May 2022)

See more at: https://www.proquest.com/docview/2671389760?pq-origsite=gscholar&fromopenview=true


                                                                                    Impact Factor:  Online

Abidha Monica Gwecho, Wang Shu, Onyango Thomas Mboya*, Sudheer Khan

*Department of Industrial and Engineering Mathematics

Solutions of Poisson-Nernst Planck Equations with Ion Interaction

Applied Mathematics Vol. 13 pp. 1-19 (March 2022)

See more at: https://www.scirp.org/pdf/am_2022032914584565.pdf


                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online 

Filston Rukerandanga, Stephen Musyoki*, Edwin O. Ataro**

*Department of Control and Automation Engineering

**Department of Electrical and Power Engineering

3D Design and Analysis of an Electro-Optically Tunable Athermal and Polarization-Insensitive Ring

Resonator-Based Add-Drop Filter for DWDM Systems                                     

Heliyon Vol. 8 pp. 1-11 (May 2022)                                                                                                             

See more at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e09567


                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online 

Mark Nelson Yobesia, Bonface O. Kihima, Richard O. B. Makopondo*, Josephine Opondo**

*Department of

**Department of Hotel and Institutional Management

Effects of Accommodation Facilities’ Attributes on Room Rates in a Wildlife Tourism Destination

Area, Kenya

Tourism Recreation Research pp. 1-16 (March 2022)

See more at: https://doi.org/10.1080/02508281.2022.2052629


                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Ann Githinji, Gregory Wanyembi, Salesio Kiura*, Benson Njoroge

*Department of Computer Science and Informatics

Improving the Accessibility of Digital Content via Mobile Technology. A Case Study of Mount

Kenya University

International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology Vol. 11 pp. 1-6 (June 2022)

See more at:  http://www.ijact.org/index.php/ijact/article/view/81/43


                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Lucy-Joy Wachira, Sylvester O. Hayker*, Richard Larouche, Adewale L. Oyeyemi,

Antonio Prista, George E. Owino, Mark S. Tremblay, Vincent O. Onywera

*Department of Hospitality and Leisure Studies

Physical Activity and Active Transportation Behaviour among Rural, Peri-Urban and Urban

Children in Kenya, Mozambique and Nigeria: The PAAT Study

Research Article pp. 1-17 (January 2022)

See more at:  https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0262768


                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Onim Antony, Musyoki Stephen*, Kihato Peter Kamita

*Department of Control and Automation Engineering

Selection of Optimal SINR Threshold in Fractional Frequency Reuse by Comparing Otsu’s and

Entropy Method

Heliyon pp. 1-9 (February 2022)

See more at: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4044601


                                                                                                      Impact Factor: Online

Kanyua Esther Kiruja*, Otieno Jillient

*Department of Business Administration and Entrepreneurship

Influence of Psychological Contract on Organizational Productivity in the Petroleum Industry in

Kenya; A Case of the National Oil Corporation

Journal of Human Resource Management Vol. 5 pp. 198-213 (April 2022)

See more at:  http://repository.tukenya.ac.ke:8080/handle/123456789/2010


                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Anne Achieng Osio*, Hoàng-Ân Lê, Samson Ayugi*, Fred Onyango, Peter Odwe*, Sébastien Lefèvre

*Department of Geoinformation and Earth Observation

Detection of Degraded Acacia Tree Species using Deep Neural Networks on UAV Drone Imagery                                                                                                                                                Computer Science pp. 1-8 (April 2022)                                                                                                See more at: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2204.07096.pdf


                                                                                                   Impact Factor: Online

Patrick Mumba, Franklin Manene, Stephen Musyoki*

*Department of Control and Automation Engineering

DBR Laser Design Using Vanadium Doped Silicon-Carbide Active Region to Achieve Wide Tuning

Range for Telecommunications Application in the 1300nm Window International

Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology Vol. 70 pp. 151-162 (February 2022)

See more at: https://ijettjournal.org/assets/Volume-70/Issue-2/IJETT-V70I2P218.pdf


                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

P. M. Wanjau*, G. W. Gachigua**

*Department of Industrial and Engineering Mathematics

**Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Developing a Mathematical Model Governing the Spread and Transmission of Malaria by Female

Anopheles Mosquito

Journal of Basic and Applied Research International, Vol. 28 pp. 44-50 (January 2022)

See more at https://www.ikppress.org/index.php/JOBARI/article/view/7568


                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

David Waweru*, Naftaly Mose, Shem Otieno

*Department of Economics and Resource Management

Household Energy Choice in Kenya: An Empirical Analysis of the Energy Ladder Hypothesis

Journal of Energy Research and Reviews Vol. 10 pp. 12-19 (April 2022)

See more at:  https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4072276


                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online

Uyiosa Osagie Aigbe, Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Robert Birundu Onyancha*, Benedict Okundaye,

Kaushik Pal, Otolorin Adelaja Osibote, Ese Lawrence Esiekpe, Heri Septya Kusuma, Handoko


*Department of Technical and Applied Physics

A Facile Review on the Sorption of Heavy Metals and Dyes Using Bionanocomposites

Hindawi Adsorption Science & Technology, Vol. 2022 pp. 1-36 (March 2022)

See more at: https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/8030175


                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

Temitope Ezekiel Idowu*, Charlynne Jepkosgei**, Maurice Nyadawa, Maurice O. Korowe, Rose M.

Waswa, Kayode H. Lasisi, Nelly Kiplangat***, Jane Munyi*, Fidelis O. Ajibade

*School of Civil and Resource Engineering

**Department of Geoinformation and Earth Observation

***Department of Structural and Construction Engineering

Integrated Seawater Intrusion and Groundwater Quality Assessment of a Coastal Aquifer: GALDIT,

Geospatial and Analytical Approaches

Environmental Science and Pollution Research Vol. 29 pp. 36699-36720 (January 2022)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11356-021-18084-z#citeas


                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

John Ndikaru wa Teresia*

*Department of Government and Legal Studies

Awareness, Attitudes and Perceptions of Safety Among Slum Residents in Nairobi, Kenya

East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences Vol. 5 pp. 1-20 (May 2022)

See more at: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajass.5.1.651


                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

John Ndikaru wa Teresia*

*Department of Government and Legal Studies

Demographic Vulnerability to Crime Victimization among Urban Residents in Informal Settlements

in Nairobi, Kenya

East African Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Vol. 5 pp. 1-19 (April 2022)

See more at:  https://doi.org/10.37284/eajis.5.1.618


                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Samson Kuria Kung’u*, Joseph Njoroge Muiruri, Andrew Makori, Isabella Mapelu

*Department of Hospitality and Leisure Studies

Assessment of Co-Joint Factors Influence on Guests’ Choice of Fine Dining

Restaurants in Kenya

African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Vol. 11 pp. 248-262 (February 2022)

See more at: https://doi.org/10.46222/ajhtl.19770720.262


                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

E. Mutindi, I. Ogali, S. Kuria, G. Moraa, E. Too, J. Kingoo*, S. Ommeh

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Assessment of Phenotypes, Physiological and Behavioral Responses Associated with Heat Tolerance

among Galla Goats in North Eastern Kenya.

Journal of Agriculture Science & Technology Vol. 21 pp. 1-14 (April 2022)

See more at:  https://doi.org/10.4314/jagst.v21i1.2


                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Samson Kuria Kung’u*, Joseph Njoroge Muiruri, Andrew Makori, Isabella Mapelu

*Department of Hospitality and Leisure Studies

Moderating Influence of Socio-Demographic Factors on the Relationship between Social Media

Applications and Guests’ Choice of Fine Dining Restaurants

International Journal of Applied Sciences in Tourism and Events Vol. 6 pp. 23-30 (June 2022)

See more at:  https://ojs2.pnb.ac.id/index.php/IJASTE/article/view/373/291


                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Tom Achoki, Benn Sartorius, David Watkins, Scott D Glenn, Andre Pascal Kengne, Tolu Oni, Charles

Shey Wiysonge, Alexandra Walker, Olatunji O Adetokunboh,Tesleem Kayode Babalola, Obasanjo Afolabi

Bolarinwa, Mareli M Claassens, Richard G Cowden, Candy T Day, Oluchi Ezekannagha, Themba G

Ginindza, Chidozie C D Iwu, Chinwe Juliana Iwu , Innocent Karangwa, Patrick DMC Katoto, Nuworza

Kugbey, Desmond Kuupiel, Phetole Walter Mahasha, Tivani Phosa Mashamba-Thompson, George A

Mensah, Duduzile Edith Ndwandwe, Chukwudi A Nnaji, Mpiko Ntsekhe, Thomas Elliot Nyirenda, Julius

Nyerere Odhiambo*, Kwaku Oppong Asante, Charles D H Parry, Julian David Pillay, Aletta Elisabeth

Schutte, Soraya Seedat, Karen Sliwa, Dan J Stein, Frank C Tanser, Ushotanefe Useh, Heather J Zar, Liesl J

Zühlke, Bongani M Mayosi, Simon I Hay, Christopher J L Murray, Mohsen Naghavi

*Department of Accounting and Finance

Health Trends, Inequalities and Opportunities in South Africa’s Provinces, 1990–2019: Findings

from the Global Burden of Disease 2019 Study

Journal of Epidemiology and community Health Vol. 76 pp. 1-11 (January 2022)

See more at:  https://jech.bmj.com/content/jech/76/5/471.full.pdf


                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Félicien Mushagalusa Kasali, Muhammad Shaiq Ali, Jonans Tusiimire, Mehreen Lateef, Ruth Anyango

Omole*, Justin Ntokamunda Kadima, Amon Ganafa Agaba

*Department of Industrial and Applied Chemistry

Phytochemical Constituents found in Physalis Peruviana L. Leaf Extracts and their Ability to Inhibit

Alpha-Glucosidase and Scavenge DPPH Free Radicals in Vitro

Trends in Phytochemical Research Vol. 6 pp. 3-10 (March 2022)

See more at:  https://journals.iau.ir/article_689483_d7b4c885fea365bc553f606f11da8d82.pdf


                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

David Waweru*, Naftaly Mose

*Department of Economics and Resource Management

Household Fuel Choice in Urban Kenya: A Multinomial Logit Analysis

Financial Internet Quarterly Vol. 18 pp. 30-41 (May 2022)

See more at:  https://deliverypdf.ssrn.com/delivery.php?ID=28412306409000200810408711610310306504






                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

C. Bess*, J. Mibei

*Department of Chemical and Process Engineering

Extraction and Characterization of Latex from the Euphorbia Candelabrum Plant

Journal of Engineering in Agriculture and the Environment. Vol. 8. pp. 1-15 (January 2022)

See more at:   https://kesebae.or.ke/journal/static/pdf/volume8/1.2022/jeae-volume8-no1.2022-3.pdf


                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online

Lucy M. Ombaka*, James D. McGettrick, Ekemena O. Oseghe, Osama Al-Madanat, Felix Rieck genannt

Best, Titus A. M. Msagati, Matthew L. Davies, Thomas Bredow, Detlef W. Bahnemann

*Department of Industrial and Applied Chemistry

Photocatalytic H2 Production and Degradation of Aqueous 2-Chlorophenol Over B/N-Graphene-

Coated Cu0/Tio2: A DFT, Experimental and Mechanistic Investigation

Journal of Environmental Management Vol. 311 (March 2022)

See more at:  https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301479722003954


                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online

Robert Birundu Onyancha*, Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Uyiosa Osagie Aigbe, Otolorin Adelaja

Osibote, Heri Septya Kusuma, Handoko Darmokoesoemo

*Department of Technical and Applied Physics

A Methodical Review on Carbon-Based Nanomaterials in Energy-Related Applications

Hindawi Adsorption Science and Technology Vol. 2022 pp. 1-21 (May 2022)

See more at:  https://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/ast/2022/4438286.pdf


                                                                                              Impact Factor: Online

Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Robert Birundu Onyancha*, Uyiosa Osagie Aigbe, Gladys

UK-Eghonghon, Rout George Kerry, Heri Septya Kusuma, Handoko Darmokoesoemo, Otolorin Adelaja

Osibote, Vincent Aizebeoje Balogun

*Department of Technical and Applied Physics

A Methodical Review on the Applications and Potentialities of Using Nanobiosensors for Disease


Hindawi BioMed Research International Vol. 2022 pp. 1-20 (January 2022)

See more at:  https://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2022/1682502.pdf


                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Uyiosa Osagie Aigbe, Robert Birundu Onyancha*, Juliana Ngozi

Ndunagu, Otolorin Adelaja Osibote, Joseph Onyeka Emegha, Vincent Aizebeoje Balogun, Heri Septya

Kusuma, Handoko Darmokoesoemo

*Department of Technical and Applied Physics

An Overview of the Emergence and Challenges of Land Reclamation: Issues and Prospect

Hindawi Applied and Environmental Soil Science Vol. 2022 pp. 1-14 (May 2022)

See more at:  https://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/aess/2022/5889823.pdf


                                                                                                   Impact Factor: Online

Tarek M. Eldeeb, Uyiosa O. Aigbe, Kingsley E. Ukhurebor, Robert B. Onyancha*, Mohamed A. El-Nemr,

Mohamed A. Hassaan, Otolorin A. Osibote, Safaa Ragab, Benedict Okundaye, Vincent A. Balogun, Ahmed

El Nemr

*Department of Technical and Applied Physics

Biosorption of Acid Brown 14 Dye to Mandarin-CO-TETA Derived from Mandarin Peels

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery pp. 1-21 (April 2022)

See more at:  https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s13399-022-02664-1.pdf


                                                                                              Impact Factor: Online

Ahmed Eleryan, Uyiosa O. Aigbe, Kingsley E. Ukhurebor, Robert B. Onyancha*, Tarek M. Eldeeb,

Mohamed A. El-Nemr, Mohamed A. Hassaan, Safaa Ragab, Otolorin A. Osibote, Heri S. Kusuma, Handoko

Darmokoesoemo, Ahmed El Nemr

*Department of Technical and Applied Physics

Copper(II) Ion Removal by Chemically and Physically Modified Sawdust Biochar

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery Vol. 2022 pp. 1-38 (June 2022)

See more at:  https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s13399-022-02918-y.pdf


                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Juliana Ngozi Ndunagu, Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Moses Akaaza, Robert Birundu Onyancha*

*Department of Technical and Applied Physics

Development of a Wireless Sensor Network and IOT-based Smart Irrigation System               

Hindawi Applied and Environmental Soil Science Vol. 2022 pp. 1-13 (June 2022)                            

See more at: https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/7678570


                                                                                                   Impact Factor: Online

Uyiosa OsagieAigbe, Kingsley EghonghonUkhurebor, Robert Birundu Onyancha*,

Otolorin AdelajaOsibote, Heri SeptyaKusuma, HandokoDarmokoesoemo

 *Department of Technical and Applied Physics

Measuring the Velocity Profile of Spinning Particles and its Impact on Cr(VI) Sequestration

Chemical Engineering and Processing – Process Intensification Vol. 178 (June 2022)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0255270122002252#!


                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Mohamed A. El-Nemr, Uyiosa O. Aigbe, Mohamed A. Hassaan, Kingsley E. Ukhurebor, Safaa Ragab,

Robert B. Onyancha*, Otolorin A. Osibote, Ahmed El Nemr

*Department of Technical and Applied Physics

The Use of Biochar-NH2 Produced from Watermelon Peels as a Natural Adsorbent for the Removal

of Cu(II) Ion from Water

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery Vol. 12 (January 2022)

See more at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13399-022-02327-1


                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Joan Nyika*

*Department of Fundamental and Theoretical Physics

Climate Change Situation in Kenya and Measures towards Adaptive Management in the Water Sector

Research Anthology on Environmental and Societal Impacts of Climate Change pp. 1857- 1872 (January 2022)

See more at: http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-3686-8.ch092


                                                                                                      Impact Factor: Online

Joan Nyika*

*Department of Fundamental and Theoretical Physics

Understanding Water-Food-Energy Nexus in the Climate Change Era and the Roadmap to Implementation in South Africa

Research Anthology on Environmental and Societal Impacts of Climate Change pp. 332-353 (January 2022)

See more at: http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-3686-8.ch017


                                                                                                   Impact Factor: Online

Joan Nyika*, Megersa Olumana Dinka

*Department of Fundamental and Theoretical Physics

Urban Resilience to the Challenges of Climate Change: The Case of Africa

Sustainable Urbanism in Developing Countries pp. 263-276 (February 2022)

See more at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/9781003131922-17


                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Joan Nyika*

*Department of Fundamental and Theoretical Physics

Wastewater for Agricultural Production, Benefits, Risks and Limitations

Nutrition and Human Health pp. 71-85 (June 2022)

See more at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-93971-7_6


                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

Beryl Ochieng, Evance Omondi Mbao*, Zhen Zhang, Liandong Shi, Qigen Liu

*Department of Geoscience and the Environment

Phytoplankton Community Structure of Tang-Pu Reservoir: Status and Ecological Assessment in

Relation to Physicochemical Variability

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Vol. 194 (April 2022)

see more at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-022-09958-x 


                                                                                                  Impact Factor:Online

Adele Njuguna, Naomi Maina, John Kagira, Simon Karanja, David Kamau, Maina Ngotho, John Mose*,

Lucy Mutharia

*Department of Biomedical Sciences and Technology

Isolation and Cryopreservation of Toxoplasma Gondii Isolates from Cats and Chickens from Selected

Households in the Thika Region, Kenya

Journal of Applied Life Sciences International Vol. 25 pp. 18-24 (May 2022)

See more at:  https://doi.org/10.9734/jalsi/2022/v25i330290


                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

Humphrey Mbuti Kimani*, Elizabeth Mwaniki*, Francis Oguya*, Peterson Warutere

*Department of Health Systems Management and Public Health

Effect of Health Education on Costs of Treatment and Household’s Income among Tuberculosis

Patients in Kenya: A Randomized Control Trial

PAMJ One Health Vol. 8 (May 2022)

See more at:  https://www.one-health.panafrican-med-journal.com/content/article/8/2/pdf/2.pdf


                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Humphrey Mbuti Kimani*, Francis Oguya*, Peterson Warutere, Elizabeth Mwaniki*

*Department of Health Systems Management and Public Health

Randomized Control Trial on the Effect of Health Education on Health Related Quality of Life

among Tuberculosis Patients in Kenya

Central African Journal of Public Health Vol. 8 pp. 33-46 (March 2022)

See more at:  https://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=326&doi=10.116



                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Sendhil R, Joan Nyika*, Sheel Yadav, Joby Mackolil, Rama Prashat G, Endashaw Workie, Raja Ragupathy,

P. Ramasundaram

*Department of Fundamental and Theoretical Physics

Genetically Modified Foods: Bibliometric Analysis on Consumer Perception and Preference

GM Crops & Food Vol. 13 pp. 65-85 (April 2022)

See more at: https://doi.org/10.1080/21645698.2022.2038525


                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Joan Nyika*, Megersa Olumana Dinka

*Department of Fundamental and Theoretical Physics

Improving Food Security in African Cities towards Smartness: A Bibliometric Analysis

Advances in Urbanism, Smart Cities, and Sustainability pp. 283-297 (February 2022)

See more at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/9781003126195-20


                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online     

Nelson Andrew W, Aluoch Austin O*, Mulcahy Mary Beth

*Department of Industrial and Applied Chemistry

Identifying University Chemicals that Pose Security Risks: A Simple Qualitative Approach                                                                                                                                                     

Journal of Chemical Health and Safety Vol. 29 (March 2022)                                                                 

See more at: https://www.osti.gov/biblio/1870470                                                                                                                                                                   


                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online  

Rayori Douglas, Getabu Albert, Omondi Reuben, Orina Paul, Nchore Hellen*, Gisacho Boniface, Nyabaro

Obed, Omondi Argwings, Omweno Job

*Department of Chemical Science and Technology

Assessment of Heavy Metal Concentrations (Cu, Cd, Pb, and Zn) in Wastewater from Gusii

Treatment Plant in Kisii County, Kenya                                                                                                       

Pan Africa Journal of Sciences Vol. 1 pp. 1-16 (February 2022)                                                                                    

See more at:  https://doi.org/10.47787/pasj.v1i02.12


                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online   

Filston Rukerandanga, Stephen Musyoki*, Edwin O. Ataro*

*Department of Electrical and Power Engineering

Design and Analysis of Ultralow Voltage Graphene on the Silicon Rich Nitride Tunable Ring

Resonator-Based Add-Drop Filter for DWDM Systems.

Hindawi International Journal of Optics Vol. 2022 pp. 1-13 (December 2022)

See more at: https://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/ijo/2022/4182037.pdf


                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online   

Filston Rukerandanga, Stephen Musyoki*, Edwin O. Ataro*

*Department of Electrical and Power Engineering

Ultra-Low Power All-Optically Tuned Hybrid Graphene Ultra Silicon-Rich Nitride Ring

Resonator-Based Add-Drop Filter for DWDM Systems

Optics 2022, Vol. 3 pp. 287–303 (August 2022)

See more at: file:///C:/Users/Admin%20user/Downloads/optics-03-00027-v2.pdf


                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online

Oratilwe Jothi, Edwin Ataro*, Stephen Musyoki*


*Department of Electrical and Power Engineering


Performance Evaluation of a SCM-OFDM Radio over Fiber System for the Mobile Fronthaul

International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications Vol. 11 pp. 175-183

(May 2022)

See more at: http://www.ijeetc.com/uploadfile/2022/0422/20220422041702760.pdf


                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

George Kirumba*, George Thumbi**, John Mwangi, John Mbugua***

*Department of Biosystems and Environmental Engineering

**Department of Water and Environmental Engineering

***Department of Geochemistry and Environmental Chemistry

Evaluation of Sewage Treatment Efficiency of a Two-Stage Floating-Wetland System

International Journal of Environmental Protection and Policy Vol. 10 pp. 122-129 (October 2022)

See more at: file:///C:/Users/Admin%20user/Downloads/10.11648.j.ijepp.20221005.12.pdf


                                                                                         Impact Factor: 9:969235

George Ochieng Ondede*, A. B. Rabiu, Daniel Okoh, Paul Baki*, Joseph Olwendo, Kazuo Shiokawa,

Yuichi Otsuka

*Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences

Relationship Between Geomagnetic Storms and Occurrence of Ionospheric Irregularities in The West

Sector of Africa During the Peak of The 24th Solar Cycle

Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences Vol. 9 (November, 2022)

See more at: file:///C:/Users/Admin%20user/Downloads/fspas-09-969235.pdf


                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Lucy Kibe*, Tom Kwanya*, Angella Kogos*, Erick Ogolla*, Claudior Onsare*

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Types of Cyberbullying Experienced on Facebook by Undergraduate Students in Kenyan Universities

Journal of Cyberspace Studies Vol. 6 pp. 149-182 (July 2022)

See more at: https://jcss.ut.ac.ir/article_90349_422ed81a6f74b5ae4f8eb244cab4eb95.pdf


                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

Mbye Sowe, Dominic B. O. Konditi*, Philip K Langat

*Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering

A Compact High-Gain Microstrip Patch Antenna with Improved Bandwidth for 5G Applications

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research (IJEER) Vol. 10 pp 196-201 (June 2022)

See more at: https://ijeer.forexjournal.co.in/papers-pdf/ijeer-100225.pdf


                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

Susan Nyegera Laiboni, Thomas Anyanje Senaji, George Kinoti King’oriah*

*Department of Real Estate and Property Management

Relationship between Resources and Value Creation in the Kenyan-owed Mining Enterprises in Kenya

International Journal of Professional Practice (IJPP) Vol. 10 pp. 1-14 (May 2022)

See more at: https://ijpp.kemu.ac.ke/ijpp/index.php/ijpp/article/view/137/79


                                                                                              Impact Factor: Online

Jeremiah O. Abolade, Dominic B. O. Konditi*

*Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering

Ultra-Compact Slitted Flower-Shaped Dual-Band Monopole Antenna for Modern Portable Devices

Hindawi International Journal of Antennas and Propagation pp. 1-7 (July 2022)

See more at: https://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/ijap/2022/4986861.pdf


                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Jeremiah O. Abolade, Dominic B. O. Konditi*, Pierre M. Mpele, Abidemi M. Orimogunje, Jonathan P. Oguntoye

*Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering

Miniaturized Dual-Band Antenna for GSM1800, WLAN, and Sub-6 GHz 5G Portable Mobile Devices

Hindawi Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering pp. 1-10 (September 2022)

See more at: https://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/jece/2022/5455915.pdf


                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Andrew Kasiti Muganda*, Edward Owiti Okonjo*, James Nyabuga Nyariki, Dorcas Syokui Yole*

*Department of

Schistosoma Mansoni Co-Infection Decelerates Murine Plasmodium Berghei ANKA Induced

Inflammatory Response and Organ Damage

American Journal of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Vol. 10 pp. 58-69 (January 2022)

See more at: file:///C:/Users/Admin%20user/Downloads/ajidm-10-2-2.pdf


                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Fridah Kanana Erastus, Daniel Ochieng Orwenjo*, Margaret Nguru Gathigia*

*Department of

Escaping the Margins of Society: New Media and Youth Language Practices across the Rural Urban

Divide in Kenya

Multilingual Margins Vol. 9 pp. 83-100 (November 2022)

See more at: https://www.multimargins.ac.za/index.php/mm/article/view/251/189


                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Benard Juma*, Luke O. Olang*, Mohammed A. Hassan*, Joe Mulligan, Paul M. Shiundu*

Simulation Of Flood Peak Discharges And Volumes For Flood Risk Management In The Ungauged

Urban Informal Settlement Of Kibera, Kenya

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C Vol. 128 (December 2022)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1474706522001292?via%3Dihub


                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Alice Nduta Mwangi, Waweru Mwangi, Salesio M. Kiura*

*Department of

Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.11p Enhanced Distributed Channel Access based on Vehicular

Ad-hoc Network Characteristics

East African Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 5 pp. 1-25 (September 2022)

See more at: https://journals.eanso.org/index.php/eajit/article/view/835/1111


                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Tareg Abdalla Abdalla, David Otieno Koteng*, Stanley Muse Shitote, Mohammed Matallah

*Department of

Mechanical and Durability Properties of Concrete Incorporating Silica Fume and A High Volume of Sugarcane Bagasse Ash

Elsevier Results in Engineering Vol. 16 pp. 1-13 (September 2022)

See more at: file:///C:/Users/Admin%20user/Downloads/1-s2.0-S259012302200336X-main.pdf


                                                                                              Impact Factor: Online

Marwa Gumma Omer Adam, David O. Koteng*, Joseph Ng’ang’a Thuo, Mohammed Matallah

*Department of

Analysing the Effect of Cassava Flour as a Mixture on the Physical, Mechanical, and Durability

Properties of High-Strength Concrete

Civil Engineering Journal Vol. 6 pp. 1-17 (December 2022)

See more at: file:///C:/Users/Admin%20user/Downloads/3881-10322-1-PB.pdf


                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Fredrick M. Kagucia, Owino George*, Franklin M. Manene

*Department of

Performance of an Anisotropic Magneto-Resistive Sensor Electrical Energy Meter

Journal of Engineering Research and Reports Vol. 23 pp. 302-320 (December 2022)

See more at:  http://journaleprints.uk/id/eprint/1287/1/786-Article%20Text-1318-1-10-20221227.pdf


                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Ruga Stephen Njuguna Mwaura*, Dr. Esther Kanyua Kiruja*, Prof. Evans

Vidija Sagwa*

*Department of

Influence of Strategic Human Resource Management Practices on Performance of Public Universities

in Kenya

Journal of Human Resource and Leadership Vol. 7 pp. 1-19 (October 2022)

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                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Ruga Stephen Njuguna Mwaura*, Dr. Esther Kanyua Kiruja*, Prof. Evans

Vidija Sagwa*

*Department of

Intervening Effect Of Employee Outcomes On The Link Between Strategic Human Resource Management Practices And Performance Of Public Universities In Kenya

International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research Vol. 10 pp. 271-291 (October 2022)

See more at: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7221536


                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Levi Ng’ang’a Mbugua 1*, John Odhiambo Magambo

*Department of Statistics and Computational Mathematics

Repositioning Health Microinsurance Products for the Informal Sector Groups

Businesses Vol. 3, pp. 19-35 (December 2022)

See More at: file:///C:/Users/Admin%20user/Downloads/businesses-03-00002.pdf


                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Douglas Wangila Khamila*, Pius Kihara**, Levi Mbugua*

*Department of Statistics and Computational Mathematics

**Department of Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Sciences

Analysis of Volatility of Cryptocurrencies in the Global Market

American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics Vol. 11 pp. 219-224 (November 2022)

See more at: file:///C:/Users/Admin%20user/Downloads/10.11648.j.ajtas.20221106.15.pdf


                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

John Magambo, Beatrice Warue, Levi Mbugua*, Dominic Mwenja

*Department of Statistics and Computational Mathematics

Social Capital and Health Micro-Insurance Uptake by the Informal Sector Workers in Kenya

The University Journal Vol. 4 (2022)

See more at:  https://daea.or.ke/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/TUJ-41_Magambo-et-al.pdf


                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Omwoyo Bosire Onyancha, Naomi Mwai

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Research Field Specialization in Selected Universities in Kenya

African Journal of Library Archives and Information Science Vol. 32 pp. 161-176 (October 2022)

See more at:  file:///C:/Users/Admin%20user/Downloads/ContentServer.pdf


                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Jeremiah O. Masime*, Eric Ogur**, Betty Mbatia*, Austin O. Aluoch, Geoffrey Otieno*

*Department of Chemical Sciences and Technology

*Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering

Characterization of Eggshells Nanocatalyst: Synthesized by Bottom-Up Technology

Walisongo Journal of Chemistry Vol. 5 pp. 202-211 (December 2022)

See more at:  https://journal.walisongo.ac.id/index.php/wjc/article/view/13434/4499


                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Evans Wafula Simiyu, Grace Wambui Kamau*

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

The Effects of the Shared Repertoire and Voluntary Action Characteristics of the Community of

Practice on Knowledge Sharing at Kenya Revenue Authority

Regional Institute of Information and Knowledge Management Vol. 7 pp 1-17 (December 2022)

See more at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Grace-Kamau-3/publication/367128266_The_Effects_of_the_Shared_Repertoire_and_Voluntary_Action_Characteristics_




                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Fellis Mutune, Geoffrey Mokua Maroko, Alice Wanjira Kiai*

*Department of English and Creative Writing

Construction Of Gender In Visual Signs In Selected Kenyan Secondary School English


Journal of Language and Literature Vol. 17 pp 1-13 (October 2022)

See more at:  file:///C:/Users/Admin%20user/Downloads/39510-102251-1-PB.pdf


                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

Abrham Belay, Christopher Oludhe, Alisher Mirzabaev, John W. Recha, Zerihun Berhane, Philip M. Osano,

Teferi Demissie, Lydia A. Olaka*, Dawit Solomon

*Department of Geoscience and Environment

Knowledge of climate change and adaptation by smallholder farmers:

evidence from southern Ethiopia

Heliyon Vol. 8 pp. 1-16 (November 2022)

See more at: https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/313379/1-


                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Malla Janet K*

*Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics

A Review of Dietary Intake and Nutritional Status of Children with Cerebral Palsy

Machakos University Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 3 pp 1-8 (April 2022)

See more  at:http://ir.mksu.ac.ke/bitstream/handle/123456780/


                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Makhosonke Ngcobo, Holliness Nose*, Arumugam Jayamania, Stephen O. Ojwach

*Department of

Structural and Ethylene Oligomerization Studies of Chelating (Imino) Phenol Fe(II), Co(II) and

Ni(II) Complexes: An Experimental and Theoretical Approach

The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Vol. 46 pp 6219-6229

(March 2022)

See more at: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2022/nj/d1nj06065a


                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

Katrina Perehudof, Denis Kibira, Elke Wuyts, Carles Pericas, Joyce Omwoha*, Hendrika A. van den Ham,Aukje K. Mantel‑Teeuwisse, Kristien Michielsen

*Department of Journalism and Media Studies

A Comparative Human Rights Analysis of Laws and Policies for Adolescent Contraception in Uganda

and Kenya

Perehudof et al. Reproductive Health pp 1-14 (February 2022)

See more at: https://reproductive-health-journal.biomedcentral


                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

Joyce Omwoha*

*Department of Journalism and Media Studies

Open the Servers’: The Implications of Electoral Technology for Kenya’s Democratisation Process

Africa Development, Vol. 47 pp 147-160 (September 2022)

See more at: https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ad/article/view/23


                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

Zainabu Ramadhan*

*Department of Accounting and Finance

Strategic Direction in Leadership and Performance of Insurance Companies in Kenya

International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management Vol. 10 pp 343 -350 (November 2022)

See more at: http://repository.tukenya.ac.ke/bitstream/handle


                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Zainabu Ramadhan*

*Department of Accounting and Finance

Impact of Provisions of Legal Notice Number 161 Of 2003 On The Underwriting and Claims

Processing by PSV Insurers in Kenya

International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management Vol. 10 pp 56-87 (December 2022)

See more at: http://repository.tukenya.ac.ke/handle/123456789 


                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online

Fredrick M. Musila*, Grace W. Gitau*, Magrate M. Kaigongi, Dickson B. Kinyanyi, Jeremiah M. Mulu,

Joseph M. Nguta

*Department of

In Silico Exploration of Lycoris Alkaloids as Potential Inhibitors of SARS-Cov-2 Main Protease (Mpro)

European Journal of Biological Research Vol. 12 pp 238-261 (September 2022)

See more at: http://www.journals.tmkarpinski.com/index.php


                                                                                              Impact Factor: Online

Yantus A.B. Neolaka, Arsel A. P. Riwu, Uyiosa Osagie Aigbe, Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Robert

Birundu Onyancha*, Handoko Darmokoesoemo, Heri Septya Kusuma

*Department of Technical and Applied Physics

Potential of Activated Carbon from Various Sources as A Low-Cost Adsorbent

To Remove Heavy Metals and Synthetic Dyes

Elsevier Results in Chemistry Vol. 5 pp 1-14 (December 2022)

See more at: https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/320277


                                                                                                     Impact Factor: Online

Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Uyiosa Osagie Aigbe, Robert Birundu Onyancha*, Gladys

UK-Eghonghon, Vincent Aizebeoje Balogun, Peter Eshioke Egielewa, Blessed Frederick Ngonso, Otolorin

Adelaja Osibote, Simon Ejokema Imoisi, Juliana Ngozi Ndunagu, Heri Septya Kusuma, Handoko


*Department of Technical and Applied Physics

Greenhouse Gas Emission: Perception during the COVID19 Pandemic

Hindawi BioMed Research International pp 1-12 (September 2022)

See more at: https://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2022/6166276.pdf


                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Yantus A.B. Neolaka, Yosep Lawa, Magdarita Riwu, Handoko Darmokoesoemo, Harsasi Setyawati,

Johnson Naat, Bernadeta Ayu Widyaningrum, Uyiosa Osagie Aigbe, Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhureborf,

Robert Birundu Onyancha*, Heri Septya Kusuma

*Department of Technical and Applied Physics

Synthesis of Zinc(II)-Natural Zeolite Mordenite Type as A Drug Carrier for Ibuprofen: Drug Release

Kinetic Modeling and Cytotoxicity Study

Elsevier Results in Chemistry Vol. 4 pp 1-9 (October 2022)

See more at: https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/320277


                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Robert Birundu Onyancha*, Uyiosa Osagie Aigbe, Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Heri

Septya Kusuma, Handoko Darmokoesoemo, Otolorin Adelaja Osibote, Kaushik Pal

*Department of Technical and Applied Physics

Influence of Magnetism-Mediated Potentialities of Recyclable Adsorbents for Heavy Metal Ions

Removal from Aqueous Solutions – An Organized Review

Elsevier Results in Chemistry Vol. 4 pp 1-15 (July 2022)

See more at: https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/320277/1-s2 


                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Pherah A. Ouma*, Victoria K. Mwaeni*, Peris W. Amwayi*, Alfred Orina Isaac*, James Nyabuga


*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Calcium Carbide–Induced Derangement of Hematopoiesis and Organ Toxicity Ameliorated by

Cyanocobalamin in A Mouse Model

Ouma et al. Laboratory Animal Research Vol. 38 pp 1-16 (August 2022)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s42826-022-00136-1


                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Codjo Laurent Azonvide, Tomabu Adjobimey, Haziz Sina, James Nyabuga Nyariki*, Lamine


*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

High Prevalence of Mansonella Perstans Infection Maintained in South Benin by Culicoides Milnei,

Culicoides Imicola, And Culicoides Inornatipennis

Journal of Parasitology and Vector Biology Vol. 14 pp. 31-40 (December 2022)

See more at: https://academicjournals.org/journal/JPVB/article-full-text-pdf/83DFDED69795


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Emily Achieng Akuno*

*Department of Music and Performing Arts

The Transformation of the Popular Song as a Tool for Arts Education and

Cultural Sustainability

Cultural Sustainability and Arts Education pp 29–38 (January 2023)

See more at:  https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-3915-0_3


                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online

Abongile N. Jijana, Usisipho Feleni, Peter M. Ndangili *, Mawethu

Bilibana, Rachel F. Ajayi* and Emmanuel I. Iwuoha

*Department of Industrial and Applied Chemistry

Quantum Dot-Sensitised Estrogen Receptor-α-Based Biosensor for 17β-Estradiol

Biosensors (February 2023)

See more at:   https://www.mdpi.com/2079-6374/13/2/242    


                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Naumih M. Noah, Peter M. Ndangili*

*Department of Industrial and Applied Chemistry

Chapter 25 – Polymeric nanosystems for neurological therapeutics

Polymeric Nanosystems Theranostic Nanosystems, Volume 1 (March 2023)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780323856560000103


                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Mathew Mumo Sila,Fredrick Mutie Musila*,Vitalis Wafula Wekesa and Imbahale Susan Sangilu

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Evaluation of Pathogenicity of Entomopathogenic Oomycetes Lagenidium giganteum and L. ajelloi against Anopheles Mosquito Larvae

Psyche: A Journal of Entomology (February 2023)

See more at:  https://doi.org/10.1155/2023/2806034


                                                                                                                   Impact Factor: Online

Lucy Kibe*, Tom Kwanya* and Hesbon Nyagowa*

*Department of Information and Library Sciences

Harnessing fourth industrial revolution (4IR) technologies for sustainable development in Africa: a meta-analysis

Emerald Insight (February 2023)

See more at: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/TECHS-01-2023-0004/full/html   


                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Tom Kwanya*

*Department of Information and Library Sciences

Working with Robots as Colleagues: Kenyan Perspectives of Ethical Concerns on Possible Integration of Co-bots in Workplaces

Responsible AI in Africa pp. 65–99 (January 2023)

See more at: https://library.oapen.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.12657/60787/1/978-3-031-08215-3.pdf#page=85


                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Biwott Kipchumba, Alfred Orina Isaac*, Victoria K. Mwaeni, George Omwenga, Mathew Ngugi & James Nyabuga Nyariki

*Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Vitamin B12 and coenzyme Q10 ameliorated alcohol-driven impairment of hematological parameters, inflammation, and organ damage in a mouse model

Springer Link (March 2023)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s41110-023-00197-9


                                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Maurice N. Amutabi*

*Centre for Science and Technology Studies

Cushitic Migration and Settlement in Kenya

The Palgrave Handbook of Kenyan History pp 35–44 (January 2023)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-09487-3_4


                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Maurice N. Amutabi*

*Centre for Science and Technology Studies

Politics and Social Life in White Settler Towns

The Palgrave Handbook of Kenyan History pp 149–161 (January 2023)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-09487-3_13


                                                                                                              Impact Factor: Online

Wanjala S. Nasong’o, Maurice N. Amutabi* & Toyin Falola

*Centre for Science and Technology Studies

Introduction: Kenya in Historical Perspective

The Palgrave Handbook of Kenyan History pp 1–9 (January 2023)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-09487-3_1


                                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

Pierre Moukala Mpele, Franck Moukanda Mbango & Dominic B. O. Konditi*

*Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering

Comparative Analysis of Five Planar Monopole Antennas for LTE/C-V2X/5G/WiMAX Applications

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (January 2023)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13369-023-07604-3


                                                                                                           Impact Factor: Online

Stanley Chasia, Luke O. Olang*, Lewis Sitoki

*School of Chemicals and Biological Systems Engineering

Modelling of land-use/cover change trajectories in a transboundary catchment of the Sio-Malaba-Malakisi Region in East Africa using the CLUE-s model

Ecological Modelling Volume 476 (February 2023)

See more at:  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2022.110256


                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

Marwa Gumma Omer Adam, David O. Koteng*, Joseph Ng’ang’a Thuo, Mohammed Matallah

*Department of Structural and Construction Engineering

Effects of acid attack and cassava flour dosage on the interfacial transition zone thickness, durability and mechanical characteristics of high-strength (HS) concrete

Results in Engineering Volume 17 (March 2023)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2590123023001287


                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Ahouefa Reine Katte, John Mwero*, Mohamed Gibigaye, David Otieno Koteng*


*Department of Structural and Construction Engineering

Recycling palm oil wastes for the production of a pozzolanic cement replacement material for concrete

Results in Engineering Volume 17 (March 2023)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2590123023000300


                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Tareg Abdalla Abdalla, David Otieno Koteng*, Mohammed Matallahd, Stanley Muse Shitote

*Department of Structural and Construction Engineering

The durability of the concrete incorporating processed bagasse ash toward sulfuric acid


SSRN (January 2023)

See more at:  https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4334875


                                                                                                          Impact Factor: Online

David Sinkhonde  , Richard Ocharo Onchiri , Walter Odhiambo Oyawa , John Nyiro Mwero*

*Department of Structural and Construction Engineering

Behaviour of rubberised concrete with waste clay brick powder under varying curing conditions

CellPress (2023)

See more at: https://www.cell.com/heliyon/pdf/S2405-8440(23)00579-0.pdf


                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Magara Jeremiah, Lucy Kamau, Grace Nyambati*, Hastings Ozwara

*Department of Biomedical Sciences and Technology

Rubia cordifolia L. Crude Aerial Part Extracts Show a High Potential as Antimalarials against Chloroquine Resistant Plasmodium falciparum Strains in vitro

Pharmacognosy Research (February 2023)

See more at: https://www.phcogres.com/article/2023/15/2/105530pres152031 


                                                                                                              Impact Factor: Online

Stanley Chasia, Luke O. Olang, Lewis Sitoki*

*Department of Geoscience and The Environment

Modelling of land-use/cover change trajectories in a transboundary catchment of the Sio-Malaba-Malakisi Region in East Africa using the CLUE-s model

Ecological Modelling Volume 476 (February 2023)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0304380022003544


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Marcelo Carneiro dos Santos, Patrick Musyoki Shem*, Tanos Celmar Costa França, Rohan Prasantha Perera, Victor Barros Correia

*Department of Industrial and Applied Chemistry

Chapter 17 – Assessment of the impact of chemical weapons disposal in the ocean according to international conventions

Sensing of Deadly Toxic Chemical Warfare Agents, Nerve Agent Simulants, and their Toxicological Aspects 2023, Pages 407-422 (2023)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780323905534000184#ab0010


                                                                                                                   Impact Factor: Online

Jackline U. Lidubwi, Dr. Julius Bosire*, Dr. Joan Mutua

*Department of Journalism and Media Studies

Television Story Angle and the Involvement on Learners with Intellectual Disability in Inclusive Education in Kenya

International Journal of Communication and Public Relation (February 2023)

See more at: https://www.iprjb.org/journals/index.php/IJCPR/article/view/1779


                                                                                                                Impact Factor: Online

Njogu M. Kimani, Charles O. Ochieng, Mike Don Ogutu, Kevin Otieno Yamo, Joab Otieno Onyango* and Cleydson B. R. Santos

*Department of Pharmaceutical and Medical Chemistry

Inhibition Kinetics and Theoretical Studies on Zanthoxylum chalybeum Engl. Dual Inhibitors of α-Glucosidase and α-Amylase

Journal of Xenobiotics (February 2023)

See more at: https://www.mdpi.com/2039-4713/13/1/9


                                                                                                    Impact Factor: Online

Ahmed Eleryan, Mohamed A. Hassaan, Uyiosa O. Aigbe, Kingsley E. Ukhurebor, Robert B. Onyancha*, Mohamed A. El‑Nemr, Safaa Ragab, Ismail Hossain,Ahmed El Nemr

*Department of Technical and Applied Physics

Kinetic and isotherm studies of Acid Orange 7 dye absorption using

sulphonated mandarin biochar treated with TETA

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (March 2023)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13399-023-04089-w


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Heri Septya Kusuma, Uyiosa Osagie Aigbe, Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Robert Birundu Onyancha*, Benedict Okundaye, Ines Simbi, Onoyivwe Monday Ama, Handoko Darmokoesoemo, Bernadeta Ayu Widyaningrum, Otolorin Adelaja Osibote, Vincent Aizebeoje Balogun

*Department of Technical and Applied Physics

Biosorption of Methylene blue using clove leaves waste modified with

sodium hydroxide

Results in Chemistry (January 2023)

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211715623000176


                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Biwott Kipchumba, Alfred Orina Isaac, Victoria K. Mwaeni, George Omwenga, Mathew Ngugi & James Nyabuga Nyariki*

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Vitamin B12 and coenzyme Q10 ameliorated alcohol-driven impairment of hematological parameters, inflammation, and organ damage in a mouse model

Nutrire volume 48, Article number: 13 (March 2023)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s41110-023-00197-9


                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Kwenga Mugao Japhet*

*Department of Hospitality and Leisure Studies

Mediating Effect of Management Strategies on Seasonality,

Consumer Travel Behaviour and Performance of Star-Rated

Beach Resorts in the Coastal Region of Kenya

International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management (January 2023)

See more at: https://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/index?journalid=213


                                                                                                                  Impact Factor: Online

Austine Muma Okello*,  Benard Onyango Muma*

*Department of Management Science and Technology

Developing Project Performance Model and Key Project Performance Metrics for Infrastructure Projects through Review of Literature

Journal of Recent Activities in Infrastructure Science (February 2023)

See more at: http://matjournals.co.in/index.php/JoRAIS/article/view/1546


                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Dinah A. E. Ogara*, Joji Morishita, Peter J. Davies, Maina Mbui, Majambo Gamoyo, Nashon Njoroge, Isaac Otieno Chann, Benson Senelwa Igesa

*Department of Spatial Planning and Design

An indicator-based approach to assess sustainability of port-cities and marine management in the Global South

Frontiers in Marine Science (March 2023)

See more at:  https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2023.1052128/full


                                                                                                                 Impact Factor: Online

Austine O. Otieno*, Patrick G. Home, James M. Raude, Sylvia I. Murunga, Gerryshom Munala, Dickson O. Ojwang, Tuula Tuhkanen

*Department of Geoscience and The Environment

Phosphorous removal from human urine using lateritic soil

Cleaner Waste Systems (February 2023)

See more at:  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clwas.2023.100081


                                                                                                       Impact Factor: Online

Oscar Omondi Donde, Austine Owuor Otieno* & Anastasia Wairimu Muia

*Department of Geoscience and The Environment

Wetlands for Remediation in Africa: Threats and Opportunities

Wetlands for Remediation in the Tropics pp 175–195 (January 2023)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-23665-5_10


                                                                                                         Impact Factor: Online

Franziska Gillsch, Fredrick Mbui*, Ursula Bilitewski, Rainer Schobert

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Syntheses and Antibacterial Evaluation of New Penicillium Metabolites Gregatins G and Thiocarboxylics C

Wiley Online Library (March 2023)

See more at: https://doi.org/10.1002/cbdv.202300181


                                                                                                            Impact Factor: Online

Biwott Kipchumba*, Alfred Orina Isaac, Victoria K. Mwaeni, George Omwenga, Mathew Ngugi & James Nyabuga Nyariki

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Vitamin B12 and coenzyme Q10 ameliorated alcohol-driven impairment of hematological parameters, inflammation, and organ damage in a mouse model

Nutrire volume 48, Article number: 13 (March 2023)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s41110-023-00197-9


                                                                                                             Impact Factor: Online

Trizah K. Milugo*, Mary V. Mosha, Eddie Wampande, Rune Philemon, Immaculate N. Lwanga, Janet Seeley, Nelson K. Sewankambo

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Public engagement by early career researchers in East Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic: case studies from East Africa [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]

Open Research Africa (March 2023)

See more at: https://openresearchafrica.org/articles/6-4  


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Biwott Kipchumba, Alfred Orina Isaac, Victoria K. Mwaeni*, George Omwenga, Mathew Ngugi & James Nyabuga Nyariki

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Vitamin B12 and coenzyme Q10 ameliorated alcohol-driven impairment of hematological parameters, inflammation, and organ damage in a mouse model

Nutrire volume 48, Article number: 13 (March 2023)

See more at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s41110-023-00197-9


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

George Kirumba , George Thumbi* , John Mwangi , John Mbugua**

*School of Civil and Resource Engineering

**School of Chemistry and Material Science

Analysis of the Sludge Settling Behavior of the Kibendera Waste Stabilization Ponds in Ruiru, Kenya

Journal of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering (April 2023)

See more at: https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/10.11648.j.jeece_.20230801.13-1.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Margaret Waturu*, Lewis Sitoki*, Joseph Lalah**, Stanley Chasia* and Evance Mbao*

*Department of Geosciences and the Environment

**Department of Chemistry and Material Science

Effect of land use/land cover changes on water quality in the Upper Athi River sub-catchment in Kenya

African Journal of Aquatic Science (April 2023)

See more at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.2989/16085914.2023.2207098?needAccess=true&role=button


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Zedekiah Odira Onyando , Elizabeth Omukunda , Patrick Okoth , Sandra Khatiebi , Solomon Omwoma , Peter Otieno , Odipo Osano and Joseph Lalah *

*Department of Chemical Science

Screening and Prioritization of Pesticide Application for Potential Human Health and Environmental Risks in Largescale Farms in Western Kenya

MDPI (May 2023)

See more at: https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/agriculture-13-01178-v2.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Milcah Gikunju, Damaris Odero, and Tom Kwanya*

* Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Status of Library Spaces and Facilities in University Libraries in Kenya

European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (June 2023)

See more at: https://ej-social.org/index.php/ejsocial/article/view/466/226


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Kwanya Tom*, Kutoma, J. Wakunuma

* Department of Information and Knowledge Management



See more at: https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Regulation-of-Digital-Platforms-for-a-Socially-Just-Gig-Economy-in-Kenya.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Erick Ogolla*, Tom Kwanya*, Lucy Kibe*, Angella Kogos*, Claudior Onsare*

* Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Curbing Cyberbullying on Facebook: An Analysis of Mitigation Strategies in Universities in Kenya


See more at: https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/ajol-file-journals_564_articles_249670_submission_proof_249670-6625-596946-1-10-20230621.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Nsovo Mhlarhia, Wilson Mugera Gitaria*, Wasiu Babatunde Ayindea, Nikita Tawanda Tavengwad,Rabelani Mudzielwana, and Oisaemi Uduagele Izevbekhai

* School of Chemical Sciences

Biosorption of toxic metal ions (Crþ6,Cd2þ) and nutrients (PO43-) from aqueoussolution by diatom biomass


See more at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1080/10934529.2023.2196929?needAccess=true&role=button


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Jackson Machii*, Julius Murumba*, Elyjoy Micheni

*School of Business and Management Studies

Educational Data Analytics and Fog Computing in Education 4.0

Open Journal for Information Technology · (April 2023)

See more at: https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Educational_Data_Analytics_and_Fog_Computing_in_Ed.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Hassan Said1, Abuodha Silvester, John Nyiro Mwero*

*Department of Structural and Construction Engineering

Effect of Bamboo Leaf Ash on The Properties of Geopolymer Concrete at Ambient Curing Temperature

East African Journal of Engineering, Volume 6, Issue 1, (May 2023)

See more at: https://journals.eanso.org/index.php/eaje/article/view/1210/1731


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Ngaelle Dorivice Nkanpa Moffo , John Mwero* and Zachary A. Gariy

*Department of Structural and Construction Engineering

Performance of Silica Fume on Preventing Strength Retrogression in Hardened Cement Paste and Mortar at Elevated Temperatures

Buildings (May 2023), 13, 1301

See more at: https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/buildings-13-01301-v2.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

David Sinkhondea, Richard Ocharo Onchirib, Walter Odhiambo Oyawac, John Nyiro Mwero*

*Department of Structural and Construction Engineering

Properties of concrete mixes containing tire rubber and brick powder exposed to sulfuric acid and cured in water: A comparative study

Heliyon9 (June 2023) e17514

See more at: https://www.cell.com/heliyon/pdf/S2405-8440(23)04722-9.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

James O. Oula*, John Mokua Mose*, Naomi N. Waiganjo*, Kennedy W. Chepukosi*, Nancy S. Mitalo*, Alfred Orina Isaac*, James Nyabuga Nyariki*

*Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Vitamin B12 blocked Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense-driven disruption of the blood brain barrier, and normalized nitric oxide and malondialdehyde levels in a mouse model

Parasitology International Volume 96, (October 2023), 102775

See more at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1383576923000521


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Jackline U. Lidubwi, Dr.Julius Bosire*and Dr.Joan Mutua

*Department of Journalism and Media Studies

Disability Lense: Television Framing of Intellectual Disability and Inclusive Education Engagement in Kenya

International Journal of Communication and Public Relation ISSN 2520-7989 (Online) Vol.8, Issue 3, No. 1, pp 1-12, (April 2023)

See more at: https://www.iprjb.org/journals/index.php/IJCPR/article/view/1952/2093


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Duncan Kariuki Ndwiga, Lucy Wanjiru Ciera* and Geoffrey Ngugi Mokabi

*Department of Fashion, Clothing and Textiles

A conceptual appraisal towards the contextualization of product and process innovation in clothing manufacturing

Research Journal of Textile and Apparel (March 2023)

See more at: https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/10-1108_RJTA-07-2022-0080.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Lucia K. Kiioa,b, John O. Onyatta, Peter M. Ndangili*, Florence Oloo, Carolina Santamaría, Luis M. Montuenga, Damaris N. Mbui

*Department of Industrial and Applied Chemistry

Development of electrochemical immunosensor for quantitative detection of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) biomaker YES1

Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X14(2023)100386 (August 2023)

See more at: https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1-s2.0-S2590137023000833-main.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Maysoon A. A. Osman ,Elfatih M. Abdel-Rahman,Joshua Orungo Onono,Lydia A. Olaka*,Muna M. Elhag,Marian Adan,Henri E. Z. Tonnang

*Department of Geoscience and The Environment

Mapping, intensities and future prediction of land use/land cover dynamics using google earth engine and CA- artificial neural network model

PLOS ONE (July 24, 2023)

See more at: https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/journal.pone_.0288694.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Abrham Belay, Alisher Mirzabaev, John W. Recha, Christopher Oludhe, Philip M. Osano, Zerihun Berhane, Lydia A. Olaka*, Yitagesu T. Tegegne, Teferi Demissie, Chrispinus Mutsami & Dawit Solomon

*Department of Geoscience and The Environment

Does climate-smart agriculture improve household income and food security? Evidence from Southern Ethiopia

Environment, Development and Sustainability (April 2023)

See more at: https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/s10668-023-03307-9.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Hezron M. Osano*

*Department of Business Administration and Entrepreneurship

Global scaling by SMEs: Role of innovation and technology


See more at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1080/26437015.2023.2201896?needAccess=true&role=button


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Samson Thuo , Isaac Okeyo*

*Department of Health Systems Management and Public Health

Association Between Caregivers’ Socio-Demographic Factors and Missed Opportunities for Measles Vaccination in Kajiado, Kenya

American Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences (July 2023); 4(2): 50-56

See more at: https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/10.11648.j.ajnhs_.20230402.13.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Humphrey Gachoki , Isaac Okeyo*

*Department of Health Systems Management and Public Health

Predictors of Uptake of Prostate Cancer Screening in Kenya: The Demographic Factors Influence

American Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences (July 2023); 4(3): 62-67

See more at: https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/10.11648.j.ajnhs_.20230403.12.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

George Kirumba* , George Thumbi , John Mwangi , John Mbugua*

*School of Chemical and Biological Systems Engineering

Analysis of the Sludge Settling Behavior of the Kibendera Waste Stabilization Ponds in Ruiru, Kenya

Journal of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering (April 2023); 8(1): 18-25

See more at: https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/10.11648.j.jeece_.20230801.13.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Mukasa Situma Wafula*

*Department of Music and Performing Arts

The Ritual Music, Culture and Nature of the Chiswa harvesting among Babukusu of Western Kenya

African Musicology OnlineVol. 12No. 1 (June 2023): ISSN (Online): 1994-7712

See more at: https://www.utafitionline.com/index.php/amo/article/view/243/116


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Mathew Mumo Sila*, Fredrick Mutie Musila*, Vitalis Wafula Wekesa and Imbahale Susan Sangilu*

*Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Evaluation of Pathogenicity of Entomopathogenic Oomycetes Lagenidium giganteum and L. ajelloi against Anopheles Mosquito Larvae

Hindawi Psyche: A Journal of Entomology Volume (February 2023), Article ID 2806034, 10 pages

See more at: https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/2806034.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Mukasa Situma Wafula*

*Department of Music and Performing Arts

Appreciating the transcultural in music gesture diversities and stage directing in Kenyan choral music

Journal of Visual and Performing ArtsVol. 1No. 1 (June 2023): ISSN (Online): 2957-5990

See more at:https://www.utafitionline.com/index.php/jvpa/article/view/237/115


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Wei-Chih Chen, Fuchen Teng, Alphonce Ayado Owayo*, and Li-Hsien Chen

*Department of Water and Environmental Engineering

Effects of Water-Binder Ratio and Aggregate Shape on Crack Evolution in Cement-Based Materials: Inclined Shear Test and DEM Simulation

Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering Archive Vol. 35, No. 10

See more at:https://ascelibrary.org/doi/pdf/10.1061/JMCEE7.MTENG-15337?download=true


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

James O. Oula*, John Mokua Mose*, Naomi N. Waiganjo*, Kennedy W. Chepukosi**, Nancy S. Mitalo*, Alfred Orina Isaac***, James Nyabuga Nyariki**

*Department of Biomedical Science & Technology

**Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

***Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Vitamin B12 blocked Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense-driven disruption of the blood brain barrier, and normalized nitric oxide and malondialdehyde levels in a mouse model

Parasitology International Volume 96, (October 2023), 102775

See more at:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1383576923000521


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Ahmed Eleryan, Uyiosa O. Aigbe, Kingsley E. Ukhurebor, Robert B. Onyancha*, Mohamed A. Hassaan, Marwa R. Elkatory, Safaa Ragab, Otolorin A. Osibote, Heri S. Kusuma & Ahmed El Nemr

*Department of Technical and Applied Physics, School of Physics and Earth Sciences Technology

Adsorption of direct blue 106 dye using zinc oxide nanoparticles prepared via green synthesis technique

Environmental Science and Pollution Research volume 30, pages69666–69682 (May 2023)

See more at:https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/s11356-023-26954-x.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Ahmed Eleryan, Mohamed A Hassaan, Uyiosa O Aigbe, Kingsley E Ukhurebor, Robert B Onyancha*, Heri S Kusuma, Mohamed A El-Nemr, Safaa Ragab, Ahmed El Nemr

*Department of Technical and Applied Physics, School of Physics and Earth Sciences Technology

Biochar-C-TETA as a superior adsorbent to acid yellow 17 dye from water: isothermal and kinetic studies

Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology (June 2023)

See more at:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/jctb.7466


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Chengxiu Li, Le Yu, Francis Oloo *, Ellasy Gulule Chimimba , Oscar Kambombe, Moses Asamoah, Precious Dapa Opoku, Vincent Wayuga Ogweno , Dominic Fawcett, Jinpyo Hong, Xiangzhen Deng, Peng Gong, Jim Wright

* School of Surveying and Geospatial Sciences

Slum and urban deprivation in compacted and peri-urban neighborhoods in sub-Saharan Africa

Sustainable Cities and Society Available online (15 August 2023)

See more at:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2210670723004742


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

James Nyabuga Nyariki*, Njogu M. Kimani, Peter Shikuku Kibet, Geoffrey K. Kinuthia, Alfred Orina Isaac**

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

**Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Coenzyme Q10 exhibits anti-inflammatory and immune-modulatory thereby decelerating the occurrence of experimental cerebral malaria

Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology Volume 255, (September 2023)

See more at:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0166685123000373


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Ronald W. Musamali*, Yusuf M. Isa

*Chemical and Process Engineering Department

Non-oxidative conversion of methane into various petrochemical grades over tunable tri-metallic Fe-W-Mo/HZSM-5 catalyst systems

Journal of Saudi Chemical Society Volume 27, Issue 4, (July 2023)

See more at:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1319610323000613


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Joan Nyika*, Megersa Olumana Dinka

*Department of Geoscience and The Environment

A Minireview of the Challenges and Opportunities of Virtual Learning Post-COVID-19 Era in Developing Countries

Technology Management and Its Social Impact on Education

See more at:https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/a-minireview-of-the-challenges-and-opportunities-of-virtual-learning-post-covid-19-era-in-developing-countries/329057


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Soumya Mohapatra, Banda Sainath, Anirudh K.C., Hminghlui Lal, Nithin Raj K., Gunjan Bhandari, Joan Nyika*, Sendhil R.

*Department of Geoscience and The Environment

Application of blockchain technology in the agri-food system: a systematic bibliometric visualization analysis and policy imperatives

Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies (June 2023)

See more at:https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/10-1108_JADEE-10-2022-0237.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Joan Nyika* & Megersa Olumana Dinka

*Department of Geoscience and The Environment

Water Challenges in Rural and Urban Sub-Saharan Africa and their Management

Book © 2023

See more at:https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-26271-5


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Joan Nyika* & Megersa Olumana Dinka

*Department of Geoscience and The Environment

Magnetic Nanomaterials for Dye Sensing and Removal

Magnetic Nanomaterials pp 97–112 (August 2023)

See more at:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-36088-6_5


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Emmanuel Stephen Odinga, Xuwen Chen, Evance Omondi Mbao*, Michael Gatheru Waigi, Fredrick Owino Gudda, Xian Zhou, Wanting Ling, Bożena Czech, Patryk Oleszczuk, Dyaaaldin Abdalmegeed, Yanzheng Gao

*Department of Geoscience and The Environment

Estrogens and xenoestrogen residues in manure-based fertilizers and their potential ecological risks

Journal of Environmental Management Volume 344, (15 October 2023)

See more at:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S030147972301397X


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Duncan Kariuki Ndwiga*, Lucy Wanjiru Ciera* and Geoffrey Ngugi Mokabi*

*Department of Fashion, Clothing and Textiles

A conceptual appraisal towards the contextualization of product and process innovation in clothing manufacturing

Research Journal of Textile and Apparel (March 2023)

See more at:https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/10-1108_RJTA-07-2022-0080-1.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Kwenga Mugao Japhet*

*Department of Hospitality and Leisure Studies

Mediating Effect of Management Strategies on Seasonality, Consumer Travel Behaviour and Performance of Star-Rated Beach Resorts in the Coastal Region of Kenya

International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management (January 2023)

See more at:https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/10.11648.j.ijhtm_.20230701.12-2-1.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Nan Jiang, Ai Zhang, Andere Clement Miruka*, Lin Wang, Xiang Li, Gang Xue, Yanan Liu

* Department of Geochemistry and Environmental Chemistry

Synergistic effects and mechanisms of plasma coupled with peracetic acid in enhancing short-chain fatty acid production from sludge: Motivation of reactive species and metabolic tuning of microbial communities

Bioresource Technology Volume 387, November 2023

See more at:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0960852423010465


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Peter Otieno Opeyo*, Weihu Cheng, Zhao Xu

*Department of Statistics and Computational Mathematics

Superiority of Bayesian Imputation to Mice in Logit Panel Data Models

Open Journal of Statistics > Vol.13 No.3, June 2023

See more at:https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=125627


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Franziska Gillsch, Fredrick Mbui*, Ursula Bilitewski, Rainer Schobert

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Syntheses and Antibacterial Evaluation of New Penicillium Metabolites Gregatins G and Thiocarboxylics C

Chemistry & Biodiversity published by Wiley-VHCAAG 2023

See more at:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/cbdv.202300181


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Biwott Kipchumba*, Francis Gitonga*, Careen Jepchirchir*, Grace Wairimu Gitau*, Patrick W. Okanya*, Peris Wanza Amwayi*, Alfred Orina Isaac** & Nyariki James Nyabuga*

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

**Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Alcohol spiked with zolpidem and midazolam potentiates inflammation, oxidative stress and organ damage in a mouse model

Springer Link (October 2023)

See more at:https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11419-023-00674-w


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Nancy S. Mitalo*, Naomi N. Waiganjo*, John Mokua Mose*, David O. Bosire**, James O. Oula*, Alfred Orina Isaac***, and James Nyabuga Nyariki**

*Department of Biomedical Science & Technology

**Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

***Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Coinfection with Schistosoma mansoni Enhances Disease Severity in Human African Trypanosomiasis

Hindawi, Journal of Tropical Medicine (November 2023)

See more at:https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jtm/2023/1063169/


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Nancy Wambui Wairimu*, Peninah Wairagu*, Kennedy W. Chepukosi*, George F. Obiero*, Patrick W. Okanya*, Alfred Orina Isaac**, and James Nyabuga Nyariki*

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

**Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Sodium Metabisulfite-Induced Hematotoxicity, Oxidative Stress, and Organ Damage Ameliorated by Standardized Ginkgo biloba in Mice

Hindawi, Journal of Toxicology (October 2023)

See more at:https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jt/2023/7058016/


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Fredrick Nzioka Mutua*, Paul Mwanzia Wambua* and Yong He

*School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

In-situ spray impregnation of poly(pentamethylene oxamide) onto carbon fibers and their composites

Sage Journals, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites (October 2023)

See more at:https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/07316844231211659


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Roland T. Tweh, Edwin O. Ataro* and George N. Nyakoe

*School of Electronics & Electrical Engineering

A Novel Congestion Control Scheme using Firefly Algorithm Optimized Fuzzy-PID Controller in Wireless Sensor Network

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research (IJEER) (February 2023)

See more at:https://ijeer.forexjournal.co.in/papers-pdf/ijeer-110107.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Paul Baki*, Babatunde Rabiu, Christine Amory-Mazaudier, Rolland Fleury, Pierre J. Cilliers, Joseph Adechinan, Anas Emran, Aziza Bounhir, Claudio Cesaroni, J. Bienvenue Dinga, Patricia Doherty, Idrissa Gaye, Hassen Ghalila , Franck Grodji, John-Bosco Habarulema, Bruno Kahindo, Ayman Mahrous, Honoré Messanga, Patrick Mungufeni, Bruno Nava, Melessew Nigussie, Joseph Olwendo, Patrick Sibanda, René Tato Loua, Jean Uwamahoro, Naima Zaourar and Jean-Louis Zerbo

* Department of Astronomy and Space Science

The Status of Space Weather Infrastructure and Research in Africa

MDPI, atmosphere (December 2023)

See more at:https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4433/14/12/1791


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Benard Juma*, Luke O. Olang**, Mohammed A. Hassan**, Stanley Chasia*, Joe Mulligan, Paul M. Shiundu***

* Department of Geoscience and Environment

** Department of Biosystems and Environmental Engineering

*** Centre for Integrated Water Resource Management

Flooding in the urban fringes: Analysis of flood inundation and hazard levels within the informal settlement of Kibera in Nairobi, Kenya

Science Direct (December 2023)

See more at:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1474706523001432


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Esther Njoki Gacheru, Stephen Diangá, Sylvester Masu*, Richard Onchiri

* School of Construction and Property Studies

Evaluating Factors Influencing Quality Assurance of Building Construction Projects: A PLS-path Modelling Approach

Multidisciplinary Journal of TUM 2 (December 2023)

See more at:


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Linus Korir*, Prof. Sylvester Masu*, Dr. Sarah Gitau*, Dr. Raphael Kieti

* School of Construction and Property Studies

Influence of Location Externalities on Residential Rental Values: Evidence from Nairobi City, Kenya

East African Journal of Business and Economics (October 2023)

See more at:https://journals.eanso.org/index.php/eajbe/article/view/1484/2171


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Linus Korir*, Prof. Sylvester Masu*, Dr. Sarah Gitau*, Dr. Raphael Kieti,

* School of Construction and Property Studies

Location Externalities and Residential Tenants Decisions in Nairobi, Kenya

East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources (October 2023)

See more at:https://journals.eanso.org/index.php/eajenr/article/view/1479/2170


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Geoffrey ARUSEI, Mirriam CHEPKOECH, George AMOLO* and Nicholus MAKAU

*Department of Physics and Space Sciences

Mechanical and Elastic Properties of Selected 211 MAX Phases: A Density Functional Theory Study

Kabarak Journal of Research & Innovation (October 2023)

See more at:https://journals.kabarak.ac.ke/index.php/kjri/article/view/370/287


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Nicolò Stevanato, Riccardo Mereu, Alice Brasco, Alex Muumbo*, Alessandro Onori , Emanuela Colombo

*Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering

Access to electricity in informal settlements: literature review and load curve estimation

IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica (December 2023)

See more at:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=10363327


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Henrik Nordvall, Pamela A. Wadende and Maurice N. Amutabi*

* Centre for Science and Technology Studies

Swedish study circles encounter Kenyan chamas: a case study on the global interaction of traditions in non-formal adult education


See more at:https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1080/02601370.2023.2201689?needAccess=true


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Lala A. El Vadel, Dominic B. O. Konditi*, and Franck Moukanda Mbango

* School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

A Miniaturized Antenna for Breast Cancer Detection at the 5.72–5.82 GHz ISM Band Based on the DGS Technique

Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 98, 87–105, 2023 (February 2023)

See more at:https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/FMM-PIERB-Feb2023-2.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Catherine Onyango, Kibet Lang’at and Dominic B. O. Konditi*

* Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Performance Analysis of One Tier and Two Tier Fuzzy Systems for Cluster Head Election in Wireless Sensor Networks.

2023 IEEE AFRICON (2023)

See more at:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=10293643


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Mwanashehe Salim Mohamed, Malgit Amos Akims , Samuel Moragia Nyachae and Levi Mbugua*


Camel Rating Model and Financial Stability of Commercial Banks in Kenya

Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting (November 2023)

See more at:http://info.submit4journal.com/id/eprint/3057/1/Akims23222023AJEBA108812.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Hope Mwanake, Bano Mehdi-Schulz, Karsten Schulz, Nzula Kitaka, Luke O. Olang*, Jakob Lederer and Mathew Herrnegger

* Department of Biosystems and Environmental Engineering

Agricultural Practices and Soil and Water Conservation in the Transboundary Region of Kenya and Uganda: Farmers’ Perspectives of Current Soil Erosion

MDPI Agriculture (July 2023)

See more at:https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/agriculture-13-01434.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Kepha Emmanuel Obulemire & Evans Vidija Sagwa*

* School of Business and Management Studies

Influence of Project Champions on Sustainability of Early Childhood Development Projects: Case of BabyFriendly Community Initiative in Dagoretti North Constituency Nairobi County Kenya

IRA-International Journal of Management & Social Sciences (December 2023)

See more at:https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/1825-2965-1-SM.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Benard M. Isaiah, Edith K. Amuhaya, and Clare I. Muhanji*

* School of Chemistry and Material Science

Advances in efficacy enhancement of photosensitizer-mediated photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy

Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (June 2023)

See more at:https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S1088424623300100


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Leshan Du, Ayub M. O. Oduor*, Wei Zuo, Haiyan Liu, Jun-Min Li

* Department of Applied Biology

Directional and stabilizing selection shaped morphological, reproductive, and physiological traits of the invader Solidago Canadensis

Ecology and Evolution. (August 2023)

See more at:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/ece3.10410


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Liping Shan, Ayub M. O. Oduor*, Yanjie Liu

* Department of Applied Biology

Herbivory and elevated levels of CO2 and nutrients separately, rather than synergistically, impacted biomass production and allocation in invasive and native plant species

Global Change Biology (October 2023)

See more at:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/gcb.16973


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Fellis Nthambi Mutune, Geoffrey Mokua Maroko, Alice Wanjira Kiai*

* Department of English and Creative Writing

Construction of Gender in Linguistic Signs in Selected Kenyan Secondary School English Textbooks

Journal of Language and Literature 17(2) (April 2023)

See more at:https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/42985-113429-1-PB.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

John Dhadho, Isaac Okeyo*

* School of Health and Biomedical Sciences

Adoption of Sanitation Technologies in Tana Delta Sub-County, Kenya: The Environmental Factors’ Influence

World Journal of Public Health (December 2023)

See more at:https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/10.11648.j.wjph_.20230804.18.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Eunice Masamo, Ronnie Midigo, Isaac Okeyo*, Jesca Kola

* School of Health and Biomedical Sciences

Addressing New-Born Morbidity and Mortality in Resource Scarce Environments: The Interactions Between Culture and Health

American Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences (December 2023)

See more at:https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/10.11648.j.ajnhs_.20230404.11.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Lydia Olaka*, Cynthia J. Ebinger

* Department of Geoscience and the Environment

Tectonic and Paleoclimatic Setting for Hominin Evolution in Eastern Africa

Geo Science World (April 2023)

See more at:https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/msa/elements/article-abstract/19/2/82/623961/Tectonic-and-Paleoclimatic-Setting-for-Hominin


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Lydia Olaka*, Ahmad Lawal, Suleiman Y. Yerima, Daniel O. Olago, Philip Omondi Amingo, Charles Wamagata Kariuki, Wangari Wang’ombe, Linda Obiero, Shem Oyoo Wandiga

* Department of Geoscience and the Environment

Evaluating Machine Learning Models for Rainfall Prediction: A Case Study of Nyando in Kenya

ResearchGate (December 2023)

See more at:https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/CICN_final_manuscript_15709436141-1.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Ernest Patrick Monte*

* Department of Music and Performing Arts

Reading Praise, Protest,and Subversion inThomasWasonga’sTawala Kenya Tawala

Journal of Music Research in Africa, Taylor & Francis Online (November 2023)

See more at:https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1080/18125980.2023.2265071?needAccess=true


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Patricia O. Ukegbu Beulah Ortutu, Uche P. Chinaza and Alice Ojwang*

* Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics

Socio-demographic characteristics and dietary pattern of community-dwelling adults in Abia State, Nigeria

African Journals Online (September 2023)

See more at:https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/ajol-file-journals_267_articles_255307_65044e6b8bbd1.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Okello Harrison Onyango, Cynthia Mugo Mwenda , Grace Gitau*, John Muoma and Patrick Okoth

* Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

In-silico analysis of potent Mosquirix vaccine adjuvant leads

Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (November 2023)

See more at:https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/s43141-023-00590-x.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Brian Boit, Joel Oyuga* and Joseph Kedogo*

* Department of Architecture and Building Science

Adoption of Digital Technologies for Heritage Conservation: the Case of Al-Busaidy Heritage Site, Mombasa County, Kenya

IEEE AFRICON (October 2023)

See more at:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=10293529


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Daudi K. Ruto, Fredrick M. Musila*, Purity G. Limbua, James M. Kinyanjui, Magrate M. Kaigongi

* Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Effects of land use on the riparian vegetation in Mau Forest Complex in Kenya

Global Ecology and Conservation (October 2023)

See more at:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2351989423002597


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Albanus Muambi Musyoka, Marilyn Ronoh, Paul Maina Wanjau*, Dominic Makaa Kitavi

* Department of Mathematics and Actuarial Science


Communications in Mathematical Biology and Neuroscience (July 2023)

See more at:https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/8002-17309-1-PB.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Steven O. Awino*, Thomas J. O. Afullo

* School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Fractional differenced Modelling to Bursty Impulsive Noise in Low-Voltage PLC Networks: Long-term memory process

IEEE AFRICON (October 2023)

See more at:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=10293733


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Oluwatosin Babasola, Evans Otieno Omondi, Kayode Oshinubi and Nancy Matendechere Imbusi*

* School of Mathematics and Actuarial Sciences

Stochastic Delay Differential Equations: A Comprehensive Approach for Understanding Biosystems with Application to Disease Modelling

AppliedMath MDPI (October 2023)

See more at:https://www.mdpi.com/2673-9909/3/4/37


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online


* School of Mathematics and Actuarial Sciences


Pan-American Journal of Mathematics 2 (December 2023)

See more at:https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/127-302-1-PB-1.pdf


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Elyas Smaida, Michael Juma Saulo, Kouzou Abdellah, George Nyakoe, Mary Ahuna*

* Department of Electrical Engineering

Solar-Powered Shunt Active Power Filter Using an Advanced Inverter Topology ZSI: A Review

IEEE AFRICON (October 2023)

See more at:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=10293501


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Ezra Kanana, Erick Ochieng and Mary Ahuna*

* Department of Telecommunication and Information Engineering

Microchip Rectangular Patch Antenna with Diamond Inset for IoT Applications

IEEE AFRICON (October 2023)

See more at:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=10293531


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Edwin Ngwawe*, Elisha Abade, Stephen Mburu

* Department of Computer Science and Informatics

Impact of Trust Adjustment Factor on Artificial Intelligence Driven Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithm

Journal of ICT Systems (November 2023)

See more at:https://jicts.udsm.ac.tz/index.php/udsm/article/view/40/17


                                                                                                               Impact Factor: Online

Kepha Emmanuel Obulemire, Evans Vidija Sagwa*

* Department of Business Administration and Entrepreneurship

Effect of Project Resources on Sustainability of Early Childhood Development Projects: Case of Baby-Friendly Community Initiative in Dagoretti North Constituency Nairobi County Kenya

Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies (JAIS) (November 2023)

See more at:https://kenyasocialscienceforum.files.wordpress.com/2023/11/pdf-obulemire-sagwa-effect-of-project-resources-on-sustainability-of-early-childhood-development-projects.pdf


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Isaac M Mutie, David Williams-Baldwin, Robert J Beswick, Emmanuel K Bempong-Manful, Paul O

Baki*, Tom W B Muxlow, Jack F Gallimore, Susanne E Aalto, Bililign T Dullo, Ranieri D Baldi

*Department of Astronomy and Space Science

Radio jets in NGC 1068 with e-MERLIN and VLA: structure and morphology

Royal Astronomical Society (January 2024)

See more at:  https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/527/4/11756/7515055


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Lucia K. Kiio*, John O. Onyatta, Peter M. Ndangili*, Florence Oloo*, Carolina Santamaria, Luis M.

Montuenga, Damaris N. Mbui

*School of Chemistry and Material Science

Ultrasensitive immunosensor for multiplex detection of cancer biomarkers carcinoembryonic

antigen (CEA) and yamaguchi sarcoma viral oncogene homolog 1 (YES1) based on eco-friendly

synthesized gold nanoparticles

Elsevier, Talanta (January 2024)

See more at:   https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0039914023006859


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Evans Vidija Sagwa*, Pamela Mreji*, Levi Ng’ang’a. Mbugua**, Alfred Orina Isaac***

*Department of Business Administration and Entrepreneurship

**Department of Statistics and Computational Mathematics

***Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Technology Transfer Assistance to Enhance Knowledge Exchange and Technology Transfer between

Small and Medium Enterprises and Higher Education Institutions in Nairobi Innovation Ecosystem

in Kenya

European Journal of Business and Management (January 2024)

See more at:   https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/62004-66009-1-PB.pdf


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Isaac M. Mutie* , David Williams-Baldwin, Robert J. Beswick, Emmanuel K. Bempong-Manful, Paul O.

Baki, Tom W. B. Muxlow, Jack F. Gallimore, Susanne E. Aalto, Bililign T. Dullo and Ranieri D. Baldi

*Department of Astronomy and Space Science

Radio jets in NGC 1068 with e-MERLIN and VLA: structure and morphology

Royal Astronomical Society (January 2024)

See more at:   https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/stad3864.pdf


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Abdoul-Aziz Maiga, Edwin Ataro* and Stanley Githinji

*Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Intrusion Detection With Deep Learning Classifiers: A Synergistic Approach of Probabilistic

Clustering and Human Expertise to Reduce False Alarms

IEEE Access (January 2024)

See more at:   https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=10415442


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Stève-Jonathan Koyambo-Konzapa, R. Premkumar, George Amolo*, Mama Nsangou

*School of Physics and Earth Science

Solvent effects on the structural, spectroscopic, electronic properties, NCI-RDG analysis, molecular

docking and molecular dynamics studies of 1-benzyl-indole-3-carbinol

Journal of Molecular Liquids (February 2024)

See more at:   https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0167732224000217


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Deborah Kalima Mutua, Dr. Anashia Nancy Ong’onda, Prof. Omondi Oketch*

*Department of Language and Literary Studies

Computer and Mobile Assisted Language Learning: Use of Podcasts and Digital Storytelling in

Development of Speaking Skills in Upper Primary

European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology (February 2024)

See more at:   https://ejsit-journal.com/index.php/ejsit/article/view/375/351


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Moses Ambasa Odendo, Malgit Amos Akims , Samuel Moragia Nyachae and Levi Mbugua*

*Department of Statistics and Computational Mathematics

Current Ratio and Financial Performance of Agricultural Firms Listed at the Nairobi Securities

Exchange, Kenya

Journal of Economics, Management and Trade (February 2024)

See more at:   https://journaljemt.com/index.php/JEMT/article/view/1190/2383


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

John Mwaniki Mirichii, Malgit Amos Akims, Levi Mbugua* and Samuel Moragia Nyachae

*Department of Statistics and Computational Mathematics

Moderating Effect of Gross Domestic Product on the Relationship between Camel Rating Model

and Financial Performance of Deposit Taking Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies in Kenya

Journal of Economics, Management and Trade (January 2024)

See more at:   https://journaljemt.com/index.php/JEMT/article/view/1186/2375


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Anna Scaini , Joseph Mulligan , Ha˚kan Berg , Albert Brangarı´ , Vera Bukachi , Sebastian Carenzo , Da

Chau Thi , Colin Courtney-Mustaphi , Anneli Ekblom , Hanne Fjelde , Mathias Fridahl , Anders Hansson

, Lettice Hicks , Mattias Ho¨jer , Benard Juma, Jaan-Henrik Kain , Rebecca W. Kariuki , Soben Kim, Paul

Lane , Ainara Leizeaga, Regina Lindborg , John Livsey , Steve W. Lyon , Rob Marchant , Jennifer R.

McConville , Linus Munishi , David Nilsson, Luke Olang*, Stefan Olin , Lennart Olsson , Peter Msumali

Rogers , Johannes Rousk , Hans Sande´n, Nophea Sasaki , Anna Shoemaker , Benjamin Smith , Lan Thai

Huynh Phuong , Ana Varela Varela , Manjunatha Venkatappa , Giulia Vico , Nina Von Uexkull , Christine

Wamsler , Menale Wondie, Patrick Zapata , Marı´a Jose´ Zapata Campos , Stefano Manzoni , Anna


*Department of Biosystems and Environmental Engineering

Pathways from research to sustainable development: Insights from ten research projects in

sustainability and resilience

Ambio, Springer Link (February 2024)

See more at:   https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/s13280-023-01968-4.pdf


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Anthony Muchai Manyara , Elizabeth Mwaniki*, Jason M. R. Gill, Cindy M. Gray

*Department of Health Systems Management and Public Health

Perceptions of diabetes risk and prevention in Nairobi, Kenya: A qualitative and theory of change

development study

PLOS ONE (February 2024)

See more at:   https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0297779


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Mach P. Achuoth, Cynthia M. Mudalungu*, Brian O. Ochieng, Hosea O. Mokaya, Shadrack Kibet,

Vinesh J. Maharaj, Sevgan Subramanian, Segenet Kelemu, and Chrysantus M. Tanga

*School of Chemistry and Material Science

Unlocking the Potential of Substrate Quality for the Enhanced Antibacterial Activity of Black

Soldier Fly against Pathogens

American Chemical Society (ACS) Omega (February 2024)

See more at:   https://pubs.acs.org/doi/epdf/10.1021/acsomega.3c09741


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Caroline Matara*, Simpson Osano, Amir Okeyo Yusuf and Elisha Ochungo Aketch

*School of Civil and Resource Engineering

Prediction of Vehicle-induced Air Pollution based on Advanced Machine Learning Models

Engineering, Technology and Applied Science Research (February 2024)

See more at:   https://www.etasr.com/index.php/ETASR/article/view/6678/3444


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Pesila Akeyo Odera, Geoffrey Otieno*, Joab Otieno Onyango*, James Jorum Owuor*, Florence

Anyango Oloo*, Martin Ongas, Jeremiah Gathirwa, Bernhards Ogutu

*School of Chemistry and Material Science

NANOPARTICLE-BASED formulation of dihydroartemisinin-lumefantrine duo-drugs: Preclinical

Evaluation and enhanced antimalarial efficacy in a mouse model

Heliyon (February 2024)

See more at:   https://www.cell.com/heliyon/pdf/S2405-8440(24)02899-8.pdf


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Frank Ouru Omwoyo, Geoffrey Otieno*

*School of Chemistry and Material Science

Optimization of Methylene Blue Dye Adsorption onto Coconut Husk Cellulose Using Response

Surface Methodology: Adsorption Kinetics, Isotherms and Reusability Studies

Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering (February 2024)

See more at:   https://www.scirp.org/pdf/msce_2024021914121477.pdf


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Milcah Gikunju, Damaris Odero and Tom Kwanya*

*Department of Information and Knowledge Management

Towards User-Centred Framework for Reconfiguring Library Spaces in the Global South: Case of

Kenyan Universities

European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (March 2024)

See more at:   https://www.ej-social.org/index.php/ejsocial/article/view/528/322


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Elisa Pandelani Munzhelele, Rabelani Mudzielwana, Wasiu Babatunde Ayinde and Wilson Mugera


*School of Chemistry and Material Science

Pharmaceutical Contaminants in Wastewater and Receiving Water Bodies of South Africa: A

Review of Sources, Pathways, Occurrence, Effects, and Geographical Distribution

MDPI (March 2024)

See more at:   https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/16/6/796


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Mohamed Lemine El Issawi, Dominic Konditi* and A D Usman

*School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Design of Enhanced Wide Band Microstrip Patch Antenna Based on Defected Ground Structures

(DGS) for Sub-6 GHz Applications

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research (IJEER) (March 2024)

See more at:   https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/ijeer-120143.pdf


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Deborah Kalima Mutua, Prof. Omondi Oketch*, Dr. Anashia Nancy Ong’onda

*Department of Language and Literary studies

Benefits of Computers and Mobile Assisted Language Learning in English Language teaching and

learning in upper primary

ISAR Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Vol-2, Iss-3 (March- 2024)

See more at:   https://isarpublisher.com/backend/public/assets/articles/1710924329-ISARJAHSS–156202



                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Pesila Akeyo Odera*, Geoffrey Otieno*, Joab Otieno Onyango*, James Jorum Owuor*, Florence

Anyango Oloo*, Martin Ongas, Jeremiah Gathirwa, Bernhards Ogutu,

*School of Chemistry and Material Science

NANOPARTICLE-BASED formulation of dihydroartemisinin-lumefantrine duo-drugs: Preclinical

Evaluation and enhanced antimalarial efficacy in a mouse model

Heliyon (February 2024)

See more at:   https://www.cell.com/heliyon/pdf/S2405-8440(24)02899-8.pdf


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Janet Khatenje Wendo*, James Mucunu Mbaria, James Nyabuga Nyariki**, Alfred Orina Isaac*

*Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

**Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Ginkgo biloba attenuated detrimental inflammatory and oxidative events due to Trypanosoma

brucei rhodesiense in mice treated with melarsoprol

PLOS (April 2024)

See more at:   https://journals.plos.org/plosntds/article?id=10.1371/journal.pntd.0012103


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Abdoul-Aziz Maiga, Edwin Ataro*, Stanley Githinji

*Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Balancing Data Privacy and 5G VNFs Security Monitoring: Federated Learning with CNN + 


Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (March 2024)

See more at:   https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1155/2024/5134326


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Emily Sawe, Naomi Wangari Mwai*, Lilian Ingutia Oyieke**

*Department of Fashion, Clothing and Textiles

**Department of Information and Library Science

Doctoral students’ satisfaction with research support services at public universities in Kenya

South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science (May 2024)

See more at:   https://sajlis.journals.ac.za/pub/article/view/2291/1649


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Emily Sawe, Naomi Wangari Mwai*, Lilian Ingutia Oyieke**

*Department of Fashion, Clothing and Textiles

**Department of Information and Library Science

Nurturing doctoral excellence: effective strategies for research support services in public university

libraries of Kenya

Emerald Insight (May 2024)

See more at:   https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/DLP-10-2023-0089/full/pdf


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Andere Clement Miruka*, Xiaoting Gao, Yinyin Zhang, Samuel A. Iwarere, Pengcheng Luo, Austin O.

Aluoch*, Geoffrey Otieno*, Han Zhang, Yanan Liu

*School of Chemistry and Material Science

Efficacy and mechanistic insights into dielectric barrier discharge plasma degradation of

antiretroviral drug efavirenz

Journal of Chemical Environmental Engineering (June 2024)

See more at:   https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2213343724015057


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Stephen K. Rwigi, Gilbert O. Ouma, Clinton O. Ogola, Martha Mugo, Pascalia Kaguara, Luke Olang*,

Justin Sheffield

*Centre for Integrated Water Resources Management

Impacts of Rainfall Variability on Streamflow in the Drylands of Northern Kenya: Assessing Water

Availability under a Changing Climate

International Journal of Current Science Research and Review (May 2024)

See more at:   https://ijcsrr.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/105-3005-2024.pdf


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Tareg Abdalla Abdalla, Stanley Muse Shitote, Mohammed Matallah, David Otieno Koteng*

*School of Civil and Resource Engineering

Effect on Sulfuric Acid Resistance and Shrinkage of Concrete Incorporating Processed Bagasse Ash

and Silica Fume

Advances in Civil Engineering (April 2024)

See more at:   https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1155/2024/5534536


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Abdoul Karim Ameyric Habib Ouedraogo, David Otieno Koteng*, Nathaniel Ambassah

*School of Civil and Resource Engineering

Effect of Pretreated Corn Cob Ash on the Mechanical and Durability Characteristics of

High-Strength Concrete

SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering (March 2024)

See more at:   https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Abdoul-Karim-Ameyric-Habib-Ouedraogo-2/publication/379582449_Effect_of_Pretreated_Corn_Cob_Ash_on_the_Mechanical_and_Durability_



                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Jackson Wachira, Joanes Atela, Paul Stacey and George Outa*

*Centre for Science, Technology and Society Studies

NGO-Led Community-Based Conservation: A New Frontier of Territorialization with Implications for Pastoralists’ Land Tenure and Climate Change Adaptation

MDPI (May 2024)

See more at:   https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/land-13-00740.pdf


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Bernard Adjei Antwi-Afari, Raphael Mutuku, Charles Kabubo, John Mwero*, William Kithiia Mengo

*School of Civil and Resource Engineering

Influence of fiber treatment methods on the mechanical properties of high strength concrete reinforced with sisal fibers

Heliyon (May 2024)

See more at:   https://www.cell.com/action/showPdf?pii=S2405-8440%2824%2905791-8


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Amanyire Barozi Victoire, John Nyiro Mwero*, Naftary Gathimba

*School of Civil and Resource Engineering

Experimental study on the effect of partial shear studs layout on flexural behavior of steel-concrete composite beams

Results in Engineering (March 2024)

See more at:   https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2590123024002123


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Katelyn M. Brown, Katelyn B. Barker, Ryan S. Wagner, Christopher S. Ward, Lewis Sitoki*, James Njiru, Reuben Omondi, James Achiya, Albert Getabu, R. Michael McKay, George S. Bullerjahn, the NSF-IRES Lake Victoria Research Consortium

*Department of Earth, Environmental Science and Technology

Bacterial community and cyanotoxin gene distribution of the Winam Gulf, Lake Victoria, Kenya

Environmental Microbiology Reports (June 2024)

See more at:   https://enviromicro-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1758-2229.13297


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Tofick Barasa Wekesa, Vitalis Wafula Wekesa, Justus Mong’are Onguso, Ndinda Kavesu, Patrick Wafula Okanya*

*Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Study of Pathogenicity Test, Antifungal Activity, and Secondary Metabolites of Bacillus spp. from Lake Bogoria as Biocontrol of Rhizoctonia solani Kühn in Phaseolus vulgaris L.

International Journal of Microbiology (June 2024)

See more at:   https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1155/2024/6620490


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Dorcas Kebenei, Rhoydah Nyambane*, and Joan Mutua

*Department of Journalism and Media Studies

Healthcare Provider -Patient Communication Techniques and Cervical Cancer Management at Moi Teaching and Refferal Hospital Cancer Center

International Journal of Communication and Public Relations (IJCPR) (June 2024)

See more at:   https://iprjb.org/journals/index.php/IJCPR/article/view/2677/3126


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Ru Huang, Ayub M. O. Oduor*, Yimin Yan, Weicheng Yu, Chuanxin Chao, Lei Dong, Shaofei Jin, Feng Li

*Department of Applied Biology

Nutrient enrichment, propagule pressure, and herbivory interactively influence the competitive ability of an invasive alien macrophyte Myriophyllum aquaticum

Frontiers in Plant Science (May 2024)

See more at:   https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/plant-science/articles/10.3389/fpls.2024.1411767/full


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Uyiosa Osagie Aigbe, Robert Birundu Onyancha*, Hussain Athar, Benedict Okundaye, Paul Atagamen Aidonojie, Benita Ebindu Siloko, Ismail Hossain, Heri Septya Kusuma, Handoko Darmokoesoemo

*Department of Technical and Applied Physics

Environmental Influence of Gas Flaring: Perspective from the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria

GeoFluids (May 2024)

See more at:   https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1155/2024/1321022


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Catherine C. Beck, Melissa Berke, Craig S. Feibel, Verena Foerster, Lydia Olaka*, Helen M. Roberts, Christopher A. Scholz, Kat Cantner, Anders Noren, Geoffery Mibei Kiptoo, James Muirhead, and the Deep Drilling in the Turkana Basin (DDTB) project team

*Department of Geoscience and Environment

ICDP workshop on the Deep Drilling in the Turkana Basin project: exploring the link between environmental factors and hominin evolution over the past 4 Myr

International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) (June 2024)

See more at:   https://sd.copernicus.org/articles/33/93/2024/


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Ocident Bongomin , Charles Nzila, Josphat Igadwa Mwasiagi, and Obadiah Maube*

*Department of Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering

Exploring Insights in Biomass and Waste Gasificationvia Ensemble Machine Learning Models and Interpretability Techniques

International Journal of Energy Research (June 2024)

See more at:   https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1155/2024/6087208


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Casty Gatakaa Njoroge*, Cathal O’Donoghue, Paul Kilgarriff

*Department of Spatial Planning and Design

Evaluating cropping intensity in registered and unregistered farms: Evidence from Kenya

Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 36 (June 2024)

See more at:   https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/casty-njoroge-12.07.24.pdf


                                                                                                                        Impact Factor: Online

Rebeccah Kwamboka Onwong’a*, Collins Handa*, Lewis Sitoki** and Ayub M. O. Oduor***

*Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology

** Department of Geosciences and the Environment

*** Department of Applied and Technical Biology

Biogeography of freshwater plants in four major lakes in Kenya

Journal of Freshwater Ecology (June 2024)

See more at:   https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1080/02705060.2024.2374252?needAccess=true


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Robbin Jan van Duijne, Dinah Ogara*, Rachel Keeton & Diana Reckien

*Department of Urban and Regional Planning

Climate migration and well-being: a study on ex-pastoralists in northern Kenya

Population and Environment (May 2024)

See more at:   https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Dinah-Ogara-12.07.24.pdf


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